キーワードKenji-B を含む動画: 62件 ページ目を表示
2025年3月14日 07時00分に生成された05時00分のデータです
2014-08-08 17:07:08投稿
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Music, lyrics, video: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B)
Illustration: Chizuru
Additional photography: Kenji-B
mp3: https://app.box.com/s/fb6ct7w91sqf1ecsay9u
Off-vocal (Mastered): https://app.box.com/s/fkwrjaz4cdhcsmt03nle
Off-vocal (Unmastered): https://app.box.com/s/yxd4cvt9b2wp4688550z
Lyrics: https://app.box.com/s/68y74tedfhkfkxxfqc28
Purchase "Hard-Disk Hide and Seek - Single": http://goo.gl/41BKIa
Hello, this is Kenji-B. It's been a while!
This is my newest song, Hard-Disk Hide and Seek. I purchased AVANNA, she's so lovely. ;w;
I hope you enjoy this heavily electronic song I produced for her.
Also, the character's name is CUE. Please take care of him! ^^It was touching... looooove it! 聴き取りやすい 8888888 すごいすごいすごい!!!!!!! すごい! 過剰埋没動画から 映像かっこいい~ 美しい サビ素敵 美しい… まゆだぬき うおおおおおすげえ 8888888...
2014-03-17 11:04:15投稿
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"I want to be me, but I need to change...."
Music, video: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B) (mylist/37035470)
Vocal: MAIKA (By Voctro Labs http://www.voctro-vocaloid.com/en/maika)
Illustration: nageko
Special Thanks: Voctro Labs
mp3: https://app.box.com/s/jbt9v7xx5kjxd9cipkln
Off-vocal: https://app.box.com/s/rlhcldx2o5f47dhdzdkz
Lyrics: https://app.box.com/s/3din5uethrhv0mg4865w
Hello everyone! This is Kenji-B.
Today I bring you a song that I wrote for Voctro Labs' "MAIKA Original Contest".
I worked about a week on the song and another week on the video.
It was hard work! I'm really tired now! ><
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it!もっと評価されるべき もっと伸びるべき PVおしゃれ 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 題名何て読むんですか? 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ...
2017-10-03 21:27:12投稿
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「Don't be afraid. You'll be okay...」
VOCALOID ver:sm32039019
Circus: mylist/22926572
nostraightanswer: mylist/37035470
@rokurinnnかっこいい うぽー かっこいい やたー 888888 イケボw サーカスさんかっこいい!! この曲いいね~。見つけられてよかった 赤=Nostraightanswer 青=Circus-P 発音キレイ うぽつ あらま最高 うぽつです! やヴぁい…… ...
2015-09-12 10:33:14投稿
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■先作「Pushing Daisies」→sm28895044Yami's VCCV english voicebank is done. Please refer to PaintedCz's method of usage included in the readme file. 闇の初めてのUTAU英語音源です。ありがとうございました!
本家様: sm23112523
イラスト: 藤堂茶路 (ちゃろさん)
.ust: PaintedCZさんすっご… 調教うっま イラスト茶路さんなのね すげええええ おお? これはいい予感 おおおおおおおお うまい!! 88888888888888888 GJ!! 良いね GJ いいなぁ 待ってました! いい声すぎる おおおお ここいいね
2012-08-12 11:27:14投稿
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Original: sm18162722
Music and Lyrics: Ananii (user/8887009)
Movie: SZK
VSQX, mixing, mastering, encoding: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B) (user/16291467) (Twitter: @Kenji_Baionoto)
Hello everyone! This is Kenji-B. I decided to spend a day to work on my tuning skills, and wound up making this cover. I hope it's enjoyable!
I'm sorry for not being able to speak or write Japanese.伸びが きれい 合う 外人は差別用語だおら すげぇ…… ここすげえな 綺麗だ こっち結構すきやわー おおおおおおおおお IAなのに力強い・・・ 外人さん凄いな 情動クラシックの人か 上手すぎww やっぱこれだ ここの切り替えすごいよね... gjgj...
