キーワードBroken_Beat を含む動画: 55件 ページ目を表示
2025年3月15日 07時05分に生成された05時00分のデータです
2011-11-28 06:20:25投稿
- 1,580
- 110.7%
- 00.0%
- 563.5%
From The Album "4hero - Play With The Changes " Feb.2007 Vocals [Featuring] – Face
p ドラムンベースの女性ボーカル全般的に苦手 ベースすげえカッコいい ドラムンベースやらなくなったのかなこの人 ベースが心地いい イイネ みんな他の動画に夢中になってるだけかも?気に入ってくれる人もいるさきっと。 ニコじゃこのセンスは伝わらんさ 再生...
2010-07-14 04:43:57投稿
- 923
- 20.2%
- 00.0%
- 313.4%
From The Album "Tape Five - Tonight Josephine!" Mar.2010
TAPE FIVE 最高だね エレクトロスウィングっていうジャンルのcdに入ってた
2010-07-20 23:01:16投稿
- 893
- 30.3%
- 00.0%
- 171.9%
From The Album "Paris Fashion District" 2007. CD.1:SUN Side
いいのり これはイカス イイネ
2010-07-14 04:49:49投稿
- 890
- 40.4%
- 00.0%
- 293.3%
From The Album "Tape Five - Tonight Josephine!" Mar.2010
ヴィレバン行きたくなってきた!! このぐらいで通報しちゃダメだろww えろい・・・ うp乙
2013-08-31 02:34:30投稿
- 768
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 81.0%
Live GI:EL 3FM Holland Aug.20,2013
Original From The Album "Giovanca - Satellite Love" Aug.07,20137位
2010-07-14 04:41:14投稿
- 626
- 20.3%
- 10.2%
- 213.4%
From The Album "Tape Five - Tonight Josephine!" Mar.2010
ヴィレヴァンから 乙
2010-04-03 15:44:00投稿
- 514
- 10.2%
- 00.0%
- 132.5%
From The Album "Nina Simone - Remixed & Reimagined" Oct 2006 . Guitar - Jephte Guillaume . Keyboards, Programmed By - Eric Kupper . Remix - Francois K
2011-06-24 23:15:08投稿
- 364
- 41.1%
- 00.0%
- 82.2%
From The EP on Web "Atjazz - For Real (2011 Edition) Part 1 "Mar.2011
Vocals by Rainy Payne & EMan . Written and produced , Remix and additional production by Martin Iveson for Atjazzdeephouseらしいdeephouseね 最近こんなのでてたのかー Innervisionsシリーズ内ではRejより好きな曲だ 洋服屋の店内で流れてそうな音楽
2010-11-23 18:10:29投稿
- 347
- 20.6%
- 00.0%
- 72.0%
From The Album "Sonar Kollektiv ...Broad Casting" Sep.2010
ソナーコレクティブってみんなどこで手に入れてるの? なんかかっこいいな
2010-07-02 03:02:24投稿
- 340
- 10.3%
- 00.0%
- 102.9%
From The Album "Mop Mop - Ritual Of The Savage" (Promo)Jul.27.2010 .Andrea Benini率いるイタリアン・ジャズ・コンボ Mop Mopの2ndアルバム、グラフィックデザイナーGianni Rossiが手がけたジャケットも秀逸。
2011-03-01 06:53:27投稿
- 338
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 61.8%
From The EP on Web "Sun Singleton - Moment (Atjazz Remixes)" 2010
2015-08-10 00:10:30投稿
- 331
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 82.4%
From The Album "Dego - The More Things Stay the Same" May.2015
Dego (4Hero) Second Solo Album14位
2010-04-03 15:00:17投稿
- 314
- 10.3%
- 00.0%
- 10.3%
From The Album "Nina Simone - Remixed & Reimagined" Oct 2006 . Remix - Coldcut
2010-04-03 15:52:44投稿
- 304
- 10.3%
- 00.0%
- 51.6%
From The Album "Nina Simone - Remixed & Reimagined" Oct 2006 . Electric Piano [Rhodes], Keyboards [Other], Synthesizer [Bass] - Casey Benjamin . Mixed By - Kirk Yano . Organ [Hammond] - Neal Evans . Recorded By - Larry Legend . Remix, Effects, Scratches, Programmed By [Beats] - DJ Logic
2010-04-03 15:10:00投稿
- 273
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 20.7%
From The Album "Nina Simone - Remixed & Reimagined" Oct 2006 . Drum Programming, Keyboards [Additional] - Louis Benedetti . Keyboards - Selen Lerner . Remix - Tony Humphries
2010-07-02 03:08:00投稿
- 264
- 10.4%
- 00.0%
- 72.7%
