キーワードHoyaa を含む動画: 64件 ページ目を表示
2025年3月23日 07時00分に生成された05時00分のデータです
2012-12-22 07:13:51投稿
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Progressive転身者が多いUplifting界ですが、Andy Blueman→SoundLift→Simon O'Shine/New Worldと後継者続々で世代交代にも成功。
Uplifting Tranceの未来は明るいな。それではよいお年を!
01. Dragon's Paradise "Hoyaa Remix" - Dreamy
02. One Way To A Better World "Gelardi Remix" - Ultimate
03. Duende "Araya Remix" - Johan Ekman
04. Fragile Flame "New World Remix" - Aeden
05. Blizzaria - Nostalgraph
06. Graviton "Dreamy Remix" - Ashley Nutton
07. Balearic Island - Simon O'Shine & Sergey Nevone
08. When A Dream Comes True "Touchstone Remix" - tranzLift
09. Bittersweet - Manuel Rocca
10. Lena "Matt Bukovski Remix" - Andy Elliass
11. Blossom Fairy - Minamoca
12. Still With Me "Suncatcher's Digitally Enhanced Outro Remix" - Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto
Twitter[http://twitter.com/TakashixBlue]うぽつ! いいのう 右上のおじさんが気になる・・・ 最初からかなり良い~!!! Junkさん ↓かわ...
2010-10-11 19:54:49投稿
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01. Myk Bee - Skyline (Techtrek & Myk Remix)
02. Running Man - Rockcandy
03. Hoyaa pres. Lunar System - Surrounded
04. Alexander Xendzov feat. Stine Grove – Homeward Train (Vocal Extended Mix)
05. Right Face - Morning Dew
06. Dreastic - Spirit (Dreas Original Mix)
07. Running Man - Tokyo Sunset
08. Wavetraxx - Beach Stringz(Lennox Remix)
09. Haris C - Feelings
10. Changer - Healing Touch (Mysterious Movement Remix)
うpリスト mylist/115635651曲目が好き過ぎる いい これよかったー 新しいヘッドホンを試しに来ましたー 覚醒状態っつ...
2010-12-03 00:23:28投稿
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今回は全体的にキラキラした綺麗系の曲が中心です。Matt Bukovskiはうp主の注目株。
これで今年最後のうpになります。今年も1年間ご視聴ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m
01. Fresh Air - Matt Bukovski
02. Iceland Falls - Hoyaa
03. Beautiful Days "Juventa Remix" - Jaco
04. Inner Peace "Sunny Lax Remix" - Dave Emanuel
05. Ellipsis "Kiholm Remix" - Andy Tau
06. Mandarina "Jay B Remix" - Techtrek
07. Infinite Shores "Stonevalley Remix" - Karybde & Scylla
08. Trancesylvania "Novaline Remix" - Mindful Innovations
09. Dreamland "Ernest Miller Remix" - Proyal
10. Sundesire - Juventa
11. Tears "Temple One Remix" - Ben Nicky feat. Linnea Schossow
12. Remember The Youthful Years - Suncatcher vs Pizz@dox
マイリスト[mylist/7670433]待ってました! この曲たまらん 気持ちいい・・・ 1~6まででハズレ無しとかどういうことww主...
2010-06-17 21:33:35投稿
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癒し系と書いてますが、後半は若干ノリノリ路線になっていきます。Marcel Van Eyckの今後に期待。
01. Emptiness - Blue Tente feat. Stine Grove
02. Pure - ReOrder & Dave Deen
03. Skyline - Myk Bee
04. Arcturus - Accendo
05. Dreamcatcher "Club Mix" - Nitrous Oxide
06. Signs Of Future "Marcel Van Eyck Mix" - New Generation Of T.A.
07. Vigor "Cold Blue Remix" - Hydro Aquatic & Vir2l Vision
08. Airbreath "Rene Ablaze & Cyrex Mix" - Dima Krasnik
09. Rising Star - Hoyaa
10. Veritas Lux Mea "Cesar Lugo Remix" - Luke Terry
11. Lost Sun "Matt Skyer Remix" - Setrise
12. As You Were "Ben Nicky Remix" - First State
マイリスト[mylist/7670433]!◆!▼!▲!▼!▲!▼!■--this place--■!▼!▲!▼!▲!▼!◆! 最高 日本語? 水彩画みたい 夢の中のよ...
2011-03-26 09:49:39投稿
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今回はカッコイイトランスが中心です。MySpaceでAndy Bluemanが引退宣言したのを見て衝撃を受けました( ノД`)
01. Radiance - Adam Szabo
02. Supremacy - Sean Truby feat. Susie Ledge
03. One Tear "Med vs Neil Bamford Remix" - Hensha pres. Lost Sequence
04. Spitfire - Adam Navel
05. Lush - Avion
06. Seven Floating Ways "Dave Emanuel Remix" - Timeok
07. Lost Love - Simon O'Shine & TrancEye
08. Start Again "Juventa Remix" - Will Holland feat. Jeza
09. Desire "Daniel Kandi Classic Remix" - JayB & Sandra Wagner
10. Gone Missing "The Flyers & Mike Sonar Remix" - Sequentia
11. The Other World - Hoyaa
12. Kanya "Andy Blueman Remix" - Neal Scarborough
マイリスト[mylist/7670433]タイトル訳してる奴なんなのwきもい huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! 鳥肌! この曲は他のアレンジも...
2011-11-23 23:41:18投稿
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今回は冬に向けてクールなEpic TranceをMixしました。
01.Cloud City "Type 41's White Angel Remix" - Myk Bee
02.Closer "ReOrder Uplifting Remix" - JP Bates & Antonia Lucas
03.Aquatic Motion - Max Braiman
04.Ancient Times "Kiholm Remix" - Cymatics
05.Catch The Rainbow "Ost & Meyer Emotional Mix" - Inglide
06.Stars Over Paris - Willem De Roo
07.Reflections Of Silence "Ion Blue Remix" - Solo
08.Join Together "Hoyaa Rising Remix" - Miroslav Vrlik feat. Martin Jurenka
09.Ignite - Hiroyuki ODA
10.Nova - Ucast
11.From There - Mujahid
12.Crossing North - Matt Bowdidge
13.Azen "Illitheas Mix" - Illitheas pres. Mavi
14.(Bonus Track)Last Goodbye "Orchestral Mix" - Sergey Nevone & Simon O'Shine
Twitter→[http://twitter.com/TakashixBlue]冬になったので エピックというよりユーフォリックが多かった印象 これはいいな ありがとう!