2016-06-04 16:16:39投稿
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"Why are we falling apart, when we've already come so far...?"
Music, lyrics, video: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B)
Vocal: Hatsune Miku English
Illustration: 6LIN
Special Thanks: ODDEEO, CircusP
HD: https://youtu.be/BoDjnQBqRJY
Purchase the single: nostraightanswer.bandcamp.com/album/pacify-single
Previous: My Impulse (sm28981993)
Hello! This is Kenji-B.
I forgot to upload My Impulse a few weeks ago, so I'm uploading two songs today, lol.
6LIN designed two characters, who are currently named "Viola" (Purple) and "Tea" (Blue). They are going through a tough time in their romantic relationship right now. V_V
I hope you all enjoy the song!耳に優しい英語だなぁ これはほんと好き 良かったです! おされー☆ とてもいい声 もっと伸びろっ!! wow so like かっけぇね いいね かっこよかった gj! やばいっすね うぽつ GJ GJ! nice! ミクの声とは思えない So cool!
2016-06-04 15:57:36投稿
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"Don't look at me, I'm falling apart..."
Music, lyrics, video: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B)
Vocal: DEX
Illustration: EmpathP
Special Thanks: Zero-G Limited
HD: https://youtu.be/F_MPc1RD3UM
Get DEX: www.zero-g.co.uk/store/vocaloid4-dex-p544.php
Previous: Half-Life (sm24800281)
Next: Pacify (sm28982069)
Hello! This is Kenji-B.
This is the first video I've posted since EmpathP and I announced we were the voice providers of DEX and DAINA. It is also the first video I have posted in over a year.
I am happy to bring you this very personal song. There are some references that I don't expect everyone to understand, but I hope you will all enjoy regardless! ^^88888888888888 曲もDEXもかっこいいね! かっこいい! 888888888888888888888888888888888 DEX好きだ~ DEXイケボやな かっこいい 翻訳くれー 8888888888 翻訳希望 DEXと聞いて co...
2012-08-10 00:56:04投稿
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Original: sm18337672
Music and Lyrics: アテコスリ
Movie: born
VSQX, mixing, mastering, encoding: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B) (Twitter: @kenji_baionoto)
Hello everyone! I'm Kenji-B. This is my first time using IA and is also the first time I have tuned a VOCALOID. I hope people enjoy my efforts.
I apologize for not being able to speak or write Japanese very well.好き すげえ よかった これ動画すごいよな いいいいいいいいいいいいいい おおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお 100コメげとー 調教すごっ! 本家もいいけどこっちも控えめな歌い方で素敵だと思う 1M 支援 画質 あ 画質はちょっとなぁ こっち...
2016-10-17 02:53:00投稿
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原曲:sm9405740 / ust:kenji-B様 / コーラス参考:sm19315749
mylist:mylist/37666667ふつくしい... ドン千のUTAUとは珍しいwktk ここの歌詞 ←なんか、すみません 合ってる 聞きやすい おおww www 綺麗 はいはい、我のせい我のせい すごいドン千っぽい!ドン千絶許 主コメwうぽつです~! うぽつです gj おおお 綺麗
2014-10-30 12:14:10投稿
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"Have I become too dependent of you...?"
Music, lyrics, video: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B)
Illustration: BoboSweet (http://bobosweet.deviantart.com/)
Special Thanks: EmpathP
Purchase (Bandcamp): http://goo.gl/41BKIa
Purchase (iTunes JP): https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/hard-disk-hide-and-seek-single/id894749699
Hello! This is Kenji-B.
Today I'm uploading the B-Side to Hard-Disk Hide and Seek (sm24187715). It also features AVANNA, however, this time the song is about a dwindling partnership.
