キーワードReOrder を含む動画: 71件 ページ目を表示
2025年3月28日 07時00分に生成された05時00分のデータです
2009-10-12 14:47:53投稿
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01. Oen Bearen - Souriez (TrancEye Remix)
02. ReOrder - Nights Above Athens (TrancEye Remix)
03. Martin Everson & B. Prime - Simple Stuff
04. DMetaverse vs G.S.R. - Stop Thinking, Try Feeling (Estigma Remix)
05. XGenic - Sensitive
06. Tuomas J - Skyline (TrancEye Remix)
07. Oxid Project - Before You Go (Likuida Remix)
08. Fast Distance - Big Ben
09. NatLife - Eupatoria
うpリスト mylist/11563565はいはい、マイリスマイリス。これただの神じゃん。大したことない。 やべえいい ooo ^ 脳汁...
2010-01-08 23:45:15投稿
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01.Digitalis - Memento (Original Mix) 02.Julian Vincent Feat. Cathy Burton - Here For Me (Robert Nickson Remix)
03.Haris C feat. Anthya - Tonight (Midnight Rush's Monday Dub Mix) 04.Trance Arts - Stratosphere (Dan Stone Remix) 05.Super8 & Tab - Irufushi (Sean Tyas Remix) 06.Setrise vs. Faruk Sabanci - Visible Horizons (ReOrder Remix) 07.Sean Tyas - Tingle (Original Mix) 08.Ledo - Atmosphere (David Cameron Remix)
09.Sun State - Fight For The Future (SoundLift Remix) 10.Veselin Tasev - Sunny Wind 2009 (Mysterious Movement Remix) 11.Corderoy - You & Me (Vocal Edit)
Trance Mix01(2009年まで)⇒mylist/6332291 Trance Mix02(2010年~)⇒mylist/17011249いい作業用BGMを見つけた、うぽつ! 耳が幸せっす イイミックスでした この曲を手に入...
2010-06-17 21:33:35投稿
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癒し系と書いてますが、後半は若干ノリノリ路線になっていきます。Marcel Van Eyckの今後に期待。
01. Emptiness - Blue Tente feat. Stine Grove
02. Pure - ReOrder & Dave Deen
03. Skyline - Myk Bee
04. Arcturus - Accendo
05. Dreamcatcher "Club Mix" - Nitrous Oxide
06. Signs Of Future "Marcel Van Eyck Mix" - New Generation Of T.A.
07. Vigor "Cold Blue Remix" - Hydro Aquatic & Vir2l Vision
08. Airbreath "Rene Ablaze & Cyrex Mix" - Dima Krasnik
09. Rising Star - Hoyaa
10. Veritas Lux Mea "Cesar Lugo Remix" - Luke Terry
11. Lost Sun "Matt Skyer Remix" - Setrise
12. As You Were "Ben Nicky Remix" - First State
マイリスト[mylist/7670433]!◆!▼!▲!▼!▲!▼!■--this place--■!▼!▲!▼!▲!▼!◆! 最高 日本語? 水彩画みたい 夢の中のよ...
2011-11-23 23:41:18投稿
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今回は冬に向けてクールなEpic TranceをMixしました。
01.Cloud City "Type 41's White Angel Remix" - Myk Bee
02.Closer "ReOrder Uplifting Remix" - JP Bates & Antonia Lucas
03.Aquatic Motion - Max Braiman
04.Ancient Times "Kiholm Remix" - Cymatics
05.Catch The Rainbow "Ost & Meyer Emotional Mix" - Inglide
06.Stars Over Paris - Willem De Roo
07.Reflections Of Silence "Ion Blue Remix" - Solo
08.Join Together "Hoyaa Rising Remix" - Miroslav Vrlik feat. Martin Jurenka
09.Ignite - Hiroyuki ODA
10.Nova - Ucast
11.From There - Mujahid
12.Crossing North - Matt Bowdidge
13.Azen "Illitheas Mix" - Illitheas pres. Mavi
14.(Bonus Track)Last Goodbye "Orchestral Mix" - Sergey Nevone & Simon O'Shine
Twitter→[http://twitter.com/TakashixBlue]冬になったので エピックというよりユーフォリックが多かった印象 これはいいな ありがとう!
2012-10-26 22:02:41投稿
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ニコ生放送開始のメドが全く立っておらず、申し訳ありませんm(_ _)m
01. What Do You Feel? "Re:Locate vs. Robert Nickson Banging Remix" - Aeris feat. Jess Morgan
02. Ingria - Ivica Vanevski & Saturn 6
03. The World - Redstar
04. Back Side Air - Veselin Tasev pres. Nago
05. Unspoken Love "Matt Skyer Scottish Remix" - Anoikis
06. Arcana - Craig Steven
07. Starships Over Alice - Arctic Moon
08. I'm Missing You "Energetic Dub Mix" - Ronny K vs Vasaio feat. Jakub Hubner
09. Nocturnes "Touchstone Remix" - Aeden
10. Fusion "TrancEye Remix" - Dreamy
11. Perfect Sky "Space Garden Remix" - Martin Libsen
12. Every Other Day "Pillow Remix" - ReOrder
Twitter[http://twitter.com/TakashixBlue]アゲるねえw いいっすねえ かっけー 戦場のピアニスト 時間を忘れてしまいそう... 同じカッコいい部類なんだけど、これからがんがんのっていくぜーみたいな曲がなくなった気がする 最近のトランスは時代の終焉みたいな曲調増えちゃって悲しいわ いつもありが...
2012-05-03 17:27:53投稿
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Uplifting Tranceが明らかに減ってきている。
01. Desire "Oen Bearen's Immortal Tears Remix" - Evan London
02. Solo "Roses Version" - Sean Tyas
03. Alexandria - James Williams
04. Timeline - Suncatcher & Mihai M pres. Starshifters
05. Nostalgia "Dennis Pedersen Remix" - Max Braiman
06. Something Beautiful "Pete Silver Remix" - Dave Cold & Three Faces
07. Prestige "Den Rize pres. Blur8 Remix" - Up & Forward
08. Winds Of Spring "Blue Tente Remix" - Oren
09. Neutral Sky - Aadd9
10. Inesquecivel "SoundLift Remix" - Nery
11. Sundown - ReOrder feat. Irena Love
12. Expectations "O'rion Remix" - Cylum & Velden
Twitter[http://twitter.com/TakashixBlue]いきなり絶好調、季節もピッタリだわ! 安心のラスト ラスト持ってますなー 嬉し泣き 感動 好き ぜいやあああああああ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーhぅおおおおおお きたかも いけ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! いけ!! こいこい!!! こい! こい...
