キーワードBorewood を含む動画: 77件 ページ目を表示
2025年3月23日 07時00分に生成された05時00分のデータです
2016-09-21 04:01:05投稿
- 2,234
- 231.0%
- 00.0%
- 10.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters 500 Series:
Custom Kung Fu Hustle The Beast 正式發佈 official release
For MUGEN1.0 only
Please go to http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t8710-custom-kung-fu-hustle-the-beast-released-by-borewood2013-2016-09-20 to get it thank you!
* video with better quality here: https://youtu.be/HNReBPdk6nw見た目は漫画太郎の中村泰造 スタープラチナ並の身体能力を生身でやry 超乙様です!! ライデン「ほう・・・」 範馬勇次郎「ひでえ事をしやがる」 背景も凝ってるなw うわー懐かしい 最後のは、どういう攻撃なんだろう? 無駄に再現度高いwww 乙です 頭...
2014-02-02 05:02:05投稿
- 1,748
- 171.0%
- 20.1%
- 10.1%
Custom MUGEN Characters Experiments:
Custom Experimental TRF2 Beatrice 正式發佈 official release
Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
-> Custom MUGEN Characters Experiments -> Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice -> Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice_2014-01-31.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
Custom_Experimental_TRF2_Beatrice.def - localcoord = 640,480
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)この黄昏ベアトのホルンAI自動起動しないから嫌い gf 容量のデカさにビビったw 超乙様です!! ランブルフィッシュのキャラ作るのすごく難しいって聞いてたけど凄い!! うぽつ さ ベアトリス:「C.ヴァイパー」とかいう私の偽物はどこにいる? オフェン...
2013-05-07 00:31:42投稿
- 1,675
- 201.2%
- 00.0%
- 10.1%
Boring MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Boring Kagekiyo vs Boring SDK Mukurou
Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
** MUGEN 1.0 only **これは義経の技? 格ゲーツクールの源平のゲーム吸い出しただけじゃねーか! サムスピの回避か
2014-06-19 04:22:39投稿
- 1,459
- 70.5%
- 00.0%
- 30.2%
Monster vs Magic - 怪獸 vs 魔法
New Ridley by BaganSmashBros
Custom OMK Vigilia & Beatice by Borewood
* MUGEN1.1 videoで、でけぇ・・・ なぜかまざってるクロw 怪獣ってか宇宙海賊だな。 upotu ←17歳言うなや・・・ 17歳が見えたので リドリーかっけぇw
2013-09-28 05:27:12投稿
- 1,450
- 110.8%
- 00.0%
- 70.5%
Custom MUGEN Characters 2000 Series:
edit Boomer's Battler to make a stand-alone Beatrice.
updated things mentioned in MUGEN_Manual.txt
Download WIP 2013-09-28: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
-> Custom MUGEN Characters WIPs -> MUGEN Characters 2000 Series -> Custom_OMK_Beatrice_WIP_by_Borewood_2013-09-28.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_OMK_Beatrice.def - localcoord = 640,480)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)こうやってみると原作のゲームって処理落ちしないのすごいのか 戦塔の演出かっこよくなっ...
2014-09-13 05:20:55投稿
- 1,447
- 161.1%
- 00.0%
- 40.3%
Custom MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Custom Prier 正式發佈 official release
Download 2014-09-13: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!625#cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E%21109
-> Custom_Prier -> Custom_Prier_2014-09-13.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_Prier.def - localcoord = 320,240)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)元々日本の同人ゲのスプライトだけどね 原作の通常技から必殺技に繋げるのにパワーアップ...
2013-04-29 00:31:22投稿
- 1,438
- 50.3%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Sonsaku Hakufu upgrade 2013-04-28 (from MUGEN Characters 1000 Series to MUGEN Characters 1500 Series)
- super move added (I previously ran out of her super move idea because she does not have enough sprites......now I was kind of inspired by Infinite's edited Ryu and SSF4 Juri Han, so I decided to re-use her existing sprites to give her a Desperation Move)
Desperation Move
Desperate Eloquent Fist
qcf, qcf + X+Y+Z/A+B+C
during power-up mode and life
Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
** her upgraded version is in MUGEN Characters 1500 Series!!!!!!!!! **首wwww 日本語でおk アニメのコマ数が少ないのかね 何か動きがキモイな これ、PSPのゲームか...