2010-12-25 17:08:56投稿
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01. Tom Marshall - Air Traffic (Arcalis Remix)
02. Massive Attack Ft. Elisabeth Fraser vs Waterspark - Teardrop
03. Running Man - Behind The Sun
04. Avion - Castles & Waves
05. Dereck Recay - Essence Of Life
06. Enyo Giove - Magnesium (Juventa Remix)
07. Hoyaa - Iceland Falls
08. Zetika & Stunson - Osaka Sunset
09. Smooth Stab feat. Aelyn - These Words Between Us (Ozo Effy Remix)
10. Avion - Anahi
うpリスト mylist/11563565動画よりいつもの静止画の方が綺麗だった ほんとだ動いてる 映像良いなw おつ いつの間に動...
2013-02-13 18:10:18投稿
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01.Adrian & Raz feat Ellie Lawson - A New Moon (Kaimo K Remix)
02.DelAir - Sense Of Spring (Original Mix)
03.Hoyaa pres. Lunar System - Space Shuttle
04.IT Kando & Nikita Gundirev - El Club
05.Right Face - Spring (Original Mix)
06.Akira Kayosa & Hugh Tolland - Muriwai (Original Mix)
07.Right Face - Together (Original Mix)
08.Johan Ekman - Duende (Araya Remix)
09.Gelardi, Cintra - Northern Sky (Original Mix)
10.Matson - Skyland (Farhad Mahdavi Remix)
11.Pierre In The Air - Salire (Moonsouls Remix)
12.Hiroyuki ODA - Revive (Original Mix)
TranceMix 2012⇒mylist/29987345 2010/11⇒mylist/17011249すげえ・・・ シリーズ最後かー。今までサンクス!これからも過去作聴いて作業するよー nice ...
2013-12-21 01:14:15投稿
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今年最後のうpです。最高にキラキラで感動できるUplifting DJMixにしました。
01. With Flying Colors - Pizz@dox
02. Scattered Clouds - Max Stealthy
03. Promised Land - Sean Mathews
04. Dedication "Suncatcher Remix" - Six Senses & Terk Dawn
05. Beyond The Stars "Orchestral Mix" - Kelly Andrew
06. Lasts Forever "Flatlex Remix" - Ethan
07. Inner Strength - Allen & Envy
08. Apprehension "Aly & Fila Mix" - Simon O'Shine & Sergey Nevone
09. Soundscape "UDM Remix" - Cold Rush
10. Fragile - Hoyaa
11. Later - Nomosk
12. Whirling Dervishes - Receptive & New World
Twitter[http://twitter.com/TakashixBlue]いいね~ 毎回神だが、中でも今回が一番好き これもいいな これすき \うおおおおおおおおお...
2012-04-16 21:09:59投稿
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春という事で、暖かみのあるトランスを中心に、壮大なUplifting Mixに仕上げました。
01.Enlightened - Falcon
02.E.C. (Everything Continues) - Riialto
03.Disconnected - Akira Kayosa & Hugh Tolland
04.Earth "Angel Ace Remix" - Running Man
05.Until Hell Freezes Over "Estigma Remix" - Oen Bearen & Pillow
06.Moving On - Alex Wright
07.Royal Blue "Falcon Remix" - Adam Szabo & Willem De Roo
08.Morning Dust - Cylum & Velden
09.Emotia "Type 41 Spring State Remix" - Infite
10.Fading Moon - Hoyaa pres. Lunar System
11.A Hundred Ways "Matt Bukovski Remix" - Ellie Lawson
12.Found World "Departure Mix" - Demi Kas
Twitter[http://twitter.com/TakashixBlue]!!! 曲のイメージに合った画像、すごいわホント てかバックの画像も毎回思うけどスゲーおし...
2012-01-07 11:56:48投稿
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01. Surya - Mike Sonar
02. Without Warning "Suncatcher Remix" - Exostate
03. Only You - Miroslav Vrlik
04. Yellowstone "Ultimate Remix" - Dimension
05. Evening Sky "Stonevalley Remix" - Tommy Baynen
06. Tears Of Memories - Simon O'Shine
07. Nerine "Hoyaa Remix" - Sunlab
08. Candles "Ancient Mind Remix" - Archelix
09. World Wide Sunrise - Damian Wasse
10. Amaze - Luke Bond feat. Emel
11. Figueras - Fast Distance
12. Zero Gravity - Ronny K. vs Laucco
Twitter [http://twitter.com/TakashixBlue]たまんねえな 新作待ってました!(*´д`*)いつもありがとう! やっべ・・今回全曲当たりだわ...
2016-01-26 23:39:43投稿
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01. Tauranga "NoMosk Remix" - Mhammed El Alami & Ula
02. Mirzam - Dan Stone
03. Who We Are feat "Bjorn Akesson Remix" - Arctic Moon & Apple One
04. Lozza - Ferry Tayle
05. Olivia "Ahmed Romel Remix" - Ozo Effy
06. Deep Blue - Darren Porter
07. Armadillo "ReOrder Remix" - Solis & Sean Truby
08. Will You Stay the Night "UDM Remix" - Another World & Nuaro
09. The Long Way Home "Hoyaa Remix" - The Pulsarix & Spins
10. Pave The Way With Gold "Type 41 Remix" - Denis Sender & Cynthia Hall
11. Watching The Stars - Afternova
12. Salire "Suncatcher Remix" - Pierre In The Air
13. Rainbow Smile - DelAir
http://twipla.jp/events/180952またきたぜ ここらへん好き ああ~さわやかできもちいい 神動画 新作キター:D 今年もよろしくです! キターー 待ってました!!