From The Album "Mop Mop - Ritual Of The Savage" (Promo)Jul.27.2010 .Andrea Benini率いるイタリアン・ジャズ・コンボ Mop Mopの2ndアルバム、グラフィックデザイナーGianni Rossiが手がけたジャケットも秀逸。 .Don Cherry’s Brown Rice
2014-04-30 23:08:43投稿
- 260
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 72.7%
From The Album "Musique Et Couleurs - Monsieur Blumenberg" Sep.2007
Irma La Douce Italy19位
2010-07-02 02:25:55投稿
- 247
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 31.2%
From The Album "Mop Mop - Ritual Of The Savage" (Promo)Jul.27.2010 .Andrea Benini率いるイタリアン・ジャズ・コンボ Mop Mopの2ndアルバム、グラフィックデザイナーGianni Rossiが手がけたジャケットも秀逸。
2010-07-20 23:28:46投稿
- 245
- 10.4%
- 00.0%
- 31.2%
From The Album "Paris Fashion District" 2007. CD.1:SUN Side
2010-07-02 03:14:03投稿
- 244
- 41.6%
- 00.0%
- 83.3%
From The Album "Mop Mop - Ritual Of The Savage" (Promo)Jul.27.2010 .Andrea Benini率いるイタリアン・ジャズ・コンボ Mop Mopの2ndアルバム、グラフィックデザイナーGianni Rossiが手がけたジャケットも秀逸。
発売遅れてるね ↑じゃなかった‥ 1get 1
2010-06-21 02:04:41投稿
- 232
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 62.6%
From The EP (WEB) " Micatone - Sonar Kollektiv Best Of Three EP" Jun.11.2010
2015-08-10 00:17:44投稿
- 215
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 62.8%
From The Album "Dego - The More Things Stay the Same" May.2015
Dego (4Hero) Second Solo Album24位
2010-07-20 23:54:53投稿
- 209
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 31.4%
From The Album "Paris Fashion District" 2007. CD.1:SUN Side
2010-11-23 18:22:23投稿
- 208
- 31.4%
- 00.0%
- 94.3%
From The Album "Sonar Kollektiv ...Broad Casting" Sep.2010
これはいいRemix もうちょい短いとダレない気も。でもGJですb 音良いし、期待!
2010-06-29 06:10:56投稿
- 199
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 31.5%
From The 12inch Analogue "Bobby D'Ambrosio featuring Arif ST. Michael - Girl You Need A Change Of Mind (Louis Benedetti Mixes)" Jun.2008 .Bass - Gene Perez . Drums - Joe "Coach" Hanna . Guitar - Kelton Cooper . Keyboards - Shawn Lucas . Percussion - Jose Chavarria . Saxophone - Jeff Hummel . Trombone - Minesh A Shab .Trumpet - James Gibbs, III .Vocals - Arif ST. Michael . Remix and additional production by Louis Benedetti
2016-11-19 01:00:08投稿
- 189
- 31.6%
- 00.0%
- 21.1%
From The Album "Yussef Kamaal - Black Focus" Nov.2016
Yussef Kamaal ; Henry Wu (Kamaal Williams), Yussef Dayes最高 日本では知名度がまだ低いね 1コメ
2015-08-10 00:20:48投稿
- 188
- 00.0%
- 10.5%
- 10.5%
From The Album "Dego - The More Things Stay the Same" May.2015
Dego (4Hero) Second Solo Album29位
2010-11-23 18:17:58投稿
- 186
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 52.7%
From The Album "Sonar Kollektiv ...Broad Casting" Sep.2010
2010-06-20 18:24:18投稿
- 179
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 21.1%
From The Album "Laila France - Orgonon" 1997 .Producer, Performer, Composer and Programmed By - Momus .Vocals, lyrics by - Laila France
2010-07-20 22:32:03投稿
- 176
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 42.3%
From The Album "Paris Fashion District" 2007. CD.1:SUN Side
2011-07-07 01:18:18投稿
- 174
- 21.1%
- 00.0%
- 52.9%
ToddlaTVEVO | 2011年07月05日 (YouTubeより)
Official Video for 'Watch Me Dance' (with Roots Manuva), taken from Toddla T's upcoming album 'Watch Me Dance', released 15 August 2011 on Ninja Tune.