2014-05-26 03:35:06投稿
- 1,395
- 302.2%
- 10.1%
- 50.4%
Custom MUGEN Characters 2000 Series:
Custom OMK Virgarra 正式發佈 official release
*** get Custom_OMK_Garra-2_fixed_2014-05-26.zip too!!! ***
Download 2014-05-26: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
-> MUGEN Characters 2000 Series -> Custom_OMK_Virgarra -> Custom_OMK_Virgarra_2014-05-26.zip
for MUGEN 1.0/1.1 only.
To play as Custom OMK Virgilia:
To play against Custom OMK Garra:
(xxx.def - localcoord = 640,480)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)凝り過ぎw https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=7BB50F9EA9D9BECD&id=7BB50F9EA9D9BECD%21105 I made AI of Virgilia.I will remove a...
2013-11-23 02:52:51投稿
- 1,355
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- 00.0%
- 00.0%
MUGEN Gorilla to "King Kong 2: Ikari no Megaton Punch"/"キングコング2 怒りのメガトンパンチ" patch
from Masukenpu-kun's Gorilla.txt, it was mentioned that:
(snd file other than your feel free modification and so on.)
2013-11-24: added the intro
rock throw: D, DB, B, x
stomp: D, DB, B, y
Download patch: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!111#cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!430ドラミング、アラレちゃんのあいつみたいww 実に例のキングコングだなw アベルなんていたん...
2013-10-06 21:12:06投稿
- 1,312
- 151.1%
- 00.0%
- 50.4%
Custom MUGEN Characters 2000 Series:
Custom OMK Beatrice 正式發佈 official release
Download 2013-10-6: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
-> MUGEN Characters 2000 Series -> Custom_OMK_Beatrice_2013-10-06.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_OMK_Beatrice.def - localcoord = 640,480)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)動画に北斗勢がいるな? 超乙様です!! うぽつ メタ返しできんのこれ? 顔芸wwwww まだまだヒヨっ...
2013-12-23 03:51:39投稿
- 1,246
- 121.0%
- 00.0%
- 30.2%
Custom MUGEN Characters 2000 Series:
Custom SSFIV Oni 正式發佈 official release
Download 2013-12-22: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
-> MUGEN Characters 2000 Series -> Custom_SSFIV_Oni -> Custom_SSFIV_Oni_2013-12-22.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_SSFIV_Oni.def - localcoord = 320,240)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)
previous WIP: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22441918、おお 琵琶法師や鬼姫も出来れば・・ 動画とは関係ありませんが景清有難う御座います 超...
2013-10-08 18:22:11投稿
- 1,245
- 90.7%
- 20.2%
- 10.1%
Beato's magic is useless against Castle Calamity........http://mugenchara.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/3204/
今宵は(ry 不正はなかった ゲームが古すぎるw なんかnewgroundsでこういうパロディあったなww シュールすぎて手におえないw 中々面白いキャラだったw モンティ・ホールだったw ミスター・ビーン見てるみたいだ
2013-07-29 20:00:06投稿
- 1,229
- 70.6%
- 00.0%
- 10.1%
Custom SSFIV Oni MUGEN WIP progress report 2013-07-27:
Road Map #1, #2, #3, #4 done for normals, focus attacks, custom states, taunts, wins, loses,....etc.
By the way, "Custom" means "Inaccurate"
Road Map:
1. "sprites" rip
2. SFF and ACT and AIR and SND files making
3. CMD files making
4. CNS files making - normals, focus attacks, custom states, taunts, wins, loses,....etc.
5. CNS files making - specials
6. CNS files making - supers
7. CNS files making - ultras
=> open to public to beta-test, if test passes then move on....