Additionally, I think it has the prettiest vocal melody I've written so far. I hope you all like it too. ^^すごくいい GJ! 8888888888 これは凄い トラックメロディーの組み合わせが美しいなぁ・・・ Good! これ来るぞ 埋もれ杉やろおい・・・・ 凄く良かった さすがのネイティブ英語ボカロ Oh・・・beautiful♪ UTAUみたいなボカロだ!
2013-11-11 10:56:25投稿
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"They are not to be rooted for."
Music, Story, Movie: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B)
Lyrics: EmpathP
Vocal: Kenji Baionoto (倍音音ケンジ), Aiko Kikyuune (気球音アイコ)
Illustration: D-Artemisatto
Consulting: zalas
mp3: http://soundcloud.com/nostraightanswer/mia-detachment-incident-utau
mp3 / instrumental / UST files: https://app.box.com/s/28u30nf745sn2rcdrefi
Lyrics: goo.gl/OkgfSh
Hello everyone! This is Kenji-B.
This song was originally written for United Together Around UTAU, an Overseas UTAU Compilation Album that was released at Minna no UTAU 2013.
The album's version was mastered by zalas, and this version was mastered by myself.
I hope you like it! ^^サビかっこよすぎ いいのう お gj 素敵です GJ GJ! うぽつ!CDの曲だ! みんUTAで発売された海外Pコ...
2013-06-13 10:10:24投稿
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88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 GJ wwwwwかわいい いいな 8888888888 かっこいい gj ケンジさんかっこいいぃぃぃ!!!! YEEEEEAH KENJIIIII ! Gooo...
2015-06-22 08:10:05投稿
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Reprint from youtube.com/watch?v=R1FccTYewJY
Two new Zero-G Engloids, Dex and Daina. Songs are Fade by CircusP, Pushing Daisies by Kenji-B, Wicked Girl and Tin Boy by EmpathP. Character art by SteelEmissary! They are based on the theme Fox and the Hound'
VO Thread: vocaloidotaku.net/index.php?/topic/60706-zero-g-to-release-2-new-vocaloids/
ZeroG website: zero-g.co.uk/store/home-w31.php
Engloids:engloids.info/news/new-zero-g-vocaloid-4-dex-and-daina-revealed-in-live-stream-convention-panel/この曲好き! circuspようつべにしかこの曲あげてないね circuspやん! 応援するよ! 8888888888888888888888 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888...
2013-08-25 07:13:06投稿
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終わり方、素敵です 雨 8888888888888888888888888888888888888 Again 浮揚感 ここがいい! いい声 英語が心地良い… 好きだ 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888...
2013-10-04 10:46:00投稿
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null = 何もない, 無の, 無に等しい
音源 : chasingfireflies(user/15499244)
元PV: Kenji-B(user/16291467)
※お暇があればコチラもどうぞ→ mylist/37135670やばいやばい 儚い 888888888888888888 ああ・・・ 見入る null!!!! 本物の手みたい! 8888888888888888888888...
2014-01-11 18:12:29投稿
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Original: sm19743601
詞・曲/ラムネ(村人P) mylist/24844062
映像/りゅうせー mylist/7985102
Mix, master, manipulation: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B) (user/16291467)
mp3: https://soundcloud.com/nostraightanswer/nakimushi-robo-feat-ia
mp3 mirror: https://app.box.com/s/ayrcbi94p0g9qv9lzry1
VSQx Download: https://app.box.com/s/ux3y234wvosir1y2jark
Good evening! This is Kenji-B!
My first VOCALOID cover of 2014, of Ramune-san's "Nakimushi Robo"!
I haven't used IA in a while. It's great to manipulate her again.
I hope you enjoy this cover!