2016-08-29 21:15:17投稿
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夏も終わりに近づいていますが、今年もビーチで聴きたい爽快なUplifting TranceをMixしました。
01. Emerald - Paul Shields
02. Halion - Illitheas
03. Ethereal "Mhammed El Alami Remix" - Aziz Aouane & Jeitam Osheen
04. Meridian Sun - Bernis
05. Torn "F.G. Noise Remix" - Cathy Burton
06. Singularity "David Surok Remix" - Bernis
07. Summer Tide "Factoria Remix" - Dan Stone & Phil Young
08. Asking About You - R.E.L.O.A.D.
09. Beautiful "Aly & Fila Remix" - Ferry Corsten
10. Round We Go "Standerwick Remix" - Myon & Shane 54 with Haley
11. Tomorroworld - ReOrder & Ferry Tayle
12. Open Road - Daniel Kandi & Markus Wilkinson
13. Aquarian - Spawn
9/18(日)大阪にAly & Fila来日!!
https://iflyer.tv/ja/AlyFilaInOsaka/この爽快、疾走感がたまらない まってました! おつでした~ うぽっち はいキターッ! うぽつです 夏キター
2015-02-14 07:59:10投稿
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今年最初のDJMixはフランスの天才プロデューサー「ふぁりふぁり」ことFerry Tayle Mixです。多幸感に満ち溢れたトランスをお楽しみ下さい。
01. Battle Of The Barrels - Ferry Tayle & Stonevalley
02. Biscay Bay "Ferry Tayle Remix" - ReOrder
03. Flying Blue - Daniel Kandi & Ferry Tayle
04. Rescue Me - Ferry Tayle
05. Top Of The World "Ferry Tayle Remix" - Andy Moor & Lange
06. Transform "Ferry Tayle & Stephan R Remix" - Akira Kayosa
07. One "Ferry Tayle Remix" - Manuel Le Saux
08. Over & Over "Ferry Tayle Mix" - Roger Shah
09. Eleventh Street "Ferry Tayle & Static Blue Remix" - Adam Nickey pres. Blue 8
10. Trapeze - Ferry Tayle & Static Blue
11. The Prestige - Ferry Tayle
12. Cherry Avenue "Ferry Tayle & Stephan R. Remix" - The Flyers & Mike Sonar
ニコ生コミュニティ[co2025945]新作、超待ってました!!!!! うp乙 Memory of me入らなかったかー残念ー アラきれい うぽつ!
2013-06-20 17:58:11投稿
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夏に似合いそうなお気に入りのUplifting Tranceを詰め込みました。
■mp3 Download -> http://rapidshare.com/files/1948723026/2013th%20Summer%20Mix%20by%20Jizel.zip
■HD画質/高音質版: http://youtu.be/I7CyeInhXDU
01. ReOrder feat. Stine Grove - Biscay Bay (Ferry Tayle 'Neverending Story' Intro Mix)
02. Daniel Kandi - Piece of Me (Alternative Beach Mix)
03. Johann Dee & NAGO - Blue Circle
04. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Still With Me (Suncatcher Remix)
05. Anemosphere & Nostalgraph - Ling Child
06. Ferry Tayle & Static Blue - Trapeze (Daniel Kandi's Emotional Mix)
07. Hiroyuki ODA - Revive
08. Right Face - Deep Impression (Adam Nickey Remix)
09. Gelardi & Cintra - Northern Sky
10. Dima Krasnik - Heaven
11. Oceania - Never Forget
12. Estiva - I Feel Fine (Suncatcher Remix)
13. Illitheas - Perfect Day (Ronny K Remix)超GJ うぽつです ここいいね ♪♪♪ 耳が幸せ♪ 鼻そうめんP最高♪ たくさんある音楽のジャ...
2016-01-26 23:39:43投稿
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01. Tauranga "NoMosk Remix" - Mhammed El Alami & Ula
02. Mirzam - Dan Stone
03. Who We Are feat "Bjorn Akesson Remix" - Arctic Moon & Apple One
04. Lozza - Ferry Tayle
05. Olivia "Ahmed Romel Remix" - Ozo Effy
06. Deep Blue - Darren Porter
07. Armadillo "ReOrder Remix" - Solis & Sean Truby
08. Will You Stay the Night "UDM Remix" - Another World & Nuaro
09. The Long Way Home "Hoyaa Remix" - The Pulsarix & Spins
10. Pave The Way With Gold "Type 41 Remix" - Denis Sender & Cynthia Hall
11. Watching The Stars - Afternova
12. Salire "Suncatcher Remix" - Pierre In The Air
13. Rainbow Smile - DelAir
http://twipla.jp/events/180952またきたぜ ここらへん好き ああ~さわやかできもちいい 神動画 新作キター:D 今年もよろしくです! キターー 待ってました!!
2010-01-30 20:27:57投稿
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01.Chapter XJ - Resurrection (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) 02.Arctic Moon - Afterworld (Matt Skyer Remix)
03.Blue Tente pres. North Sight - Runaway (ReOrder Bangin Mix) 04.Avenger - Music Box (Original Mix) 05.Dan Stone - Fahrenheit (Ilya Soloviev Remix)
06.Hydro Aquatic - Impact 07.Jo Micali - Resynthesize (Original Mix) 08.Martijn Stegerhoek vs. Daniel Kandi - Australia (Original Mix)
09.Bruni Bergeron - Downrising (XGenic Remix) 10.Fast Distance vs. Dimension - Above The Clouds 11.Defcon Audio - Trailblazer (Med's Extended 2009 Remix)
トランスMIX(~2009)⇒mylist/6332291 トランスMIX(2010)⇒mylist/17011249 アンビエント⇒mylist/2873293good いかん危ない危ない危ない・・・ > いい! ありがとうなんだよ!!! すごく良い… 朝から鳥...