2011-06-20 23:57:59投稿
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■ Summer Trance 2011 A-Side ■
01. Zebra - Temple One
02. Silent Sea "Myk Bee Remix" - Trane & Divinevox
03. The Surface "Club Mix" - Redstar
04. Ling Child - Anemosphere & Nostalgraph
05. Outbreak Inside "Simon O'Shine Remix" - Martin Everson & B.Prime
06. Napoli "Suncatcher Remix" - Vitodito
07. Fight The Sunrise "Daniel Kandi's Rise Mix" - Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders
08. Serano - Adam Szabo
09. Memories "Matt Bukovski Remix" - John Calm & Matt Karrey
10. Gate 4 "Hoyaa Remix" - Angel Ace
11. Georgia - Matt Skyer
12. 3AM - Angel Ace
http://koukaongen.com/Tranceはいい…心が洗われるようだ 死ぬまでにもう一度だけでもビーチで踊り狂いたい。 うp主の選曲本当に好きすぎる!箱でDJしてください。 やったー! 待ってました! ronny k 入れてほしいっす うぽつー いいね、波の音・・・・ 午前3時、...
2009-11-21 14:11:34投稿
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今年も残りわずか……。vol.20目指して頑張ります!今回も幻想的・奇麗な曲を紹介します。最後は無理やり繋いだ感がありますね。でもちょっと切ない感じがして、この手の曲は好きなんです。いつものタグを付けてくれてる方ありがとうございます。前回言ってた、別アカウントでのアップですけど、まだ容量があったので次作からにします。 01.UCast - Metro 02.Poshout - Golden Sands (Sunny Lax Remix) 03.Igor Sapunov & Alexander Xendzov - Spring Day 04.Pulze - Feel (Original Mix) 05.Alexander Xendzov - Omission 06.Sly One - This Late Stage (Original Mix) 07.Avenger - Pegasus (Sunny Lax Remix) 08.Dave Horne Meets Econu - Moments 09.Emdee - Sky Diving (Original Mix) 10.Adyjay - Love On The Beach (Hoyaa Remix) 11.Steve Brian - Starlight (DJ Eco Remix) 他トランスMIX⇒mylist/6332291 Ambient等⇒mylist/2873293
この曲めっちゃ好きです! 色々想像が広がって涙が出そうになる この曲大好き!!私にとっ...
2012-07-15 06:31:40投稿
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01. Saturnia - Pete Silver
02. Flying Blue - Daniel Kandi & Ferry Tayle
03. Beyond Liberty - Hoyaa pres. Lunar System
04. Poznan - Nitrous Oxide & Adam Kancerski, Husaria
05. Magica - Reagents
06. Pyramid Peaks - Miroslav Vrlik
07. Alpine - Fast Distance
08. Goodbye Sister "New World Remix" - Ice Upon Fire
09. 753 Miles Away "Simon O'Shine Remix" - Alpha Force & Vlad Gee
10. Amnesia "SoundLift's Emotional Take" - Running Man
11. Natsukage "Aadd9 Remix" - Key
12. Sunset In Your Eyes - TrancEye
Twitter[http://twitter.com/TakashixBlue]でもこの流れ嫌いじゃねぇぜw 蛇足すぎワロタ なんだこの超展開途中までいい感じだったの...
2013-07-21 21:11:16投稿
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01. The Mission - Sean Mathews
02. Together Again "Club Mix" - Suncatcher & Aneym
03. Stars With Us "Hoyaa Remix" - Lakes
04. Letter To Anya - Emanuele Congeddu
05. Reflections "Hiroki Nagamine Remix" - Blueye
06. Navala "Sou Kanai Remix" - Stevy Forello
07. Supersensible "Daniel Kandi's Bangin Remix" - Adam Navel
08. Myself "Jizel Uplifting Remix Dub" - Tranceformer Yuno
09. Spellbound "Ferry Tayle Remix" - Darren Porter
10. Remnant "Yuya Miyazaki Remix" - Minamoca
11. Gone With The Wind "Etasonic Remix" - Mostfa & Mostfa pres. Craft Integrated
12. One Day On The Sea "Reiklavik Emotional Remix" - The Cloudy Day
Twitter[http://twitter.com/TakashixBlue]確かに爽やかだ いいな トランス(笑) 新作キター!! 爽やかでいいねぇ 新作きてた! 新作キタ━...
2015-10-24 17:14:22投稿
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..アップが遅くなり、すいませんm(_ _)m
01. Epica - Illitheas
02. Depth Of Perception - Factoria & Kev Wild
03. All Of Us - Standerwick
04. Summer In Us "Jackob Roenald Remix" - Hoyaa
05. Ramp - UCast
06. Fly Away - Kickstone
07. All I Need "Suncatcher Remix" - Aurosonic & Frainbreeze
08. Transylvania Cowgirl - Suncatcher
09. Forever & Ever - Hiroki Nagamine
10. Ocean "Plutian Remix" - Sub Question
11. Napoleon - Aly & Fila with Ferry Tayle
12. Origami "Adam Ellis Remix" - Dimension
13. Astoria - Arctic Moon
10/31(土)23:00~&11/22(日)21:00~ イベント開催します!これは良い 最高!!鳥肌!! いつも本当にUPありがとう!素敵でした! うぽつー upotu いいペース 今...
2011-10-19 20:29:49投稿
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Above & Beyond来日イベント、最高でしたO(≧▽≦)O
今回は爽やかなTranceをMixしました。Simon O'Shineイイネ!
01. Afterclouds "Simon O'Shine Vocal Remix" - Southern Fraiz feat. Irena Love
02. Gone With The Wind - Juventa
03. I Feel Fine "Suncatcher Remix" - Estiva
04. Drifter - Akira Kayosa & Hugh Tolland feat. Stine Grove
05. North Atlantic - Hoyaa pres. Lunar System
06. Times Goes On - Falcon
07. Surrounding You - Matt Bukovski
08. One Day - SoundLift
09. Days "Aly & Fila Remix" - Ayumi Hamasaki
10. The Blue Sky "Matt Skyer Remix" - Sunset
11. Take Me To Heaven "Mindful Innovations Remix" - ZiRENZ Vs. Ben Alonzi & Adriz
[mylist/7670433]!? わくわく うp主さん、SoundLiftさんのMixを作る予定はないのですか…いま好きすぎて困っ...