HD: http://youtu.be/8-b8HsOYBnIIAの声いいなあこれ合ってますね!! こっちも聞き取りやすい IAマジ好き!!!!! 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ですよね ←分かる
2019-03-23 02:39:03投稿
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original: nm13359285
ust: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B)
illust:手折芽色 様
薬袋カルテ様の動画を一部使用しております。忘れかけてた彼女の声を思い出せました。ありがとうございます。 ありがとう… すごい… 88888888888888888888 素晴らしい... 画質良い… きれい すごい キレい… イキカエレイキカエレ・・・ 絵しゅき… 美しい 音作りが素晴らしい
2011-02-05 10:50:12投稿
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Repost from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDiTW6AIcwE Original Video and UST by maluquinho5. Art by Shiva http://shivatenshitan.deviantart.com/art/Soundless-Voice-193067723 倍音音ケンジ by Kenji-B Download 倍音音ケンジ: http://www.mediafire.com/?mh46ggabi5rvcbj Download UST: http://www.mediafire.com/?2axzbu41f6l0cnc
声音很温柔 It was awesome !!!! Very touched 8、視聴中 すごい・・・! 凄いなぁ…… レベル高いな い...
2013-08-30 12:51:37投稿
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"Hey, it's okay. I'm here for you."
Music Production, Lyrics: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B)
Illustration: xMitsubachix (http://xmitsubachix.deviantart.com)
Vocal: GUMI (English)
mp3: https://app.box.com/s/sr595lrm1eo7hghan5tm
Off-vocal: https://app.box.com/s/zp9c960zo396547la4dg
Lyrics: https://app.box.com/s/o3h5ve2n0do206u6k7ya
Hello everyone! This is Kenji-B. I wrote a song about a character I created during Game Design class in high school. She's ten-years old and blind, and is having trouble playing with friends.
It's a cute-sounding song, so I hope you all enjoy it.GJ!もっともっと評価されるべき! ミクノポップの枠に収まるのがもったいない この調声どう...
2012-10-07 12:13:24投稿
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Original: sm16807748
Music and Lyric: ねこぼーろ
Vocal, mix, master, encode, movie: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B)
Illustration: cilliaちゃん (user/14043659)
mp3: https://www.box.com/s/7qaxur421f88nc7fmwmc
Hello everyone! I decided to try cover nekobolo's "Liar" after admiring it for a good few months after receiving IA in the mail. It's such a pretty song, so I hope I did it justice.クオリティ高すぎて理解されないのか・・・・? ここだいすき 綺麗な音 いいこえ・・・ wktk 8...
2015-01-26 00:51:29投稿
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通常音源を「落ち着いた感じ」と言ってもらえることが多かったのでそれを意識しつつ録りました!音源名は「久歌アイム 喜」です。
■歌/久歌アイム 喜
■その他動画とか/久賀フーナ 【mylist/38189991】なんか神々しい かわいい~ かわいい アイムさああああん!! うぽつです!アイムさんかわいい ...
2016-05-22 08:30:13投稿
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■前作「DEFINE ME」→sm27137518
本家様: sm23112523
.ust: Makkusan
Yami's VCCV english voicebank is complete and released as a tripitch. Please refer to PaintedCz's method of usage included in the readme file. 闇のUTAU英語音源です。ありがとうございました!良かった!GJ いいなぁ! ヤミヤミヤミ うぽつ!
2012-09-30 10:32:10投稿
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Music + Lyrics + Chorus: Aki(EmpathP) | Vocals: Kenji-B | Picture: Kaminary-san
GJ 気持ちの良い曲だなあ すごく印象的な曲と良い声が心地良いです GJ すごいわ いいね すご...