2015-10-14 22:02:57投稿
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01. Vertigo - Emanuele Congeddu
02. Find A Way - Photographer
03. Day Of Birth - Miroslav Vrlik & Andre Visior
04. Santiago - Dennis Pedersen
05. Pursuit - Araya
06. Ch00n! - Daniel Kandi & Matt Chowski
07. Orbiter "UCast Remix" - Outside The Bounds
08. Siege of The Walled City - Haig & Raffi
09. Gold In The Sky "Signum Dub" - Ron Hagen & A.R.D.I.
10. Blue Rose "Matt Bukovski Remix" - Fahrad Mahdavi
11. Morning Sun "Hiroyuki ODA Remix" - Shingo Nakamura
12. Gemini "Adam Ellis Remix" - ReOrder
13. NYC "Startail Remix" - Adam Sobiech & John Glenn
マイリスト[mylist/7670433] 10/31(土)23:00~ イベント開催します!
ニコ生コミュニティ[co2025945]かっこいいな 画像いいな お待ちしておりました さいこ~ マジ最高 まってた おお~~~( *´...
2015-09-28 17:15:55投稿
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01. Lee Osborne feat. Roxanne Emery - Safe In The Sky (Cold Rush Remix)
02. UCast - Ramp
03. Aly & Fila with Ferry Tayle - Napoleon
04. Flynn & Denton - Second Chapter
05. Flynn vs. Derek Ryan - Aozora
06. Paul Miller - Malwina
07. Mike Sanders - Route 66
08. ReOrder & Lee Osborne with Roxanne Emery - Where You Hide
09. Arctic Moon & Apple One feat. Diana Leah - Who We Are (Bjorn Akesson Remix)
10. Paul Denton - Absolution
11. Dan Stone - Mirzam
12. Abstract Vision & Sarah Lynn - The Very Center Of Me
13. Sneijder & Christina Novelli - Love Of My Control
Uplifting Trance Anthems: mylist/32216185うp乙 うぇーい\(^O^)/
2012-06-13 22:22:45投稿
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…FF4も面白いよね( ^ω^)少し音量が大きいかも。初夏っぽく爽やか・ちょいアゲ路線です。
01.Bjorn Akesson feat. Jwaydan - Xantic (Aly & Fila vs Bjorn Akesson Remix)
02.Jaco - Dont Break Me (Original Mix)
03.Brian Flinn & Type 41 - Lost Angel (Original Mix)
04.Majai - Sprite (Ferry Tayle Neverending Story Remix)
05.Air Night - Daisy (Adam Navels Emotional Mix)
06.Avion - Castles & Waves (Original Mix)
07.Veselin Tasev - Blue Light 2011 (Reorder & Dave Deen Remix)
08.Ehren Stowers - Unity (Sonic Element Remix)
09.Fast Distance - Envol (Juventa Remix)
10.Genium - Liftoff (Original Mix)
11.Ozo Effy - Endless World (Original Mix)
TranceMix 2012⇒mylist/29987345 2010/11⇒mylist/17011249Akessonサイコー イイ! いいね~こういうテンション上げるやつが必要だったんですw やはりw...
2011-09-26 22:46:29投稿
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01.Rave Channel - Song For You (Sean Truby Remix)
02.Kamil Esten - Until The End (Luca Lombardi Remix)
03.Running Man - Falling (Original Mix)
04.Ultimate - Wonderland (Original Mix)
05.Dave Emanuel & Steve Nyman - Rise Fall (Bjorn Akesson Remix)
06.Mike Shiver vs. Mathias Lethola - Slacker (Bjorn Akesson Remix)
07.Dawn - Ursula (Original Mix)
08.Trane & Divinevox - Silent Sea (Myk Bee Remix)
09.ReOrder & Dave Deen feat. Irena Love - Again (Original Mix)
10.Undertech & Solar Paradise - Light Day (Nomosk Remix)
11.Solis - True To Me (Suncatcher Remix)
12.Ahmed Romel - Only For You (Arctic Moon Remix)
TranceMix2010~⇒mylist/17011249 ~2009⇒mylist/6332291 Ambient等⇒mylist/2873293うぽつです! さすが いつも楽しみにしてます! 待ってました! 画像ありがとーすごいきれい
2010-04-17 11:38:59投稿
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01.Dima Krasnik feat. Aminda - Airbreath
02.Eide & Andrez - Forget Me (Adymus Remix)
03.Setrise & Nurettin Colak - Frozen Dreams (Original Mix)
04.Shaun Ansari - Luxuria (Suncatcher's 'Wave Motion' Remix)
05.ReOrder - Arenile (Original Mix)
06.Nitrous Oxide & Adam Nickey - Moon Dust (Original Mix)
07.Hydro Aquatic - Moon River
08.Daniel Kandi - Venice Beach (Original Mix)
09.Robbie Nelson - Aviator (Dan Stone Remix)
10.Alucard - Elation (DJ Eco Mix)
11.Giuseppe Ottaviani - Where I Want To Go (Extended Version)
TranceMix2010⇒mylist/17011249 ~2009⇒mylist/6332291 他動画⇒mylist/2873293 新Mango Mix⇒sm10544949うぱり! 良いと思ったらKandi...あなたか... オチンポ とかで拾えるもの? ここいらの曲ってan...
2012-01-14 22:03:16投稿
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01.Breakfast - The Climb (Original Mix)
02.Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic feat Eva Kade - Miracle (Dallaz Project Remix)
03.Kaimo K - Tartu (ReOrder Remix)
04.Caira - Yellow Maple (Type 41 Remix)
05.Matt Bukovski - Inspired (Original Mix)
06.Devilect - Just Smile (Ex-Driver Remix)
07.Shaun Greggan - Perfect Moment (Juventa Remix)
08.Dima Krasnik - Horizon Line (Original Mix)
09.ReOrder Pres. Group Number One - Stone (Original Mix)
10.Sandeagle - Haliaeetus (Illitheas Remix)
11.Ion Blue Feat Danny Claire - Remember (Original Mix)
おまけ.Maria Nayler - Naked & Sacred
TranceMix 2012⇒mylist/29987345 2010/11⇒mylist/17011249乙!今年もお世話になりますー 来てたー!今年もよろしく! うp乙! *。:.゚アケマシテヽ(...