8. tweaking issues and adding FXs
9. ???????????
Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
Custom MUGEN Characters WIPs -> MUGEN Characters 2000 Series -> Custom_SSFIV_Oni_WIP_2013-07-29
** MUGEN 1.0 only **声剛拳w ここ挑発?いいねー 英語版しかなかったの?声は 手書きで作ってる人も居たよな確か ...
2013-11-19 03:24:09投稿
- 1,216
- 50.4%
- 10.1%
- 10.1%
Custom OMK Beatrice 更新 update 20131122:
- fixed a stupid HUD bug
- fixed Twin Towers' "bullets" Helpers HitOverride bug
- fixed get-up butterflies
- made Attack Touch faster
- removed Red Truth red aura Helper shadow
- re-adjusted the distance between Beatrice and P2 during the "Beatrice's Definition of a Closed Room" super move
- disabled fall recover when P2 is hit by Attack Touch
- added Attack Touch to A.I
- made the win pose "it's perfecto" appear when life >= 200
- made the win pose "stomp your head" appear when life < 200
- changed the A.I. Twin Battle Towers summoning Triggers
- fixed the dizzy palette
Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!105#cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!406
* for MUGEN 1.0 only
MUGEN stage: http://ebu-mugen.jimdo.com/メタ反論対応してねーのかよ nice 1,0はつかえねーんだよなぁ このゲームもポリゴン取り込み...
2017-03-13 08:10:09投稿
- 1,203
- 40.3%
- 10.1%
- 40.3%
Custom MUGEN Characters Experiments:
Custom Experimental BA Wang Pairon 正式發佈 official release
For MUGEN1.0 only
Please go to http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t9832-mugen1-0-custom-experimental-ba-wang-pairon-released-by-borewood2013-2017-03-13 to get it thank you!
* video with better quality here: https://youtu.be/F1uD_DzdK_I同キャラ対戦したらワロタw おまそう いいね 1.1は需要ないよ
2014-11-21 01:27:05投稿
- 1,197
- 171.4%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Custom 2DFM95 Kinnikuman 正式發佈 official release (showing normals & specials)
Download 2014-11-20: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!109
-> Custom_2DFM95_Kinnikuman -> Custom_2DFM95_Kinnikuman_2014-11-20.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_2DFM95_Kinnikuman.def - localcoord = 320,240)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)その著作権真っ黒のMUGENでもブレイブルーキャラは出回ってないんだよなあ・・・ 節操が無...
2013-04-22 02:22:47投稿
- 1,185
- 110.9%
- 00.0%
- 10.1%
Boring MUGEN Characters Edits:
Phantom.of.the.Server (PotS) Ryu edited by mwryly and Infinite and Borewood
Borewood's edit:
1. took some recovery frames from Infinite's Evil Ryu and added to the end of mwryly's Evil Ryu's Ryuu Koku Hadou Ken D, DB, B, D, DB, B, p (hold to the max.)
2. took Shin Messatsu-Goshoryu from Infinite's Evil Ryu and added to mwryly's Evil Ryu - D, F, D, F, a+b+c (power = 3000)
3. added Focus Attack to Evil Ryu only - y+b and hold y+b
* Evil Ryu selection: put PotS_Ryu_edited_by_mwryly_and_Infinite_and_Borewood_2013-04-22/EvilRyu.def in data/select.def
Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
** MUGEN 1.0 only **すごいけどおせぇ・・・ セビ? 単純にPCが重くてゆっくりになってるだけか 動かしてみたが...
2014-06-13 05:27:04投稿
- 1,124
- 100.9%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Custom SD Luffy 正式發佈 official release
Download 2014-06-13: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
-> MUGEN Characters 1500 Series -> Custom_SD_Luffy -> Custom_SD_Luffy_2014-06-13.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_SD_Luffy.def - localcoord = 528,396)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)風船なww なにがピストルだwwwwwww かぶりつきやんwwwwww くっそ笑った 海外の方ならばしょうがないw そこは「ゴムゴムの!」だろうて 日本語わからないなら無理につけなくったって誰かパッチつけただろうに… 全然ピストルじゃない別の技やるな...