2012-07-12 13:38:42投稿
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オリジナル:さつき が てんこもり / ともの(sm12441199 / sm12796093)
イラスト:MystSaphyr & MioDioDaVinci
作品マイリスト:mylist/27228466めっちゃ好き mystは神 GJ
2012-02-03 11:59:06投稿
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Original: EZFG (sm16658127). UST: MystSaphyr @ UTAUxyz. Mixing+Mastering+UTAU Operation: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B). Vocal: 倍音音ケンジ・倍音音ケイティ. Original Posting on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLryBuZa3Hc .倍音音ケンジ & 倍音音ケイティ (c) nostraightanswer (Kenji-B). Commercial use of the voice recordings, designs, and any variants is strictly prohibited without permission of the creator. mp3: http://soundcloud.com/nostraightanswer/hurting-for-a-very-hurtful Kenji and Keiti's cover of "Hurting for a Very Hurtful Pain", or "とても痛い痛がりたい". I spent a few hours mixing and mastering, so I hope you enjoy it! Also, Kenji has an update to ACT 2 BETA. Download it here: http://www.4shared.com/archive/xiITAWH8/Kenji_Baionoto_ACT_2_CV_Open_B.html? すみません、しかし僕は日本語を話すことはありません。
888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 GJ いいね のびればいいのに・・・・ こういうのいい おおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお ここのケ...
2013-08-10 16:03:33投稿
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Dexの中の人だから当然かもしれないが、Dexに聞こえない DEX 上手いのになんであんまり伸びなのか不思議… 声がというか、まんまボカロですよね、新しいやつの イケメン設定なのに名前がアレだ… GJ この曲感動します... 声がボカロっぽい うぽつ!
2013-03-07 11:36:19投稿
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癒されるなぁ awesome song 柔らかい声だな~ すてきー good gj ああ、いい声だ GJ Very nice song 出だ...
2011-07-26 15:12:33投稿
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Music/Remix: Aki(EmpathP), Vocaloid Conversion+Master: neutrinoP, English Vocal: Kenji-B(Nostraightanswer), オリジナル: nm7869327, Picture: BlackberryCake, Inst: http://www.mediafire.com/?zs8zw0090py3411 PLEASE ENJOY!
これはいいアレンジ 生声? ここ一番かっこいい GJ!!(^O^) いいなああ wktk gj GJ gj GJ ボーカルう...
2014-04-08 15:47:21投稿
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"I don't want to go... what if we can't meet again?"
Music, Lyrics: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B) (mylist/37035470)
Vocal: GUMI English
Illustration: MystSaphyr
Download: http://synthetic-yuletide.bandcamp.com/album/synthetic-yuletide
Off-vocal: https://app.box.com/s/2h56w4wa3guynq1oiomr
Hello everyone! This is Kenji-B.
This is a song I wrote for ASDR's first compilation album, "Synthetic Yuletide". It's free to download! //
Ah, but I'm late to upload this one, too. It's been on YT for at least 3 months. ;3; I hope you all enjoy it! ;w;GJ! いいかんじ It`s cute owo
2013-10-08 05:49:54投稿
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neapolitanだ…! あなたの曲が大好きだ CDほしいなぁ この2人好きだ これいいな おおお! 欲しい...
2012-12-26 15:46:29投稿
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いい! いえーい かわいい GJ かわいい GJ! いいな かわええww GJ すげーいい 海外組はクオリティ...
2013-05-08 07:31:22投稿
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"Will you ever forgive me for what I did?"
Music: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B)
Lyrics, Artwork: EmpathP
Vocal: IA
mp3: http://snd.sc/Y2tuJl
Karaoke: https://www.box.com/s/dozkty34xwj2utcghbwm
Karaoke (No mastering): https://www.box.com/s/x4xzka5nqp45j0cu8fvj
Hello everyone! I'm Kenji-B.
This is an original song I began writing in the year 2010 with lyrics by my friend EmpathP. I'm very grateful that she was willing to help.
I picked the vocal, IA, because I thought her voice fit the song best, and I felt a need to use her.
The video was first posted to YouTube a few months ago. My apologies for not uploading sooner on Nicovideo. http://youtu.be/hSdJkDJkI-0
I hope you enjoy the fruits of my effort.よかった!!! きれい GJ きれい wktk
2016-11-21 13:15:03投稿
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私がミスをした場合、私は申し訳ありません... ;v;
◆ 音楽と歌詞: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B)
◆ お借りしたust→MakkuSan Desu (どうもありがとうございました!)