2016-10-04 06:52:20投稿
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【#0:00】Mark Jous & Eufonica - Fly With Me
【#7:35】Nab Brothers - Wolves Of The Mountain
【#14:55】Elatia vs. Jaki Song & Arrakeen - Forbidden
【#22:15】Phil Dinner feat. S.Ana - Constant Dreams
【#30:00】RAM - Elijah (Sean Tyas Remix)
【#37:15】Jean Clemence & Programmer - Till The End (illitheas Remix)
【#46:30】Plutian - Knights Of Cygnus
【#53:25】First Sight vs. Emanuele Congeddu & Julia Lav - Alvorada
【#60:25】Hoyaa - Lara
【#69:05】Bernis - Luminas
【#76:30】Spawn - Aquarian
【#83:15】Spins & Magic Sense - I Called For You (Danny Legatto Remix)
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433うぽつでっす うぽっ☆ うぽつです 1
2014-08-14 21:52:20投稿
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01. Amatoria - Ferrin & Morris
02. Amaterasu "Mostfa & Mostfa Remix" - Ula
03. On Fire "Aly & Fila Remix" - Luke Bond
04. The Way Back Home "Matt Bowdidge Remix" - Ferry Tayle
05. Rejuvenative - Paul Rigel
06. Fruitify - Suncatcher
07. Forever "Suncatcher & Bogdan Vix Remix" - Renee Stahl & Bogdan Vix
08. Kimochi "Simon O'Shine Remix" - Christish pres. Mana
09. Flying Higher - SoundLift
10. Alyssa - Emanuele Congeddu & KeyPlayer
11. Sanguine - Tuneflux
12. Northlander - Hoyaa
ニコ生コミュニティ[co2025945]Twitter ID:TakashixBlueいいですね! 流れ変わったな うおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお すばらしい おっぱーい きたーーーーーー おおおおおお amatoriaは神。異論は認めない 投稿ありがとうございます...
2012-10-09 06:43:55投稿
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【#0:00】Tonny Nesse & Misja Helsloot - Rise
【#6:20】TrancEye - I Still Remember
【#14:40】Skyver - Something To Do With The Stars (Meridian Remix)
【#22:00】DJ Feel feat. Aelyn – Your Love
【#29:15】Pakka feat. Simon - The Light (Moe Aly Remix)
【#35:00】Matt Eray - Subterra
【#42:10】NDS & Blue vs. Spark7 - Senses
【#50:30】Brian Flinn & Rj Van Xetten - Penguin
【#58:20】Veselin Tasev pres. Nago - Back Side Air
【#65:50】Samvel - To Forget Everything (Lost Sunrise Remix)
【#73:10】Hoyaa & Angel Ace - A Day Without Rain
【#81:35】Dreamy - Dragon's Paradise (Hoyaa Remix)
【#88:00】Demi Kas - Desert
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433あっぷりふてぃんぐ? いいもの見つけた お・・
2014-08-31 12:38:44投稿
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01. Scent of Music - Hoyaa
02. Ayana - AndrAc Van Reese
03. Forever & Always - Fast Distance
04. Aventus "Temple One Remix" - Mark Eteson
05. New Leaves "Dave Cold Remix" - Lafale
06. Someone Like You "Emanuele Congeddu's Epic Take" - Etasonic vs. Laucco
07. Poeme "Mostfa & Mostfa Remix" - Edu Padilla
08. For All Time - Aly & Fila
09. Air - Ben Nicky
10. Shades "Matt Skyer Remix" - Almar
11. Lost Soul "Daniel Kandi Remix" - Nomosk & Roman Messer
12. This Is Poetry - Space Raven
13. Something In You - Sy Gardner
ニコ生コミュニティ[co2025945]ほんといつも最高 カッコイイ曲ばかりでサイコーですね! 待ってた ニコ動トランスmixの界隈では主のミックスが頼りだなあ Hoyaaだー! 夏シリーズ大好きです!爽快! 投稿ありがとうございます!
2014-11-30 22:29:21投稿
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【#0:00】Bobina - Winter (Simon O'Shine Remix)
【#8:05】Dreamy - Legendary Dreamer
【#15:55】KeyPlayer - Interlude
【#22:55】Rich TriPhonic & Jesper Olesen - Olivia (Etasonic Remix)
【#31:50】Eastern Sound & M'NDavi - Tell Me How You Love
【#38:40】Abandoned Rainbow - I'll Miss The Wind
【#46:15】Mostfa & Mostfa - Feels Like Heaven
【#54:00】James McGuire - Vanilla Skies
【#61:10】Mike Sanders - Californiana (Hoyaa Remix)
【#68:40】BluSkay & KeyPlayer - Falling Stars
【#76:10】Feel & Aelyn - If You Feel Love
【#83:55】New World - Ushio
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433うp乙 いいtranceでした いつもありがとうございます! ありがとう☆GJ ☆ 哀愁感が素敵ですね...
2015-12-07 06:40:15投稿
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【#0:00】Science Deal - For John (Magic Sense & Spins Remix)
【#8:30】Aeden - Noir
【#14:55】Jean Clemence - Timeless
【#21:25】Mezzo Forte - Tu Me Manques
【#30:15】Alexander de Roy - Images
【#35:37】Arrakeen - Goodbye My Friend (Emanuele Congeddu Mystic Take)
【#42:29】Hoyaa - Losing Precious Moments
【#49:59】Scott Bond & Charlie Walker - Apocalypse
【#57:38】Kelly Andrew - Xanadu
【#66:02】Carlos De la Garza - Freedom
【#73:45】tranzLift & Jean Clemence - Imperium
【#80:57】Braulio Stefield - After The Sun
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433ツボにぴたっとはまる曲だ いつも料理中聴かせてもらってます~ どれ聞いても好みな曲ばか...