2013-12-12 23:41:36投稿
- 1,107
- 111.0%
- 10.1%
- 00.0%
Custom SSFIV Oni MUGEN WIP progress report 2013-12-12:
By the way, "Custom" means "Inaccurate"
Road Map:
2013-12-12 Road Map #5, #6, #7 done for specials, supers, ultras
2013-07-29 Road Map #1, #2, #3, #4 done for normals, focus attacks, custom states, taunts, wins, loses,....etc.
bug fixes & tweaks
Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
Custom MUGEN Characters WIPs -> MUGEN Characters 2000 Series -> Custom_SSFIV_Oni_WIP_2013-12-12 -> Custom_SSFIV_Oni_WIP_2013-12-12.zip
** MUGEN 1.0 only **ウルコン2がスピード感ないね 空中瞬獄ってボス用だっけ? かっこいい Awesome works セビ滅w な...
2015-07-18 07:10:05投稿
- 1,022
- 353.4%
- 00.0%
- 10.1%
Custom MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Custom 2DFM95 Anne of Green Gables 正式發佈 official release
Download 2015-07-18: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!1051&cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&group=0
-> Custom_2DFM95_Anne_2015-07-18.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_2DFM95_Anne.def - localcoord = 320,240)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)キャミーに似てる キャミーに似てる 妙なものを召喚するなwww この動き…テコンドー! 世界名作激闘 てんかん 何度試してもDL出来ません。ファイルが壊れているんじゃないのかな? 絶対あると思ったわ「w 潰されるんだw ぜひハイジ(MUGEN入り済)...
2019-03-10 23:50:00投稿
- 988
- 80.8%
- 00.0%
- 20.2%
豊郷耳神子 制作:豆大福氏 自作AI
メガネ 制作:老人氏 自作AI
平景清 制作:Borewood氏 自作AI
リック・テイラー 制作:おつかい氏
追記:ryuubakuさん、真決門者さん 宣伝ありがとうございます太子様更新されましたよ~ 声そっちかいw たか あのメガネは確か姫子の関係者だった気が このメガネとかいう娘オリキャラか?完成度たけーなぁ うぽつ はやい…もうできたのか… うぽつ
2015-06-28 06:13:06投稿
- 961
- 70.7%
- 10.1%
- 30.3%
Custom MUGEN Characters 500 Series:
Custom GP Eliza and Neil 正式發佈 official release
Download 2015-06-27: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!1046&cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&group=0
-> Custom_GP_Eliza_and_Neil_2015-06-27.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_GP_Eliza_and_Neil.def - localcoord = 320,240)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)下のペンギンたたかないといけないのかな 相手も東東のラスボスだな 1キャラで紹介されてたw
2020-01-04 19:00:00投稿
- 895
- 384.2%
- 10.1%
- 30.3%
R-TYPE FINAL2の情報を得たうp主は皆にR-TYPEに興味を持って(以下略
2020/01/08 リクエストありがとうございます。次の動画は昨日予約投稿したので早くて次の次になると思います。
2020/01/11 広告ありがとうございます!!
Borewood氏のGokujou Parodius Eliza & Neil(MUGEN1.0)。
mylist/66532191 前sm36119820 次sm36192672さあ人魚だ! さあ鳥だ! →の攻撃って、グラディウスのリップルレーザーっぽかった気がしたけど ワクワクさんがセクハラしているな! ⅡのちょっとかっこいいR9やな mugen? 絵面www 職人乙w 普通ならあの輪っかも消せないしね あれ?パロのBGM...