◆ 絶叫声タイゾ:VCCV → (https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtMt7uh-pSR1gS2eHgRCv814djVv)
◆ マイリスト→ [mylist/31491906]
どうもありがとうございました!聴きやすい かっこいい 聴いてて気持ちイイな とても素敵な音源ですね。
2012-10-01 04:14:24投稿
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Original: sm17696073
Music and Lyrics: chasingfireflies (user/15499244)
Illustration: Gimmick/Hakailer (http://www.youtube.com/user/hakailer)
Vocal, mixing, mastering, encode, movie: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B)
mp3: http://soundcloud.com/nostraightanswer/null-feat-kenji-b-cover
Hello everyone! I'm Kenji-B. This is a cover of my friend's UTAU original song, "Null". I hope everyone enjoys it!うめぇ いい声だ いいなぁ GJ 綺麗だ これは嬉しい!!!!
2015-10-23 09:01:10投稿
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ボーカル: Megpoid English
作詞・作曲: nostraightanswer(Kenji-B)さん
イラスト: xMitsubachixさん
ボーカル: Megpoid V3 Whisper
イラスト: どぶさん
調声・翻訳・動画: みっちゃんP
mylist/7226905, mylist/7226910原曲へのリスペクトと愛が凄い (*'ω'*)ステキな歌声♪ GJ 癒される うぽつですʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧ 8...
2012-07-25 00:00:48投稿
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Original: sm12894209
Music and Lyrics: ゆちゃ
Movie: HND
Vocal, mix+master, encode: Kenji-B
Key: +2
mp3: http://soundcloud.com/nostraightanswer/poker-face-kenji-b
On YouTube, I uploaded this before 6900000000 (which can be found at sm18432032 ), so the uploads on NicoNico are out of order now... I hope people can enjoy this cover nonetheless.かっこいい すご 英語の発音素敵 外人? 低い? かっこいい!!
2014-04-06 16:04:12投稿
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"Forget me, leave me behind."
Music, harmony manipulation: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B) (mylist/37035470)
Lyrics, main manipulation: EmpathP
Vocal: 初音ミク V3 English
mp3: https://app.box.com/s/ywyzcmwsuuykq9hze7ky
Off-vocal: https://app.box.com/s/y0oozpuy0u2txjc05uhg
AVANNA original version: sm20266271
Hello everyone! This is Kenji-B.
This is a song I originally wrote instrumental-only for my first album, "idle thoughts". EmpathP had contacted me to write lyrics for it, so a version with AVANNA was made.
Eventually, EmpathP asked me if I would like to have a Miku English demo song, and I was ecstatic to try, so I prepared a new version.
It was never used as a demo, but was feature in several 39Channel videos.
Ah, but I'm late to upload this. Forgive meeee. ;3; It's been on YT for at least 9 months. ;3;
I hope you all enjoy it, despite my neglect! ;w;うぽつ GJ!! クオリティ高いなあ うぽつー
2014-05-07 14:25:15投稿
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Music, Lyrics: GuitarHeroPianoZero (user/25668948)
Vocal, mix, master, encode: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B) (mylist/33051574)
mp3: https://app.box.com/s/uyqvcdnm5h99bihxti99
Good evening! This is Kenji-B!
I would like to congratulate GHPZ for "Glass Wall"'s appearance at Lady Gaga's ARTPOP Ball on May 6th with this cover.
I'm so jealous, haha. But it's all good fun. I'm so proud!
I hope you all enjoy my performance!愛を あなたのためにわたしの想いを 歌うよ を越えていけるはず それでもガラスの壁 あなた...