http://ninjatune.net/同化してるぜ! 1
2015-02-08 12:28:00投稿
- 172
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 21.2%
From The Album "Various Artists De Gulden Snede, Vol. 3" Dec.2014
Vocals written and performed by Pete Philly
Produced by I.L.L.N.O.L.E.D.G.E.34位
2010-11-23 18:31:19投稿
- 163
- 10.6%
- 00.0%
- 95.5%
From The Album "Sonar Kollektiv ...Broad Casting" Sep.2010
2011-05-13 03:30:18投稿
- 159
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 21.3%
From The 12inch Analogue "Gerardo Frisina - Donke De" 2008
Schema Records (Italy)36位
2014-07-27 00:41:16投稿
- 149
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 32.0%
From EP on Web "Club des Belugas & Papa Cobana - Welcome To Brazil" May.2014
2014-07-26 11:41:47投稿
- 147
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 53.4%
From The Album "2000 Black - A Next Set A Rockers" 2008
2000 Black : Dego(4hero) , Kaidi Tatham(Agent K / Bugz In The Attic)38位
2016-11-19 01:21:21投稿
- 144
- 10.7%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
Boiler Room London 15, May 2016. Quote from boilerroom.tv
Yussef Kamaal ; Henry Wu (Kamaal Williams), Yussef Dayessuper
2014-07-27 00:38:14投稿
- 143
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 32.1%
From EP on Web "Club des Belugas & Papa Cobana - Welcome To Brazil" May.2014
2011-05-13 03:21:13投稿
- 138
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 21.4%
From The 12inch Analogue "Gerardo Frisina - Donke De" 2008
Schema Records (Italy)41位
2016-11-19 00:57:05投稿
- 130
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 10.8%
From The Album "Yussef Kamaal - Black Focus" Nov.2016
Yussef Kamaal ; Henry Wu (Kamaal Williams), Yussef Dayes42位
2015-02-08 12:30:26投稿
- 125
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 10.8%
From The Album "Various Artists De Gulden Snede, Vol. 3" Dec.2014
Lyrics written and performed by J Kohn and R Ramhane43位
2016-11-19 01:05:06投稿
- 123
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 21.6%
From The Album "Yussef Kamaal - Black Focus" Nov.2016
Yussef Kamaal ; Henry Wu (Kamaal Williams), Yussef Dayes44位
2014-07-26 11:38:04投稿
- 120
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 32.5%
From The Album "2000 Black - A Next Set A Rockers" 2008
2000 Black : Dego(4hero) , Kaidi Tatham(Agent K / Bugz In The Attic)45位
2014-07-26 11:35:48投稿
- 116
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 21.7%
From The Album "2000 Black - A Next Set A Rockers" 2008
2000 Black : Dego(4hero) , Kaidi Tatham(Agent K / Bugz In The Attic)46位
2014-07-26 11:31:43投稿
- 111
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 21.8%
From The Album "2000 Black - A Next Set A Rockers" 2008
2000 Black : Dego(4hero) , Kaidi Tatham(Agent K / Bugz In The Attic)47位
2010-06-20 18:35:04投稿
- 108
- 10.9%
- 00.0%
- 21.9%
From The Album "Laila France - Orgonon" 1997 .Producer, Performer, Composer and Programmed By - Momus .Vocals, lyrics by - Laila France
2015-08-09 23:50:29投稿
- 100
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 11.0%
From The Album "Dego - A Wha' Him Deh Pon?" Jun.2011
Dego (4Hero) First Solo Album49位
2010-06-20 18:31:08投稿
- 99
- 11.0%
- 00.0%
- 22.0%
From The Album "Laila France - Orgonon" 1997 .Producer, Performer, Composer and Programmed By - Momus .Vocals, lyrics by - Laila France
2016-11-19 01:02:21投稿
- 98
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 11.0%
From The Album "Yussef Kamaal - Black Focus" Nov.2016
Yussef Kamaal ; Henry Wu (Kamaal Williams), Yussef Dayes51位
2015-08-10 00:14:16投稿
- 91
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
- 00.0%
From The Album "Dego - The More Things Stay the Same" May.2015
Dego (4Hero) Second Solo Album