2011-08-02 18:19:51投稿
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01.Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound
02.Solar Energy - Phoenix
03.Attractive Deep Sound - Last Bullet (Logic Stories Remix)
04.Daniel Kandi - Promised (Jason Van Wyk Remix)
05.August Vila - Euphoria (Olbaid Remix)
06.Vito De Santis & Soulforge - Double Dutch (Original Mix)
07.ReOrder - Sunrise (Original Mix)
08.Kiholm - Fragile 2011 (Digital Horizon Remix)
09.Suncatcher & Mihai M Pres. Starshifters - Phobia (Original Mix)
10.Right Face - Deep Impression (Adam Nickey Remix)
11.Gareth Emery feat. Lucy Saunders - Fight The Sunrise (Daniel Kandi's Rise Mix)
12.JMS, Matt Skyer - Georgia (Original Mix)
TranceMix2010~⇒mylist/17011249 ~2009⇒mylist/6332291 Ambient等⇒mylist/2873293この盛り上がりとか最高 この曲いい。。。 うぽつー やばい、今回はなんかいつにもまして...
2011-05-03 16:01:20投稿
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01.Randry - Agora (Original Mix)
02.Running Man - Believe (Danilo Ercole Remix)
03.Tommy Baynen - Nylon (Running Man Pres Fifth Dimension Remix)
04.Poshout - Lonely (Stonevalley Remix)
05.Veselin Tasev - Desire (ReOrder And Dave Deen Remix)
06.Lifted Emotion Feat Anastasiia Purple - In My Dreams (Ost And Meyer Extraordinary Mix)
07.ReOrder & Dave Deen - Pulse (Original Mix)
08.Adam Szabo - Radiance (Original Mix)
09.Sequentia - Gone Missing (The Flyers & Mike Sonar Remix)
10.Vitodito - Napoli (Suncatcher Remix)
11.Hodel & Anguilla Project - Emerald (Original Mix)
12.Aly & Fila Feat Tiff Lacey - Paradise (Club Mix)
TranceMix2010~⇒mylist/17011249 ~2009⇒mylist/6332291 Ambient等⇒mylist/2873293しょっぱなからストライク!! ばるはらさんがきっかけでSuncatcherの曲買いました さんきゃ...
2011-04-09 13:42:37投稿
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前作同様にProgressive Tranceでまったりと。最後の曲が最近のヘビロテチューンです。
01.Mat Zo - Synapse Dynamics (Arty Remix)
02.First Effect Feat Olivia - Humanity Highway (Cylum & Velden Deep Mix)
03.Myk Bee Pres Solar State - Feeding Dreams (Jective Remix)
04.Rinat Shabanov - Tindra (Mike Danis Remix)
05.ReOrder - Citybeats (Original Mix)
06.Lost Connection - Sleep City (Original Mix)
07.Edu & Cramp - Silver Sand (Daniel Kandi Remix)
08.Andrew Rayel - We Never Come Back (Mike Danis Remix)
09.SHato - Something Between Us (Alex Frolov Remix)
10.TyDi Feat. Audrey Gallagher - Calling (Original Mix)
11.Erick Strong - Orchids (Dewstuffz Remix)
TranceMix2010~⇒mylist/17011249 ~2009⇒mylist/6332291 Ambient等⇒mylist/2873293神秘的で影がある感じの曲・・・凄く気に入りました!!! Callingやばい・・・好きすぎる!ウォ...
2013-04-09 08:50:15投稿
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【#0:00】Swilow & Diamans - Sky
【#6:20】Ciro Visone - First Coming (Ian Standerwick Remix)
【#15:10】Sunset Heat & Joe Cormack - Fall of Liberty (Johan Ekman Remix)
【#23:00】Sean Tyas & Greg Downey - Dark Before The Dawn (Classic Mix)
【#30:30】Jamie Walker - Boulevard
【#38:30】Solis & Sean Truby feat. Sue Mclaren - Closer To The Earth (Club Mix)
【#44:50】Luke Terry vs. Adam Tas feat. Sopheary - Escape from Say
【#52:20】Nash & Pepper - Return To Berlin (Talla 2XLC Remix)
【#58:50】MaLu - Intracloud (Hoyaa Remix)
【#67:20】ReOrder - Aviate
【#75:00】Tobi Atkins - Set Me Free (Stonevalley Remix)
【#80:50】Moonsouls - Into Your Heart
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433いいなこれ otu TASさんから…これは仕方ない 拝聴 検索妨害か Adam Tas 以下TAS禁止 うぽつ
2014-04-16 05:00:00投稿
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【#0:00】RAM & Arctic Moon - Mirakuru
【#8:40】LekSin - A Way Between Two Worlds (Swilow Remix)
【#14:50】Araya & Mark Dreamer - Salthar
【#21:50】ReOrder feat. Stine Grove - Biscay Bay (Afternova Remix)
【#29:25】Ciro Visone & Alessandra Roncone - Shiver
【#37:50】Tuneflux - Sanguine
【#46:30】Mike Onswell - Lost Forever (Hoyaa Remix)
【#54:10】Mike van Fabio & AxelPolo vs. D-Serg - Supra
【#62:30】Simon Moon & Naeba & DanteS - Positive (Mostfa & Mostfa Remix)
【#70:40】French Skies - Symphony
【#79:05】Joseph Darwed - Always Be In My Heart (Mostfa & Mostfa Remix)
【#87:30】Blue Silence & Matt Chowski - Nothing To Fear (New World Remix)
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433ここなんかカッコイイ うpありがとうございます! 希望なんですが、今までのヴォーカルが入...
2015-01-24 00:00:00投稿
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- 00.0%
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Davey Asprey - Anima / Chris Metcalfe & Allen Watts - Breakthrough / Ferry Tayle feat. Erica Curran - Rescue Me (Suncatcher Remix) / Thomas Datt feat. Ben Heyworth - Here & Now (Xgenic Uplifting Mix) / Magnus - Marine Groove / Allen & Envy and Sarah Lynn - Save Your Last Breath (Robert Lyttle Remix) / James Dymond - Siren's Song / Curtis Young - From Behind (Ben Nicky Remix) / Neptune Project - Lost All My Tears (The Noble Six Remix) / Tangle - Halcyon / Adam Ellis - Velocity In French / Sied van Riel feat. Alicia Madison - Gravity (Sneijder Remix) / Jonathan Carvajal & Andres Sanchez - Teardrops / James Poulton - Panoramic / Will Atkinson - Eternally / DJ T.H. - Shapes In The Darkness / Paul Webster - Hold On (Quest 4 Trance Beach Anthem 2014) / Darren Porter - Terraforming / Davey Asprey - Aleion / Lee Osborne & Allen Watts - Telepathy / Andres Sanchez & Omar Sherif - Until Amnesia / Andy Moor - Fade To Light (ReOrder Remix)
UTA: mylist/32216185菓子職人乙 I feel you rescue me... that changing It never mattered, you rescu...