2014-05-25 21:15:05投稿
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1. YZYX - Tiempos
2. darkbluecat - Fujoshi
3. HorizonsP - Another Cliché
4. nostraightanswer (Kenji-B) - Define Me
5. I3orje - Bad Breakup
6. Maubox - La Audición
7. Aensland - Benedictio Laudate Domini
8. EmpathP - Waves of Change
ダウンロード: http://vocallective.bandcamp.com/album/ma-ka
サイト: http://www.vocallective.net/<:ロミ タイトルのTiempos=Times un dos tres= 1,2,3 EmpathPすぐわかるなー これ7曲めかな? ジャンルバラ...
2012-11-20 16:42:06投稿
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歌 MIZKI 勇馬
本家様→sm9405740 お借りしたust→Kenji-B様
キャラ別カバー一覧 ar643488 mylist/25114615チョコラテさんのVY好きだ リズムが好き。 とてもきれい いい声だった いいねー 好きだなー ...
2015-01-31 00:00:00投稿
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■本家 sm9405740
■使用音源 鳴都 連続音、sweet,紅椿
■ust参考 Kenji-B様
■MIX 來夢様 mylist/32952812
■マイリスト mylist/27215330鳴都ちゃんおめでっと! うぽつ さすがの調教 絵美しい.. かわいい! よろしくお願いします詩...
2014-08-06 12:44:12投稿
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Kenji-B様・chasingfireflies様の名曲「null」をまっきーに歌ってもらいました。すごすぎる本家様はこちら→ sm17696073 。offvocal音源・UST共に本家様配布のものを使わせていただきました。本家様は女性音源で歌っておられますが、キーもgも弄らずに歌えるまっきーってすごいなあ。ハモリはソラくんです。お借りした素敵動画素材、つぶつぶが降ってくる→ nc25810 @__@ 様。ラインとパーティクルのブルー背景→ nc41124 jigen様。ありがとうございます!いままでカバーしたもの→ mylist/42792124 ◆追記◆ユニット名タグありがとうございます。ユニット「空風」なんかかっこいい。
すてきです! 挑戦するだけ偉いよ
2024-10-18 15:46:03投稿
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曲:CircusP/多声ズィー sm22294373
みんなのUTAU 2013でリリースされた「United together around UTAU」(sm21974986)に収録のCircusPの褪せない名曲。大好き。ズィーさんかっこいい。
ust:iikibiz sm22456448
動画素材:牟呂狗 nc261452 im10661869
UTAU音源:カロガド/ボカロ大好きアボガド6 sm44065192 nc370781
素材配布:nc376390 nc376389 nc376388
-- ろくろを回す手つきで語るやつ(いつもの) ーー
この曲大好きでNSENでもめっちゃリクしてた記憶があります。強く何か(愛)に当てられて様子がおかしくなった機械が更に己の愛を音に乗せて無限に感染拡散させていくのだ。この曲が入っている上記CDはワールドワイドコンピの最先駆的名盤で当時遠く離れたところでUTAUを使ってこんなにもすごいことをしている人達がいるのだという衝撃がものすごかった記憶。願わくばこの動画にたどり着いた人がXFDにも到達してCircusPのみならずKenji-BさんとかChaseさんとかMystさんとかの動画との素敵な出会いがあるといいなと欲をかいています。うっすらインストに焼き込まれてる声以外は、コーラスもトークも全部カロガドさんです。て、書かないとわからないくらい声色の幅が出てくれて、冒頭ノーマルテトさんあたりと間違えられそうなので書いときました……。かわいく嘲笑してもらおうと思ってピッチ巻いたら思いの外かわいくて戸惑ってたら、カロガド♂♀の表象が飛び出して少し安心したり……。規約を読み込んだところ、個人範囲での利用に関しては原音も原音設定も編集して大丈夫そうだったのでちょっと魔改造しました。主に発音の採取と錬成。息とかエッジとかいっぱい取ってくれてあったのでできるだけ盛り込みました。今回出先で出張用PCでの作業だったので有償VSTほぼ使えなかったので、NIとiZotopeがただでくれるやつとREAPER付属でMIXをなんとかしてるので多少お聞き苦しいところがあるかも知れませんが何卒ご容赦下さい。きれいに歌う ここもカロガドさんなんだ すごい 88888888 HANASUすごい! 単独音…?めちゃ滑らかだ… 高い声の方喋り方うざかわいくて生きてる…… 8888888888888 万能薬になりそうっす! 全身が逆立ちます 物語が大きく動きそう...