2014-06-01 05:39:08投稿
- 838
- 91.1%
- 00.0%
- 30.4%
Tin氏製作Fernandeath Win專用
Borewood氏製作Virgarra 1.0專用ん? 何これ!! ↓たしかに 嘘乙www おいおい ↓可愛いじゃん ↓アンチ乙 フェルナンデスキモい
2014-11-07 19:56:39投稿
- 818
- 799.7%
- 00.0%
- 20.2%
mylist/6814677 前sm24819613
ワルギリア 製作者:Borewood氏 AI:ホルン氏 コンボ&起き攻め31
ラムダ&バトラ 製作者:my100yen氏 AIレベル9
ベルン&ラムダ 製作者:はにゅう丸氏 AI:Ⅸ氏 レベル5←ぬぬ子さんはお帰りくださいww うぽつ なぜこんなキャラを作ろうと思ったw 惜しい、外れ...
2013-09-22 23:45:05投稿
- 798
- 151.9%
- 00.0%
- 20.3%
Custom MUGEN Characters 2000 Series:
edit Boomer's Battler to make a stand-alone Beatrice.
To-do list:
1. complete the SND file
2. clean the SFF file
3. watch more OMK Beatrice YouTube videos to get to know what she can do during matches so that I can work on her A.I. (for now her A.I. is really crappy)
4. ask someone to help fix the Meta Super MUGEN slow down issue
5. bug fix/tweak whatever......
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_OMK_Beatrice.def - localcoord = 640,480)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)リアル等身版のベアトは今のところどれだけ出てるんだろう バトラwwwwwwwwwwwwwww この技の処理落ちさえ直せば このなぜか出る戦人の音声さえなんとかすれば・・・ おお、タッグ使用再現できるのかw 誰かワルギリア作ってくれないかな 最近じゃゆ...
2017-03-13 23:19:03投稿
- 796
- 40.5%
- 10.1%
- 30.4%
Custom Experimental BA Wang Pairon combo examples
Custom Experimental BA Wang Pairon 正式發佈 official release:
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30814196素人だからうまく導入できないゾ...。 win版対応ですね!! なんか永久できそうですね・・・ かっこいいすね
2013-11-16 19:58:49投稿
- 796
- 212.6%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters WIPs -> MUGEN Characters 2000 Series:
Custom SSFIV Abel WIP 2013-11-16
- 完成/done: normals, focus attacks, custom states, taunts, wins, loses, specials, supers
未完成/to do: Ultras, more voices & sounds, A.I., bug fix/tweak, ?????
Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?lc=1033&mkt=en-US#cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!421 -> Custom_SSFIV_Abel_WIP_2013-11-16.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
Custom_SSFIV_Abel.def - localcoord = 320,240
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)切り替えないスパウルコンはiphone版とかでもみれる すげぇ・・・ カメラ切り替えが無いとこ...
2013-06-08 19:32:45投稿
- 791
- 121.5%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Boring MUGEN Characters 500 Series
Doraemon and friends
Dragon Buster
FB Last Boss
Boring MUGEN Characters 1000 Series
AB Bonus Round
MK2 Freddy Krueger
Boring MUGEN Characters 1500 Series
SDK Benitora
SDK Oda Nobunaga
Boring MUGEN Characters 2000 Series
Barbarian (Ramda)
Amazones (Sandra)
Berserker (Cursehead)
Asuma Shidou
Boring MUGEN Characters Edits
Gowcaizer by shimon
Kazuma by Psi-crowz
Boring MUGEN Characters Experiments
AH3 Ragnarok
TVC Doronjo
Pyramid Head
Asura Wanna-be
RF2 Greed
RF2 Beatrice
https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!113#cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!113アスラの完成待ちどうしいです;; mugen 1.0? 謎の技術 △様 レッドピラミッドキング タツカプか...