2013-04-09 08:50:15投稿
- 1,692
- 80.5%
- 00.0%
- 362.1%
【#0:00】Swilow & Diamans - Sky
【#6:20】Ciro Visone - First Coming (Ian Standerwick Remix)
【#15:10】Sunset Heat & Joe Cormack - Fall of Liberty (Johan Ekman Remix)
【#23:00】Sean Tyas & Greg Downey - Dark Before The Dawn (Classic Mix)
【#30:30】Jamie Walker - Boulevard
【#38:30】Solis & Sean Truby feat. Sue Mclaren - Closer To The Earth (Club Mix)
【#44:50】Luke Terry vs. Adam Tas feat. Sopheary - Escape from Say
【#52:20】Nash & Pepper - Return To Berlin (Talla 2XLC Remix)
【#58:50】MaLu - Intracloud (Hoyaa Remix)
【#67:20】ReOrder - Aviate
【#75:00】Tobi Atkins - Set Me Free (Stonevalley Remix)
【#80:50】Moonsouls - Into Your Heart
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433いいなこれ otu TASさんから…これは仕方ない 拝聴 検索妨害か Adam Tas 以下TAS禁止 うぽつ
2014-07-04 18:56:19投稿
- 1,679
- 50.3%
- 10.1%
- 281.7%
Trance Mix→mylist/34695846
[#00:00] 01. Caribbean (Etasonic Remix) - O.B.M Notion Vs. Mostfa & Mostfa
[#08:30] 02. Meet Me In Bloemendaal (Matt Chowski Remix) - Tim Verkruissen, AM2.0
[#13:04] 03. Galaxy (Michele Cecchi Remix) - David Surok
[#17:38] 04. Somnium (Type 41 Remix) - Trance Arts & Colin James
[#21:18] 05. Komorebi - Sou Kanai
[#25:52] 06. The Way Back Home (Matt Bowdidge Remix) - Ferry Tayle, Poppy
[#31:34] 07. Northlander - Hoyaa
[#35:59] 08. Nights Like These - Javah, Claire Willis
[#41:28] 09. The Last Call - Stephanie Kay, Another World
[#47:00] 10. Dreamer - Matt Chowski
[#52:16] 11. Meet Me In Bloemendaal - Tim Verkruissen, AM2.0
[#58:12] 12. Aki - Hiroki Nagamine
[#64:36] 13. Looking Down My Heart (Myk Bee Remix) - Ico & Saraうつくしい よかった うぽつლ(ʘ▽ʘ)ლ いい!ありがとう! うぽつ
2014-04-16 05:00:00投稿
- 1,674
- 70.4%
- 00.0%
- 211.3%
【#0:00】RAM & Arctic Moon - Mirakuru
【#8:40】LekSin - A Way Between Two Worlds (Swilow Remix)
【#14:50】Araya & Mark Dreamer - Salthar
【#21:50】ReOrder feat. Stine Grove - Biscay Bay (Afternova Remix)
【#29:25】Ciro Visone & Alessandra Roncone - Shiver
【#37:50】Tuneflux - Sanguine
【#46:30】Mike Onswell - Lost Forever (Hoyaa Remix)
【#54:10】Mike van Fabio & AxelPolo vs. D-Serg - Supra
【#62:30】Simon Moon & Naeba & DanteS - Positive (Mostfa & Mostfa Remix)
【#70:40】French Skies - Symphony
【#79:05】Joseph Darwed - Always Be In My Heart (Mostfa & Mostfa Remix)
【#87:30】Blue Silence & Matt Chowski - Nothing To Fear (New World Remix)
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433ここなんかカッコイイ うpありがとうございます! 希望なんですが、今までのヴォーカルが入...
2012-02-06 23:27:46投稿
- 1,478
- 130.9%
- 00.0%
- 352.4%
01.Armin Van Buuren - Blue Fear (Trouser Enthusiasts E.B.E Instrumental)
02.Type 41 & Tiff Lacey - Never Forget You (Kaimo K Remix)
03.Hudson & Kant - Coconut (A.R.D.I Remix)
04.Airborne Angel - Time & Space (Original Mix)
05.Kristoffer Elmqvist feat Malva Larden - Come Home (2011) (Shango V Remix)
06.André Visior - Moonraker-Daniel Kandi Bangin Mix
07.Timo Pralle - Homesick (Temple One Remix)
08.UCast - Nova (Original Mix)
09.Dave Deen - Overdose (Original Mix)
10.Miroslav Vrlik Feat Martin Jurenka - Join Together (Hoyaa Rising Remix)
11.Gouryella - Walhalla (Hybrids Echoplex Mix)
TranceMix 2012⇒mylist/29987345 2010/11⇒mylist/17011249いまのかっこいい! なつかしすぎるwいつの曲だっけこれ かわいい これかっけえ ダンボーwww B...
2012-12-24 12:23:05投稿
- 1,443
- 141.0%
- 00.0%
- 221.5%
01.ReOrder - Every Other Day (Eximinds Remix)
02.Blur8 - Pacific (Original Mix)
03.Max Braiman - Fracture (Original Mix)
04.Sergey Shabanov - Again (Original Mix)
05.Laker - Fragile (Original Mix)
06.Sonary - Perfect Pearl (Sou Kanai Remix)
07.Veselin Tasev Pres. Tommy Johnson - Light And Tears (Original Mix)
08.Ferry Tayle & Daniel Kandi - Flying Blue (Original Mix)
09.Alex Flip - Dilena (Michael Retouch Uplifting Remix)
10.C-Systems & Bushi - Ari (Suncatcher Remix)
11.Dreamy - Dragon's Paradise (Hoyaa Remix)
12.Upward Motion Project - Heaven's Cry (Estigma Remix)
13.New World - Outreach (Original Mix)
Vol.9⇒sm19425880 TranceMix 2012⇒mylist/29987345 2010/11⇒mylist/17011249うぽつです! 選曲すばらしいです 毎回楽しみにしております。来年もよろしくお願いします!...
2012-12-01 21:08:57投稿
- 1,411
- 80.6%
- 10.1%
- 322.3%
01. Utopia - Tritonal
02. Lost & Found "Suncatcher Remix" - 7 Skies & Kiholm
03. Georgia "Temple One Remix" - Matt Skyer pres. Jms
04. Aiera - Aiera
05. L'Acrobat - Ferry Tayle & Static Blue
06. Miss You - Simon O'Shine
07. Rock Guitar "Arctic Moon Remix" - Corderoy
08. Rising Sun "Dereck Recay Remix" - Singularity
09. Inmenso - Manuel Rocca
10. Orange Sky - Hoyaa
11. 3AM - Angel Ace
12. Nowhere "Nitrous Oxide Remix" - Hodel & JP Bates
ASYLUM Mix[sm19481506]
Twitter[http://twitter.com/TakashixBlue]うぽつです!楽しみだ☆ うpつです! やっぱりSuncatcherはaすばらしいなぁ 最高! この動画みてこ...