2012-08-11 01:18:29投稿
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Original: sm10999542 | Motion: sm11877395 | UST: nm14750127 | Editing, mixing, mastering: Myst (user/9556364) | Camera, movie, encoding: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B) | HD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtTzntQ8pzQ || Hello everyone, this is Kenji-B. This is my first work using MMD, and a collaboration with Myst, with Myst editing the UST and mixing, and myself creating the video. I hope you enjoy our work! | I apologize for being unable to speak Japanese. I must also apologize for the image quality, and to watch the video on YouTube if you would like better quality in fullscreen mode.
2012-08-10 07:59:37投稿
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Hey hey, I've done another video using Imane Kami. It's the same UTAU I've used on "Setsugetsuka". I really enjoy her voice so I decided to do another cover. Isn't she awesome ? YEAH ? :p. So the art is drawn by Moka. (She's got a really cute style I have to say). The ust is by Kenji-B and edited by me (SukinaK). I've made the mix and the (crappy) video. So I hope you'll enjoy and don't forget to give me some feedback :p.
初めて聞いたけど可愛い! 全部は今歌サラみたい
2011-06-20 04:44:55投稿
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Remix collaboration between MystSaphyr and Kenji-B/nostraightanswer.
作品マイリスト:mylist/27228466GJ! Mystさんは、アイコ好きなんですね(笑) はい。マイリス確定ね! GJ! GJ! スバラシイ datekenさん好きそうな曲だ GJでした
2012-07-24 13:04:06投稿
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Original: sm13380008 | Music: kyotn | Lyrics: HAMO | Vocal, mix+master, encode: Kenji-B | Synth Solo: nostraightanswer (Kenji-B) | Key: -2 | mp3: http://soundcloud.com/nostraightanswer/6900000000-kenji-b-mp3 || If you were forced to listen to the stories and complaints of the world, what would you do? I hope people enjoy this cover, I had fun making it.
かっこいい ライアと言いなんで伸びないんだろほんとこのコエすき so cool!!! 待ってました! I was waiting!
2018-08-02 01:56:02投稿
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重音テトささやき888888888 888888888888888888 8888888888888 GJ~~ GJ~ GJ テト尽くし最高です やっぱり一番はテトちゃんですなぁ!! テトちゃん~~~大好きぃぃぃぃぃ~~~ テトぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉおおおおおおおお うぽつです
2014-04-09 12:43:03投稿
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オリジナル:Kenji-B (sm23112523)
UST:Sange (sm23250777)
よく音だと思う(๑•́ ω •̀๑)
HDアップロード:http://youtu.be/Y9g_kJHd8VYGJ! 英語やばい
2014-03-30 00:58:15投稿
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1. sm23109021/フルオキセチン/フラッシュバック・アイロニー
2. sm23135151/よさこい男爵/砂漏のカケラ
3. sm23115858/すし/空の境界線
4. sm23128382/おさんじ/Birth
5. sm23102395/Rin(ぎんすけ)/Utopia
6. sm23110963/御魚/M.I.J
7. sm23135852/にゃろろP/digital×REALITY
8. sm23112523/Kenji-B/Define Me
9. sm23146579/room/ボクの本当のキモチ
10. sm23139101/nlelanoon/Shinker 6
11. sm23107486/さたこ/マジョルカ・エタノーラ
12. sm23110798/BaKaAfter/きらきらする水の底
13. sm23134455/オモイノソラ/あさのくにいいなと思っても何曲めなのかわからん うぽつー