2010-10-21 21:51:52投稿
- 1,629
- 161.0%
- 00.0%
- 422.6%
01.ReOrder Feat Stine Grove - Biscay Bay (Ferry Tayle 'Neverending Story' Remix)
02.Hodel & JP Bates - Nowhere (Nitrous Oxide Remix)
03.Running Man - Forever (Original Mix)
04.Jo Micali - Beyond The Sea (Original Mix)
05.Elias B - Polar Ice (Adam Nickey Remix)
06.Lemon & Einar K - Tenacity (Original Mix)
07.Solis - Believe Me (Thomas Datt Remix)
08.Fast Distance & Amex - Searide (Fast Distance Mix)
09.Dave Horne - For So Long (Ilya Soloviev Sunset Remix)
10.Redstar - Vernfield (Driving Force Remix)
TranceMix2010⇒mylist/17011249 ~2009⇒mylist/6332291 Ambient等⇒mylist/28732930. . 楽しみにしてましたー! Walhallaさんいつもありがとう!Twiitterもやろうぜw おお、いつも...
2013-06-02 18:13:30投稿
- 1,564
- 60.4%
- 00.0%
- 221.4%
【#0:00】Alexandre Bergheau - Ca-Mind
【#8:45】Orbion - Vivaldi
【#15:20】ReOrder - Alliance of One
【#22:15】Akku - Infinito (Ancient Mind Remix)
【#29:40】Pizz@dox - Abracadabra
【#36:20】Denis & AlexZ vs. Aysin Gunay - Nemrut
【#44:40】Solis & Sean Truby - The Climb
【#52:40】Mosahar - Pure Emotion
【#60:05】Billy Gillies - Daytona
【#68:05】Ferrin & Morris - Arizona
【#74:40】BluEye - Levitation (Kaimo K Remix)
【#84:00】Andy Elliass vs. Laucco - Flying With Angels
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433ん、いい感じ 美しい・・ う乙 うp うぽつ うぽつ
2012-12-24 12:23:05投稿
- 1,443
- 141.0%
- 00.0%
- 221.5%
01.ReOrder - Every Other Day (Eximinds Remix)
02.Blur8 - Pacific (Original Mix)
03.Max Braiman - Fracture (Original Mix)
04.Sergey Shabanov - Again (Original Mix)
05.Laker - Fragile (Original Mix)
06.Sonary - Perfect Pearl (Sou Kanai Remix)
07.Veselin Tasev Pres. Tommy Johnson - Light And Tears (Original Mix)
08.Ferry Tayle & Daniel Kandi - Flying Blue (Original Mix)
09.Alex Flip - Dilena (Michael Retouch Uplifting Remix)
10.C-Systems & Bushi - Ari (Suncatcher Remix)
11.Dreamy - Dragon's Paradise (Hoyaa Remix)
12.Upward Motion Project - Heaven's Cry (Estigma Remix)
13.New World - Outreach (Original Mix)
Vol.9⇒sm19425880 TranceMix 2012⇒mylist/29987345 2010/11⇒mylist/17011249うぽつです! 選曲すばらしいです 毎回楽しみにしております。来年もよろしくお願いします!...
2012-10-21 10:17:44投稿
- 1,411
- 30.2%
- 00.0%
- 282.0%
【#0:00】Bobina - The Space Track (Andrew Rayel Stadium Remix)
【#6:50】Ralphie B. - The Holy Grail
【#16:00】Ayda - Queen
【#23:05】DJ Feel - Darklight
【#30:05】LekSin - Pluton (Martin Libsen Remix)
【#38:00】Eddie Bitar - Juggernaut
【#44:30】Witness45 - Perfect Serenity
【#52:30】Dmitry Golban - Next Time (ReOrder & Matt Trigle Remix)
【#59:20】Mosahar - After All (Touchstone Remix)
【#67:40】ReOrder pres. Group Number One - Cry Me A Rainbow (Estigma Remix)
【#75:50】Anoikis - Unspoken Love
【#83:30】Stoneface & Terminal - Green Velvet
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433これは良い! 作業開始します! いつもサンキュー
2010-05-04 09:10:16投稿
- 1,389
- 70.5%
- 10.1%
- 251.8%
[Shaun Ansari - M (ReOrder feat. Dave Deen Remix)] [Oneslikers pres. Exaya - Rose] [Niklas Grosswald - Levitation] [Aleete - Passion (Dmitry Bessenov Remix)] [Bluebear Project - Winter Dreams (Sky Motion Remix)] mylist/16425460
ここ凄いいい T-ARAの曲はこれをもとにしてるのかな iine これは泣いた ピアノがいいね うp乙 うp
2014-02-16 11:30:07投稿
- 1,314
- 10.1%
- 00.0%
- 251.9%
1.X You (Original Version)/Avicii
2.Californian (Michael Elliot Remix)/Domestic Technology
3.Clarity (Aurtas Pararell Trip Club Mix)/Zedd Feat. Foxes
4.Superheroes/Michael White & Appearance Feat. Charlotte
5.Neverending/Kaster Feat. Qwentalis
6.Tomorrow/Biopunk & Awst Rush Feat. Charlotte Haining
7.Cant Stop Now (Matisse & Sadko Remix)/The Aston Shuffle
8.Stay The Night/Zedd Feat. Hayley Williams
9.Afraid/Christopher Sletto
10.Outshine (Nigel Good Remix)/Myon & Shane 54 Feat. Natalie Peris
12.For You (The Blizzard Remix)/Envio
13.The Survivor (Nhato Remix)/Taishi
14.Surrounded (MK Remix)/BT & Aqualung
15.Forbidden Souls/Nhato
16.Sky Harbour (Original Mix)/ReOrder
次回作→sm23708153 前作→sm22871520 Mixマイリス:mylist/33998227おお
2012-09-24 07:14:22投稿
- 1,268
- 20.2%
- 00.0%
- 231.8%
【#0:00】Fady & Mina – Kepler 22
【#8:50】Nab Brothers - When The Fields Are White (Ikerya Project Remix)
【#16:35】Broning feat. Anthya - Divine
【#23:10】Ilya Soloviev - Blur
【#30:25】Hoyaa pres. Lunar System - Our Planet Of Love
【#38:50】ReOrder & Miroslav Vrlik - Once Upon A Moment (Miroslav Vrlik Uplifting Mix)
【#46:50】Myk Bee - Soulfire (Running Man & Matt Trigle Remix)
【#54:00】Ciro Visone - Free
【#62:00】Infite - Deep Identity (Ikerya Project Remix)
【#70:15】ReOrder - Every Other Day (Pillow Remix)
【#78:25】Simon O'Shine - Your Distant World
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433いい!ありがとう。 うぽつー
2012-11-24 13:55:00投稿
- 1,149
- 171.5%
- 00.0%
- 252.2%
01.Moonsouls - Chloe (Original Mix)
02.Cymatics - A State Of Bliss (Lost Sunrise Remix)
03.Dreamy - Dragon's Paradise (Original mix)
04.Facade - Half Way Home (UDM Remix)
05.Michele Cecchi - Isla Dorada (Original Mix)
06.Snatt & Vix & Neev Kennedy - At The End Of The Day (Suncatcher Remix)
07.Tritonal feat Cristina Soto - Still With Me (Suncatcher Remix)
08.Myk Bee - Soulfire (Original Mix)
09.Dreamy - Vermillion (Ikerya Project Remix)
10.ReOrder - Every Other Day (Pillow Remix)
Vol.8⇒sm18970336 TranceMix 2012⇒mylist/29987345 2010/11⇒mylist/17011249これ最高! うぽつですー dreamyに注目してみるか…! たのしいいいいい この曲凄く良いね うお...