2016-01-11 06:51:15投稿
- 1,400
- 60.4%
- 00.0%
- 251.8%
【#0:00】O.B.M Notion & Magic Sense - Refreshed Breeze
【#6:45】Ilya Morozov - Mezzo (DelAir Remix)
【#13:37】Feel & Make One - The Power Of Nature (Ahmed Romel Remix)
【#21:17】Chapter XJ - No Fear
【#29:02】Mhammed El Alami & Johannes Fischer - Solitude
【#36:04】Martin Libsen - Butterfly
【#44:32】Ikerya Project - Family
【#50:55】Al Sebastian - Digital Paradise
【#58:20】Starlyte - Hypernova (Six Senses Dreamy)
【#65:50】The Pulsarix & Spins - The Long Way Home (Hoyaa Remix)
【#73:07】Mhammed El Alami & Manuel Rocca - Land of Grace
【#79:53】Giovannie de Sadeleer - Endless Summer
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433作業用にイイネ! 今年も作業用に使わせていただきます! おきたか! うぽつ相変わらず綺麗だ...
2014-06-02 05:00:00投稿
- 1,391
- 20.1%
- 00.0%
- 90.6%
【#0:00】Shogun - Zanarkand
【#6:40】Robbie Seed - Cosmopolia (Hristian Hristov Remix)
【#13:50】Tonny Nesse & Marius Verwoert - Triumph
【#21:20】Nicola Maddaloni - Limbus (A.L.A.M.I & Allam Remix)
【#30:40】Frank Dattilo - Armageddon (Emanuele Congeddu Remix)
【#38:40】Dreamy & Ikerya Project - Bahamut
【#46:30】Iversoon & Alex Daf - Broken Age (Cloudwalker Epic Remix)
【#54:30】Ciro Visone - I Will Never Leave You (C-Project Remix)
【#62:50】James Dymond - Siren's Song
【#70:05】Farhad Mahdavi & Tiff Lacey - A Thousand Pieces
【#77:05】ARCZI - Natural Harmony
【#85:40】Hoyaa - Northlander
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433FF10のトランスバージョン! FF10!!
2016-04-11 05:33:43投稿
- 1,390
- 70.5%
- 00.0%
- 181.3%
【#0:00】Jean Clemence & Programmer - Saphir (R3dub Remix)
【#7:55】Luis Quezada - My Revenge
【#16:20】Mhammed El Alami & Abdelrahman Nabil feat. Allam - Oceanus
【#22:40】Marco Mc Neil - Frozen Ground
【#29:25】Jean Clemence - Carduelis (Ula Remix)
【#35:40】Space Raven - Hope You Remember
【#42:45】Akkiles - Logic Bomb (Hoyaa & Joakim Sjoberg Remix)
【#50:15】Oracle - Okami (Kiran M Sajeev Remix)
【#57:00】4 Seas & Giovannie de Sadeleer - Immortal Love
【#65:30】Nick Parker - True Love (Plutian Sentimental Take)
【#74:25】Andy Elliass & ARCZI - When I'm With You (Robbie Seed Remix)
【#82:00】Afternova - Loyalty
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433ありがとうございます うp感謝 うぽつでっす まってましたー うぽつ いつもありがとうござ...
2014-10-15 05:00:00投稿
- 1,331
- 40.3%
- 00.0%
- 141.1%
【#0:00】Ciro Visone - Loving You... (Hoyaa Remix)
【#7:00】Alex Wackii - Ode To Felix (Ikerya Project Remix)
【#14:55】Poshout - Rise FM
【#22:50】TrancEye - Demonica (Touchstone Remix)
【#30:40】Farzam feat. Sam Vince - Perfection (Hypaethrame Remix)
【#39:00】tranzLift - City of the Gods (Peter Smith Remix)
【#46:10】Etasonic vs. Bauero - First Lady
【#54:50】Martin Libsen - Angel Of Hope (Etasonic Remix)
【#63:50】Etasonic - Restless Night (Michael Flint Remix)
【#71:30】Harmonics Audio - Dreams (Ico Remix)
【#81:15】Tangle - I Believe
【#88:35】Rya - Peace Empire
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433Perfectionが正にPerfectionだった。 仕組太陽っぽいな ここどこかなー。行ってみたい。 うぽつ
2012-09-24 07:14:22投稿
- 1,268
- 20.2%
- 00.0%
- 231.8%
【#0:00】Fady & Mina – Kepler 22
【#8:50】Nab Brothers - When The Fields Are White (Ikerya Project Remix)
【#16:35】Broning feat. Anthya - Divine
【#23:10】Ilya Soloviev - Blur
【#30:25】Hoyaa pres. Lunar System - Our Planet Of Love
【#38:50】ReOrder & Miroslav Vrlik - Once Upon A Moment (Miroslav Vrlik Uplifting Mix)
【#46:50】Myk Bee - Soulfire (Running Man & Matt Trigle Remix)
【#54:00】Ciro Visone - Free
【#62:00】Infite - Deep Identity (Ikerya Project Remix)
【#70:15】ReOrder - Every Other Day (Pillow Remix)
【#78:25】Simon O'Shine - Your Distant World
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433いい!ありがとう。 うぽつー
2014-03-16 20:12:58投稿
- 1,180
- 90.8%
- 00.0%
- 322.7%
初のDJ Mixの投稿になります。
01. Dream World (Matt Bukovski Remix)/ Pakka, Denise Rivera
02. Say (Trance Arts Remix)/ Adam Tas, Sopheary
03. Rescue Me (Original Mix)/ Ferry Tayle, Erica Curran
04. Sunshine (Etasonic Remix)/ The Cloudy Day
05. Architectures (Original Mix)/ Nago
06. Sky (Dreamy Emotional Remix)/ A.Shine
07. Frozen (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)/ Christina Novelli, Roman Messer
08. Black Hole (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)/ Craig Connelly, Christina Novelli
09. The Journey (FSOE 300 Anthem) (Original Mix)/ Aly & Fila, Fady & Mina
10. Metropolis (TrancEye Remix)/ Hoyaa
11. Mesmerized (Original Mix)/ Driftmoon
12. Lost In A Dream (Original Mix)/ Falcon, Redstar
13. Remind Me (Suncatcher Remix)/ Matias Lehtola, Perpetual, Sandra Passero
MP3 320k> http://urx.nu/7gGS
次>sm23953270GJ 期待 かっこいいb タイムスタンプ削除したんですが、シークできませんね。なんでだろw う...