2016-04-21 06:13:05投稿
- 739
- 101.4%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters 500 Series:
Custom Splatterhouse1 Poltergeist 正式發佈 official release
For MUGEN1.0 only
Please go to http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t7889-custom-splatterhouse1-poltergeist-released-by-borewood2013-2016-04-21 to get it thanks~スプラッターハウスでやれ 2面ボスだよ ?「パターン入った!」 スプラッターハウスだなつかしい よくできてるな スプラッターハウスの1面だっけ なんぞこれ winmugen対応しろ please 3×3eyes char むしろ痛くないのか?w
2015-01-26 05:48:04投稿
- 708
- 162.3%
- 10.1%
- 20.3%
Custom MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Custom HSFA Berabow Man 正式發佈 official release
Download 2015-01-26: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!109
-> Custom_HSFA_Berabow_Man -> Custom_HSFA_Berabow_Man_2015-01-26.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_HSFA_Berabow_Man.def - localcoord = 320,240)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)ゲーメストの漫画版に出てた「サイクロン攻撃」かwwww こんなアニメ塗りじゃなくてもっと陰...
2014-08-03 16:59:12投稿
- 704
- 71.0%
- 00.0%
- 10.1%
Custom MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Custom SDK Oda Nobunaga 正式發佈 official release
Download 2014-08-03: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!625#cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E%21109
-> Custom_SDK_Oda_Nobunaga -> Custom_SDK_Oda_Nobunaga_2014-08-03.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_SDK_Oda_Nobunaga.def - localcoord = 320,240)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)うぽつです I want you to also exhibit the WinMUGEN version. CV:明智光秀(変態) 織田信長(BASARA)、滅界覇王...
2013-05-17 17:37:53投稿
- 703
- 91.3%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Boring MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Boring SDK Shiina Yuya vs SDK Yukimura Sanada
Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
** MUGEN 1.0 only **キャラサイズはD0にしてはやや大きい部類だと思うが キャラサイズ1.15倍くらいにしてアニメ...
2014-11-28 02:12:03投稿
- 679
- 142.1%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Borewood 2013-2015 MUGEN WIPs
Custom NSH Berabow Man
Custom Arcade Lucifer/Tiger Road/Trojan
Custom CF Azusa
Custom MKV Virginia
Custom SSFIV El Fuerte/Decapre
Custom TRF2 Zen/Greed
Custom SDK Benitora
Custom SH2 Pyramid Head
Custom Asuma Shidou
Custom Doraemon and friends
Custom Doronjo
Custom Momotarou
Custom PIM5 Sandra/Elizabeth Belti
Custom 3x3 Eyes
Custom WL Zarak
Custom DT2 Indiana Jones CE
Custom FC Son Goku
Custom 2DFM95 Neclos/Moai/Robo Jean/Judgement/Terryman/Warsman/Ashuraman/Robin Mask/Buffaloman/Blockenman/Ramenman/Shin Akuma Shogun/Meat/Kinniku Suguru
Custom MK2 Pinhead
Custom BF Arthas
Custom Kitarou
Custom OMK Bernkastel
Custom ??????????ハッキリ禁止を明言されてるのは流石にどうかと マッスルファイト云々言い出したらmugenの...
2016-03-31 16:23:14投稿
- 671
- 20.3%
- 00.0%
- 10.1%
Custom MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Custom 2DFM95 SNSFW Asahina Yuko 正式發佈 official release
Please go to http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t7778-custom-2dfm95-snsfw-asahina-yuko-released-by-borewood2013-on-2016-03-31 to get her thanks~朝日奈夕子ってときメモの? Second Cross [セカンドクロス]
2013-06-19 04:35:30投稿
- 671
- 71.0%
- 10.1%
- 10.1%
Boring MUGEN Characters 500 Series:
>> - Sometimes Vigilante doesn´t recognize that p2 is ko, takes some seconds till the win animations kicks in...
>> - sometimes the projectile just stands still in mid-air while Vigilante spins his Nunchucks like hell, not destroying it!
>> - Win pose... If Madonna is near Vigilante and his win animation kicks in, she stands up... Is there no way to detect if Madonna is near after winning? That way you could still use the Madonna win animation... or maybe Madonna could walk to Vigilante?
Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
** MUGEN 1.0 only **何だこりや・・・? 死体・・・ 一応スパルタンXの続編な ビジランテの主人公かよ 何ゲーだ...
2013-10-09 05:16:51投稿
- 668
- 111.6%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Custom Getsufuma 月風魔 update 更新 2013-10-10
Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
-> MUGEN Characters 1500 Series -> Custom_Getsufuma -> Custom_Getsufuma_2013-10-10.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
Custom_Getsufuma.def - localcoord = 320,240
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)太鼓w いい出来w どうせ月風は源平討魔伝のパクりですしおすしw 軸勢だったか・・・ ダンジ...
2016-02-04 23:58:51投稿
- 658
- 30.5%
- 00.0%
- 10.2%
Second Cross Temple Spring Time MUGEN1.0 stage released 2016-02-04
Download here: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!1074&cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12Everticalfollowが低いと思う gj 右のキャラは何だろう?
2014-12-25 13:01:23投稿
- 631
- 7211.4%
- 00.0%
- 10.2%
本体・AI製作者 mitai dake氏
本体製作者 Borewood氏 AI製作者 ホルン氏
Black Reedhat Bandit
本体・AI製作者 Dark Ruler氏
本体製作者 Marisya氏 AI製作者 hatya氏
AI製作者 つづら氏
前回 → sm24984392 次→ sm25307953 まとめ mylist/30895022
その他単発など mylist/26475830
リク一覧 ar502689 リク受付 ar502705
コジマ式メカメイド更新しました、マイリスのワンドラからどうぞ歌舞伎Zだwww 乙様です!! 80年代大会に出てた奴だ うぽつ チェスだけど全然平和じゃない Kohaku氏東風谷早苗、凱氏AIをお願いします ドゥもエマミか SpaceMouse氏のSpaceMouse Deluxeをお願いします 回復してんです...
2014-11-21 01:56:12投稿
- 629
- 111.7%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Custom 2DFM95 Kinnikuman 正式發佈 official release (showing KKD & misc)
Download 2014-11-20: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!109
-> Custom_2DFM95_Kinnikuman -> Custom_2DFM95_Kinnikuman_2014-11-20.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_2DFM95_Kinnikuman.def - localcoord = 320,240)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)[Muscle Fight]圓點畫擅自使用被禁止と書いておく これマッスルファイトのやつでしょなにやっ...
2013-10-03 04:42:05投稿
- 600
- 30.5%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters 2000 Series:
edit Boomer's Battler to make a Beatrice.
please see MUGEN_Manual.txt
- main update:
- Boomer uses the P1 SP bar for the original Touch bar, now I switched it back to match that of the source game
- YU-TOHARU granted me to use his Touch bar and partner SP bar, yet, making use of these makes MUGEN1.0 slow down further, so, I gave up about that and added a mini version of the Touch bar and partner SP bar
- .......
- added more A.I.
- .......
Download WIP 2013-10-03: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
-> Custom MUGEN Characters WIPs -> MUGEN Characters 2000 Series -> Custom_OMK_Beatrice_WIP_by_Borewood_2013-10-03.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_OMK_Beatrice.def - localcoord = 640,480)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)超乙様です!! うぽつ 今更だけどポトレ別に黄金夢想曲の顔でもよくね?
2014-11-21 01:42:07投稿
- 593
- 152.5%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Custom 2DFM95 Kinnikuman 正式發佈 official release (showing supers)
Download 2014-11-20: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!109
-> Custom_2DFM95_Kinnikuman -> Custom_2DFM95_Kinnikuman_2014-11-20.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_2DFM95_Kinnikuman.def - localcoord = 320,240)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)マッスルファイトで検索してみ。キャラの元ゲーがわかるから え~と、マッスルファイトま...