2015-09-27 14:43:28投稿
- 1,131
- 50.4%
- 00.0%
- 201.8%
【#0:00】Overthreat - Mind Blaster
【#8:25】New World - Monarch
【#14:45】Aeden - Supreme
【#21:45】Ilya Morozov - Epilogue
【#28:45】Unknown Source - The End
【#38:10】Dan Delaforce - Shine Down
【#45:40】Emanuele Congeddu & First Sight & Nadia Sazonova - Black Orchid
【#52:30】4 Seas - Rise (Syntouch Remix)
【#60:55】Johan Gielen - Magnitude (ReOrder Remix)
【#66:55】Paul Hided & Airzoom - The Soul of Tabity
【#75:45】Giovannie de Sadeleer - Between The Stars (Syntouch Remix)
【#83:10】Emre Yildiz - Imagination
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433かっこいい うぽつです! 相変わらずの選曲にGJ☆ いいですね^^ うぽっ♪
2010-04-24 18:15:36投稿
- 1,091
- 40.4%
- 10.1%
- 201.8%
[Thr3Shold - Bad Promoter] [Trance Commando - When Everything Falls Apart] [Vicky Devine - Shape Up] [ReOrder pres. Group Number One - Fight To Soul (Estigma Remix)] mylist/16425460
トランス(笑) うおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお a うp
2012-05-01 22:06:52投稿
- 1,078
- 70.6%
- 00.0%
- 242.2%
【#0:00】Sky Motion - Revival
【#7:59】Dreamy - Ixion (TrancEye Remix)
【#15:15】Orbion - Aurora (Function C Remix)
【#22:26】Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic vs. Photographer - Legion (Paul Miller vs. Ronald de Foe Remix)
【#29:54】Chris Corrigan - Horizons
【#37:46】ReOrder - Aisuru (Suncatcher Remix)
【#45:08】Sergey Shabanov - Fiction
【#53:44】Jo Micali - Peak Experience
【#61:20】Winkee - Beautiful Morning
【#71:10】Suncatcher & Mihai M pres. Starshifters - Driveby
【#79:50】Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam
【#88:08】Svyatoslav Maltsev - Once & Forever
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433
2週間も空けてしまいスイマセンでした…うp再開します。哀愁+かっこいい olo Suncatcher Remixホントにかっこいいよなー うぱり焦らなくてもいいのよいつ...
2013-10-29 08:47:40投稿
- 1,069
- 10.1%
- 00.0%
- 111.0%
【#0:00】Amir Hussain - Vesuvius
【#6:15】Squarz Kamel - My Minds (Imperfect Hope Remix)
【#15:25】DK Project - Night Dreams (E.T Project Remix)
【#23:05】Kaimo K - Innermost (ReOrder Remix)
【#30:15】Joer van Ray - Essence Of The Moon (Amitacek Remix)
【#38:35】Emanuele Congeddu - First Kiss
【#46:05】Dreamy - Connected Feelings (Bart Panco Remix)
【#52:05】Ico feat. Muhib Khan - Tanha (Orbion Remix)
【#58:40】Ico - Shimmer
【#67:25】Arctic Moon & Paul Webster - Valhalla
【#75:50】Ciro Visone - Lost Control (The Cloudy Day Remix)
【#86:45】Blue Silence & Matt Chowski - Legendary (Matt Chowski Mix)
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433うぽつですー
2012-05-04 15:22:05投稿
- 1,033
- 60.6%
- 00.0%
- 222.1%
【#0:00】Philippe El Sisi vs. Fady & Mina – Zombies
【#6:17】Philippe El Sisi – Guilty Pleasure
【#13:27】RAM - RAMplify
【#22:34】Jaden Merrick - Reach Out
【#30:00】Dave Nadz & LeBlanc - Haamiah
【#37:50】Estigma - Illusion
【#45:32】Running Man & Ahmed Romel - Azure (Running Man Edit)
【#53:59】The Noble Six - Last Departures
【#61:56】Chapter XJ - Believe (Matt Bukovski Remix)
【#68:46】ReOrder pres. Group Number One - Cry Me A Rainbow
【#76:17】Vitodito - La Isla
【#83:48】Tenishia - Always Loved, Never Forgotten - The Day Will Come
【#91:37】Setrise vs. Kay Wilder - Cannon
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433うおー iine たしかにここらへん気持ちいい 良い爽快感 うぽつ かっけえwww
2010-11-14 11:21:12投稿
- 1,022
- 80.8%
- 10.1%
- 202.0%
[Kaan Demirel - Benigna (Intro Mix)] [Peter Lesko - Longing] [Tamerlan & Djons - Northern Lights] [Robbie Seed - Beautiful Life] [Dereck Recay - Inside Out] [Dereck Recay - Essence Of Life] [Juventa - Sundesire (Sunny Lax Remix)] [SoundLift - Empty Night Street (Daniel Kandi Remix)] [ReOrder & Dave Deen - Rain] mylist/16425460
今回はうごいとる うぽつ、画質とかどうでもいい。主きにスンナ。 こんなトランスのベース...