2016-10-01 21:40:20投稿
- 1,135
- 20.2%
- 00.0%
- 121.1%
レム - wishing の Trance Remix 風Mashupです。
当初、作るつもりはなかったのですが、原作9巻を読んだらレムが(自粛)であんまりだったので、作りかけで投げてたものを完成させてしまいました。。。原曲とは違った キラキラしたUplifting Trance です。
Full ver.
◆ コミュ放送:co142824
◆ Mashup :mylist/31542015
◆ DJMix :mylist/2650896
◆ twitter :twitter.com/KosmoPなにこれ レムりん!
2010-08-22 11:35:14投稿
- 1,087
- 50.5%
- 10.1%
- 252.3%
[Tenishia - Monsoon] [Type 41 - Reborn] [Adraw - Fletchers Story (Shato Remix)] [Mike Foyle pres. Statica - Silver Lake (DNS Project Remix)] [D-Gate meet DJ Deraven - Stringer Requiem] [Cylum - Uplift (Hoyaa pres. Lunar System Remix)] [Invisible Sounds & Faruk Sabanci feat. Debbie Digital - In The Summer (Electric Traveller Remix)] [Yuri Kane - Whirlpool] [Roger Shah & Ralph Fritsch pres. Black Pearl - Discovery] mylist/16425460
作業させてもらいますうぽつです 宇飛゜ー ウピー うぴー うp
2013-08-19 09:03:59投稿
- 1,058
- 20.2%
- 00.0%
- 171.6%
【#0:00】Alexander Popov - Moscow Subway
【#3:35】Atlantia - Millennium
【#11:30】A.R.D.I. - Beyond the Time
【#19:00】The Noble Six - Lost Civilization
【#27:10】Nic Toms pres. Tom Stronghold - Reflect
【#35:15】A.R.D.I. - Mystery
【#42:45】Kheiro & Medi - Kheng Nettah
【#50:40】Overseas - Tears of Ra (Matt Skyer Remix)
【#57:35】Hoyaa - The Better Side (Kaimo K Bangin' Mix)
【#65:10】Ciro Visone - Alive (Ico Remix)
【#75:15】Etasonic - No Words Can Tell This (Etasonic's Unspoken Mix)
【#83:20】Emanuele Congeddu - Letter to Anya (Mostfa & Mostfa Remix)
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433いいな 2r
2016-03-13 01:49:22投稿
- 972
- 20.2%
- 00.0%
- 151.5%
1.Salva Mea 2.0 (Above & Beyond Remix) / Faithless
2.Rubicon (Jaytech Remix) / 7 Skies, Super8 & Tab
3.Sunset Sonata (PROFF Remix) / Mike Flyer
4.Into The Dawn (Club Mix) / Kenji Sekiguchi
5.Ondine / Nhato
6.Tomorrow Never Dies [Bombay] (Markus Schulz Coldharbour Remix) / Markus Schulz, VASSY
7.Let It Come (Outburst Vocal Mix) / Mark Sherry, The Space Brothers
8.Geometrix / Ferry Tayle, Driftmoon
9.All I Need (Suncatcher Remix) / Aurosonic, Katty Heath, Frainbreeze
10.RAMnesia (TrancEye Remix) / Ram
11.Kaleidoscopic / Nago
12.Bittersweet (Mike Sanders Remix) / Mark Nails, Ai Takekawa
13.Letters To Heaven / Plutian
14.Tengoku / Hiroki Nagamine, Amber Traill, Spy
15.Surya (Dreamy's Banging Remix) by Akira Kayosa, Hugh Tolland
16.Salire (Suncatcher Remix) / Pierre In The Air
17.Losing Precious Moments / Hoyaa
18.Because You Are (Mhammed El Alami Remix) / Isa Bell, Dreamy
19.Eonian / Bernisやっとこさ録音しました(((´・ω・`) 楽しみ
2010-11-21 17:52:09投稿
- 918
- 50.5%
- 10.1%
- 182.0%
[Mike Danis - Nothing Fades ] [Ronny K. pres. Advanced - Aurora (Guitar Mix) ] [Philippe El Sisi feat. Sue MaLaren - The Last Hope ] [Paul Todd – Back And Forth (N&R Project Remix) ] [Hoyaa - Iceland Falls ] [Estigma - A Thousand Suns ] [Pandora - Over The Rainbow ] [Aeden - No Blood For Us (Ice Upon Fire Intro Mix) ] [Sophie Sugar - All For You (Matt Skyer Remix) ] mylist/16425460
いいね うぽつです うpおつ! 目を凝らすと動いてみえ・・ません 静止画に戻りますw
2012-08-26 00:31:56投稿
- 911
- 40.4%
- 00.0%
- 161.8%
01.Ahmed Romel - Only For You(Original Mix)
02.Pete Silver - Welcome To Wonderland (Touchstone Remix)
03.Matt Beck - Nearshore (Original Mix)
04.Matt Davey - Apocalypse (Chris Corrigan Remix)
05.Hoyaa pres. Lunar System - Beyond Liberty (Original Mix)
06.James Williams -Teardrops (Original Mix)
07.Simon O'shine - Dream About You (Original Mix)
08.Akira Kayosa & Hugh Tolland - Disconnected(Original Mix)
前作 sm17292538
次作 sm20774811
mylist/35293924選曲が素晴らしい 選曲が最高だった うぽつ 1
2011-11-11 06:45:02投稿
- 901
- 60.7%
- 00.0%
- 222.4%
【#0:00】Mark Sixma pres. M6 - Unspoken [Captivating Sounds]
【#7:58】Eximinds - Baroque [Unearthed Subliminal]
【#15:04】DJ Feel feat. Emma Lock - Without You [Liquid] ☆
【#22:25】Andrew Rayel - Globalization [Unearthed Red]
【#29:50】Mike Nichol - Durado 2011 (Dan Stone Remix) [Infrasonic]
【#37:18】Miroslav Vrlik feat. Martin Jurenka - Join Together (Hoyaa Rising Remix) [Unearthed]
【#44:08】Erik Hakansson - Rise (John Waver Extended Remix) [Trance All-Stars]
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433