2013-08-03 02:35:26投稿
- 591
- 20.3%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters 500 Series:
Custom FB Final Boss
- replaced the KFM whoosh sound by the Fire Bam hero whoosh sound for Low Fang Fist and High Fang Fist
- change the Turtle Helper action upon Final Boss's death, from wandering around to self explosion
This MUGEN character comes with its own MUGEN stage and BGM
Custom_FB_Last_Boss/Custom_FB_Last_Boss.def, stages/FBFB.def, music=sound/FireBamFinalBossBGM.mp3
Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
** MUGEN 1.0 only **うぽつ ぶゆ
2014-07-06 05:24:04投稿
- 552
- 71.3%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Custom DT2 Beatrix 正式發佈 official release
Download 2014-07-06: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E&id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!625
-> MUGEN Characters 1500 Series -> Custom_DT2_Beatrix -> Custom_DT2_Beatrix_2014-07-06.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_DT2_Beatrix.def - localcoord = 412,309)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)ショウブハマダツイチャイナイヨー なんか可愛い うぽつです 手書きか? 今のはエル・ドライ...
2017-10-27 07:27:21投稿
- 540
- 10.2%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
[MUGEN 1.0] Custom Shin Megami Tensei Synchronicity Prologue Shopping Mall
download here: http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t10864-mugen-1-0-stage-custom-shin-megami-tensei-synchronicity-prologue-shopping-mall-released-by-borewood2013-on-2017-10-27BGMがかっこいい神曲
2017-09-24 07:45:32投稿
- 530
- 71.3%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters 500 Series:
Custom AC Ninja Spirit Boss 1 正式發佈 official release
For MUGEN1.0 only
Please go to http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t10687-mugen-1-0-custom-ac-ninja-spirit-boss-1-released-by-borewood2013-on-2017-09-24#127355 to get it thanks~背景か please 3x3eyes char ズームなし? 減らないと思ったら回数が条件なかんじか? 1.0ならまだしもwinだと弾幕きついな 最後の忍道か
2013-12-23 04:07:11投稿
- 524
- 81.5%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters 2000 Series:
Custom SSFIV Abel 正式發佈 official release
Download 2013-12-22: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
-> MUGEN Characters 2000 Series -> Custom_SSFIV_Abel -> Custom_SSFIV_Abel_2013-12-22.zip
for MUGEN 1.0 only.
(Custom_SSFIV_Abel.def - localcoord = 320,240)
(mugen.cfg - [Config] - GameWidth = 640 & GameHeight = 480)演出無いと地味だなw これがいわゆる根性切抜きってやつなのか・・・海外の製作者さんに感謝だわ ウル4ででき・・・ない・・・ あ、無空も使えるんだね このゲージだとウルコン無空なんじゃ? 暗転中に動いてるけど カンフーマンがびくんびくん うぽつ
2017-04-17 06:20:09投稿
- 521
- 51.0%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Custom MUGEN Characters 500 Series:
Belated 2017 April Fools Eye of the Buttholder released by borewood2013 on 2017-04-17
For MUGEN1.0 only
Please go to http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t9962-mugen1-0-belated-2017-april-fools-eye-of-the-buttholder-released-by-borewood2013-on-2017-04-17 to get it thank you!
* video with better quality here: https://youtu.be/98vLJRhtMO410年前ならここで掘削機の音がしてたが 妖怪尻目かな 音楽こわいw GJ 頑張ってください!!
2013-06-13 21:14:16投稿
- 519
- 163.1%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Boring MUGEN Characters 1500 Series:
Download: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
** MUGEN 1.0 only **おおかっこいい 音がw 半端に音がリアルでキモイw このゲーム、なぜ技名が全部FSSパクリなの...
2015-12-15 05:26:04投稿
- 477
- 91.9%
- 00.0%
- 20.4%
MUGEN Bomberman vs Bubblun
* both Bomberman vs Bubblun are mugenized by Gladiacloud
- download here: http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t6983-bomberman-released-bubblun-updated-by-gladiacloudこのボンバーマンは1.0以降専用か… このバブルンはwinでも対応出来るとは… このバブルンダウンロードしたよ バブルン可愛い 逆転すご! 両方共スマブラで行けそうなのに バブルン日本のmugen動画だと全然見かけないから増えてほしい 懐かしい :)