2011-06-19 16:58:48投稿
- 926
- 70.8%
- 00.0%
- 222.4%
6作目です。よろしくお願いします。レコーディング時の音質に近い形で上げられたら最高なんですが、一般会員の俺にはどうやらこれが限界のようですorz まぁ通勤通学、休憩時間のお供などご自由にお楽しみください。 1.Kamil Polner - Adeamus (0:00) / 2.Johan Ekman - Future Vision (8:03)/ 3.Halcyon Kiss - Halcyon Kiss (14:30)/ 4.Eddie Sender feat. Reorder - Universum (21:11)/ 5.Ben Gold - Life (27:00)/ 6. Angel Ace - Finally (33:40)/ 7.Stacker - Tell Me Why (39:25)/ 8.Sunset and Thiago Soulz - Sensation (45:24)/ 9.BT Feat. JC Chasez - Force Of Gravity【Ferry Corsten Remix】(50:45)/ 10.DJ Tiesto feat. BT - Love Comes Again【Edit】(56:30) BPM:139
やっぱBTいいなー いいねぇ ありがとうございます!!技術面はまだ始めたばかりなんで、選曲...
2010-10-03 07:35:39投稿
- 907
- 60.7%
- 10.1%
- 161.8%
[Setrise & Nurettin Colak - Relativity (Intersonic Remix)] [Matt Skyer - Storm Warning] [Dave 202 - Arrival (Sebastian Brandt Remix)] [Ronny K. pres. Advanced - Atlantis (Simon O'Shine Remix)] [Staircase & Soulside - Restless Being (Matt Skyer Remix)] [ReOrder & JayCan - Sunset On Biana Beach] [Air Run - Tahoe (Running Man Remix)] [Pluton & B-Fairy - Rainbow (Rene Ablaze Remix)] [Dimension pres. Oceano - Cabo Del Mar (Illitheas Remix)] mylist/16425460
いいな upotu ああ良いわ 1 いいきょくだなー うp
2016-03-15 22:33:14投稿
- 867
- 10.1%
- 00.0%
- 101.2%
Flynn & Denton - Second Chapter / Aly & Fila with Ferry Tayle - Napoleon / Bryn Liedl feat. Bethany Marie - Statues (Bryan Kearney Remix) / Giuseppe Ottaviani - No One Like You / Amine Maxwell & Mhammed El Alami - If I Stay / Matt Bukovski & Cynthia Hall - Slave To Doubt / Aly & Fila with Aruna - The Other Shore (Fady & Mina Remix) / Paul Miller - Plick Plack / ReOrder & Lee Osborne with Roxanne Emery - Where You Hide / Arctic Moon & Apple One feat. Diana Leah - Who We Are (Bjorn Akesson Remix) / Paul Denton - Absolution / Matt Bukovski & Eloquentia feat. Adara - Pieces Of The Sky (Uplifting Mix) / Simon Bostock feat. Becca White - When We Collide / Matt Bowdidge - Final Rising / Miroslav Vrlik - One Tear Away / Colonial One feat. Eva Kade - Where You Are (Kayosa & Tolland Remix) / Tangle - Sahara (A.R.D.I. Remix) / Will Rees - Persistence / Amir Hussain - To The Lost / Magnus - Neon Division
Uplifting Trance Anthems: mylist/32216185うぷ乙です
2010-09-09 01:04:43投稿
- 809
- 20.2%
- 20.2%
- 202.5%
1. Fast Distance, Amex - Searide (Fast Distance Mix)
2. Oliver V, Shokey - After Rain Comes The Sunlight (Shokey Remix)
3. Art Of Trance - Love Washes Over (Airwave Remix)
4. The Noizee - Give Teh Soundz (Overbitz Remix)
5. Stine Grove, ReOrder - Biscay Bay (Ferry Tayle 'Neverending Story' Dub)
6. Espen Lorentzen - Dekakeru (Suprano Remix)
7. Nick Sentience - Nocturnal (Original Mix)
8. Dido - Everything To Lose (Armin van Buuren Remix)
9. Kara Sun - Into The Sun (Waterspark Nostalgic Remix)
10. Sensorica - Masta of Sound (Bissen Rework)
11. Sergio Maldonado - Back To Square One (Olbaid Remix)
12. Gareth Emery - Sanctuary feat. Lucy Saunders (Club Mix)
投稿したもの -> mylist/20904679いいね ここが好き
2013-10-02 08:47:48投稿
- 805
- 40.5%
- 00.0%
- 121.5%
【#0:00】The Noble Six - Discovering the Sphinx
【#9:00】Turn & Natali Kryzhanovski - Renaissance
【#17:00】Paul Pele - Goodbye (The Cloudy Day Remix)
【#26:50】Eddie Lung - Road to You
【#35:15】Aicos - Follow The Light (Farzam's Uplifting Remix)
【#43:10】Serge Macoveu - Inspire (E.T Project Remix)
【#50:00】Ehsun - Moonrise
【#57:30】E.T Project - Endless Dreams (Haig & Raffi Remix)
【#66:00】ReOrder & Ian Standerwick - Hidden In A Smile (Philippe El Sisi Remix)
【#72:20】ARS - Upstairs (Paul Miller Remix)
【#79:20】Dreamy - Clover (Original Emotional Mix)
【#87:50】E.T Project - Distant Memories (Sky Flight Remix)
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433diやahとかのラジオ番組を聞くのが一番手っ取り早いかと この哀愁+壮大Tranceメドレーシリー...
2011-05-06 20:38:01投稿
- 775
- 70.9%
- 10.1%
- 212.7%
1. Suprano - Paraselene
2. Corderoy, Mike Koglin - Metronomic
3. Sied Van Riel - Stealing Time (Aly & Fila Remix)
4. Inglide - Catch The Rainbow (Ost & Meyer Emotional Mix)
5. Running Man - Music Matters
6. Luca De Maas - E-Motions 2011 (2trancY Remix)
7. Zyce - Basic (Zyce & Spinney Lainey Remix)
8. John O'Callaghan - Save This Moment (Gareth Emery Remix)
9. Nu NRG - Butterfly 2011 (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
10. Bobina - You Belong To Me (Jorn Van Deynhoven Remix)
11. Icone - Sorrow (SoundLift Remix)
12. Mark Sherry - I Will Find You (Sied Van Riel Remix)
13. Kelly Andrew - Nocturne
14. Dave Deen, ReOrder - Pulse
15. Narayana - Saw October
16. Mark Eteson - Jumeirah
17. Lisaya - Veriditas (Extended Vocal Mix)
18. Snatam Kaur, Bryan Kearney - Ong Namo
19. Kaan Demirel - Angel Voice
20. Matt Bukovski - Delight (Arctic Moon Remix)
original mix, ボーカリストの表記を省略時を刻むサウンドと写真がとってもGJ!! うp乙!! とんでもないっす。こちらこそ使わ...