切ない歌詞が味わえるヴォーカル付きのオリジナルも、機会があれば聞いてみてください。いいね!この曲! いい感じ きたああああああ おおお、いい!! いつもいただいてます うp
2010-10-31 10:06:51投稿
- 832
- 50.6%
- 10.1%
- 151.8%
[Way Two Side - Ocean Pearl] [Way Two Side - Lightning Lights] [Vantarez - Kristina] [Hoyaa - Orange Sky] [Kenan Teke - Back To The Kalahari (Sandeagle Remix)] [Mindful Innovations - Promises (N&R Project Remix)] [Angel Ace - Taking Off Again (Stonevalley Remix)] [Blue Tente - Antarctic Day] [Avalona - A New Life (Blue Tente Remix)] mylist/16425460
うpおつー ゴアげ いい GJ うp
2013-06-13 23:39:33投稿
- 819
- 10.1%
- 00.0%
- 141.7%
[#00:00] 01. Uplifting Trance (Original Mix)/Mourad Flatters
[#06:58] 02. Dragon's Paradise (Darren Porter Remix)/Dreamy
[#11:57] 03. Dragon's Paradise (Hoyaa Remix)/Dreamy
[#17:59] 04. Antarctic Rain (Peter Dafnous Remix)/Thomas Datt pres. Two Roads
[#25:10] 05. Sanur (Moonsouls Remix)/Frank Waanders
[#30:44] 06. Vimana (Original Mix)/Avrora
[#37:27] 07. Atlantis (Original Mix)/Damian Wasse & Manuel Le Saux
[#45:18] 08. Most Beautiful Happened (7 Skies & Static Blue Remix)/Serenade
[#52:18] 09. Trailblazer (Ronny K Emotion Remix)/Defcon Audio
前 : sm20951456 次 : sm21251240
Trance Mix : mylist/34695846うぽつ
2011-11-02 06:03:32投稿
- 762
- 81.0%
- 00.0%
- 131.7%
【#0:00】Dart Rayne - Sanctum [Trance All-Stars] ☆
【#8:21】Martin Libsen - Birth Of A Galaxy [Interstate]
【#16:27】Henrik Christensen - New Life (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) [FSOE]
【#24:18】Hoyaa pres. Lunar System - On The Edge [Only One]
【#32:50】Static Skies - New Life [Unearthed]
【#40:49】illitheas pres. Mavi - Azen (Trance Arts Remix) [Blue Soho]
【#46:52】Arisen Flame - Ocean Rainbow [Shah-Music Digital]
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433いいでだしだ RPGの世界にいるみたい うぽつ!! いつもありがとう いい感じ otu いいね、なんか...
2011-08-30 06:36:57投稿
- 726
- 71.0%
- 00.0%
- 131.8%
【#0:00】Ronny K. & Auren Leen feat. Marcie - In Silence
【#7:48】Nianaro - Life Is Short (Ronny K. Emotion Remix)
【#16:37】Space Garden - There & Back (Simon O'Shine & TrancEye Remix)
【#25:02】Andrew Rayel - Deflagration (Setrise Remix)
【#31:43】Sergey Nevone - No Lies
【#40:09】Hoyaa pres. Lunar System - Cold Wave
【#47:20】ZiRENZ feat. Ben Alonzi & Adriz - Take Me To Heaven ☆
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433うーんなんて素晴らしい曲だ ボーカル入りはなんかやだなぁ・・・ うP乙です! ペースはやいなー聞くのが間に合わないw 壮大か・・・? いいなぁこれ うp
2011-08-04 06:48:22投稿
- 645
- 91.4%
- 00.0%
- 121.9%
【#0:00】DJ Geri - Tears Of Ice
【#7:34】Martin Libsen - Lost Temple
【#15:25】Costa - Lana (Six Senses Remix) ☆
【#23:33】Captured Sun - Lost Souls (Ex-Driver Remix)
【#30:10】Hoyaa pres. Lunar System - Seventh Sun (Stonevalley Remix)
【#38:48】Solis - True To Me (Suncatcher Remix)
【#46:43】Sergey Nevone - Nature (Simon O'Shine Remix)
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433うぽつ!!! ちがうな go いいね go ぶらざーw 曲名ありがたいです^^ Niceうp うp
2012-05-14 04:02:37投稿
- 632
- 50.8%
- 00.0%
- 142.2%
自コミュ : co600365
01.Sagittarius (Original Mix) / Daniel Kandi
02.Reinspired (Original Mix) / Broning
03.The Other Side (Jorn Van Deynhoven Remix) / Luke Bond Feat Mark Frisch
04.Premonition (Daniel Kandi's "Bigroom" Mix) / A.R.D.I.
05.Believe (Original Mix) / Chapter XJ
06.Fading Moon (Original Mix) / Hoyaa Presents Lunar System
07.Smile (Arctic Moon Remix) / Meridian
08.RAMplify (Original Mix) / Ram
09.Cry Me A Rainbow (Ssr100 Anthem) (Original Mix) / ReOrder Pres Group Number One
10.Tree Of Life (Original Mix) / Running Man pres. Inca
11.Renovatio (Arisen Flame Remix) / Estigma
12.Insert Generic Title (Original Mix) / Daniel Kandi楽しんでます!!
2011-04-20 06:13:58投稿
- 619
- 30.5%
- 00.0%
- 111.8%
【#0:00】Andrew Rayel feat. Flaya - Always In Your Dreams (Lost Connection Dub Mix)
【#7:59】Sophie Sugar & Tom Colontonio – Arlanda
【#15:00】Trance Arts feat. Final Aeon - Sunstorm (Running Man Remix)
【#23:04】Richard Sander pres. Rising Sun - Across The Sea (Paul Todd Remix)
【#30:35】Chapter XJ - Arise
【#39:00】Will Dukster - Shortlove (Part Two) (Adam Nickey Remix)
【#47:00】Richard Sander & Lost Sunrise - The End Of Everything
【#55:04】Angel Ace - Gate 4 (Hoyaa Remix)
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433愛してる 宇宙が見えるよ うp