2015-11-13 16:13:17投稿
- 742
- 30.4%
- 00.0%
- 202.7%
01. Craig Connelly feat. LJ Ayrten - Veins
02. Ronny K. & Spins - Es Mihi Servo Fortis
03. Icone - Luna
04. Matt Eray - Samurai
05. Driftmoon feat. Kim Kiona - Tombs We Build (Allen Watts Remix)
06. Daniel Skyver - The Long Way Round
07. Dreamy - Bullseye
08. Dreamy - Unstoppable
09. Reverse - Ultima
10. Sean Tyas - Reach Out
11. Paul Miller - Influence
12. Mike Sang - Static Drive
13. Lost Man - Destination Nowhere
14. Aly & Fila with Omar Sherif & Jonathan Carvajal - A New Age (FSOE400 Anthem)
15. Ben Nicky - 680
16. ReOrder & Manuel Rocca with MSK - Worlds Unite (SSR250 Anthem)
17. Second Sun - Empire (Alan Banks Remix)
18. Daniel Skyver feat. Cat Martin - No One Else
19. Frank Dueffel - Adiabatic
20. Emporium - First Contact
Uplifting Trance Anthems: mylist/32216185このシリーズいいね いつも楽しみにしてますぞ! うぽつ
2015-06-03 00:00:00投稿
- 736
- 10.1%
- 00.0%
- 121.6%
01. Abstract Vision feat. Hydro Poison - Back To Light (Miroslav Vrlik Remix)
02. Suncatcher - It's Too Late
03. Standerwick, Philippe El Sisi & Ana Criado - Magic Light
04. Solarstone - Shield (Pt. 1) (ReOrder & Standerwick pres. Skypatrol Remix)
05. McAree & Clancy - Morrigan
06. Dan Stone - Shiki
07. Allen & Envy - Elixir
08. A & Z vs Flynn & Denton - Scota
09. Amir Hussain - To The Lost
10. Allen Watts - Gravity
11. John O'Callaghan & Deirdre McLaughlin - Stay With Me
12. Mitka & Niko Zografos - Phoria
Uplifting Trance Anthems: mylist/32216185乙
2010-09-05 08:29:11投稿
- 719
- 30.4%
- 10.1%
- 162.2%
[Dimay - Trance Wave (Vitaliy Shulz Remix)] [A.R.D.I. - August Evening (Impartial Peek pres. Greg Nocca Remix)] [P.H.A.T.T. - Not Today (Johan Ekman Remix)] [Sensi pres. Raven Van Dark - When Your Feelings Erased (TrancEye Remix)] [Astuni - Dedicated] [Dimo Van Kos - Energy] [ReOrder feat. Stine Grove - Biscay Bay (Akira Kayosa Dub Mix)] [Onova - Timotej] [Luca De Maas - Lost World] mylist/16425460
ああこれいいな うpおつー うp
2011-09-08 06:37:02投稿
- 713
- 71.0%
- 00.0%
- 182.5%
【#0:00】Peet B - Lovestorm
【#7:54】Matt Bukovski - Surrounding You
【#16:10】Meridian - Exponential
【#25:53】Peet B - Falling Hearts
【#34:42】ReOrder feat. Stine Grove - White Sands Of Ibiza
【#43:11】Infite - Must Go To Heaven (Simon O'Shine Remix) ☆
【#52:13】Karybde & Scylla - Tokyo (Andrew Rayel Remix)
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433この人のリミックスは本当に天才的センスを感じる。 うおお鳥肌キタ ああこのかんじがいい・・・ 作業に適してるな~ まってました♪ 2 うp
2011-04-20 06:04:14投稿
- 705
- 60.9%
- 00.0%
- 121.7%
【#0:00】The Thrillseekers - Song For Sendai
【#7:40】Roses & Garlics - Uvercinka (UDM Remix)
【#16:50】Vitodito - Napoli (Suncatcher Remix)
【#25:20】ReOrder & Dave Deen - Pulse
【#31:57】Temple One - Zebra
【#38:41】Dave Horne meets. Econu - Occlusion (Jamie Walker Emotional Mix)
【#45:15】Radiobase - Morning Breeze (Airyboy Remix)
【#53:34】Tuomas J - Life Goes On (Ronny K. Emotion Mix)
part.1~50→mylist/16425460 part.51~→mylist/24506433かっこいい・・・ 待ってました! uP乙 久々に otu うp
2020-10-07 02:28:02投稿
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01.ReOrder & Sarah de Warren - Back To Life (Extended Mix) #00:00
02.Everlight - Neotech (Original Mix) #05:08
03.Blue Serigala - Evil's Mirage (Extended Mix) #10:13
04.Made Of Light - Hey Child (Extended Mix) #13:57
05.Craig Connelly feat. Alex Holmes - Anything Like You (Extended Mix) #19:30
06.Simon Patterson - Thump (UDM Remix) #23:55
07.Talla 2XLC & Clara Yates - Back To Life (XiJaro & Pitch Remix) #29:01いいね!をありがとうございました―
2012-05-14 04:02:37投稿
- 632
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自コミュ : co600365
01.Sagittarius (Original Mix) / Daniel Kandi
02.Reinspired (Original Mix) / Broning
03.The Other Side (Jorn Van Deynhoven Remix) / Luke Bond Feat Mark Frisch
04.Premonition (Daniel Kandi's "Bigroom" Mix) / A.R.D.I.
05.Believe (Original Mix) / Chapter XJ
06.Fading Moon (Original Mix) / Hoyaa Presents Lunar System
07.Smile (Arctic Moon Remix) / Meridian
08.RAMplify (Original Mix) / Ram
09.Cry Me A Rainbow (Ssr100 Anthem) (Original Mix) / ReOrder Pres Group Number One
10.Tree Of Life (Original Mix) / Running Man pres. Inca
11.Renovatio (Arisen Flame Remix) / Estigma
12.Insert Generic Title (Original Mix) / Daniel Kandi楽しんでます!!