キーワード目隠しプレイ動画 を含む動画: 96件 ページ目を表示
2025年3月1日 07時00分に生成された05時00分のデータです
2023-05-20 21:05:03投稿
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In this video, I attempt for the first time in my life to commentate a blindfolded speedrun of mine live in Japanese without any prior practice or preparation or anything. My language skills are pretty bad since I do not speak much and havent spoken actively in like 3 years, but I hope it is still enjoyable! I had lots of fun practicing, learning and combining my hobbies in this way!
HD VERSION: https://youtu.be/8uLWs4eRp4Q
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWパリィでもゲームやってる人なら充分わかる 反射または弾く 耐寒 ポカポカの実やね。見た目はチリ(唐辛子 斜め入力がないから角度固定なんやね 変態さんしかいない 5分ぐらいの短縮はでかいなー 痛いなー 予備用か うるせぇおじさん2人目 一撃で確実に仕留...
2022-06-19 22:17:02投稿
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This is a blindfolded speedrun of the sports game: Ring Fit Adventure by Bubzia (me). The category of this speedrun is called: World 1 - Intensity 30, which means we beat the first 3 stages including the first boss blindfolded, on the highest difficulty possible. The final time is 21 minutes and 31 seconds (retimed).
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW当たり前のようにBest連発してるの草を通り越して恐怖を感じる いたそう ダッシュ暴発で位置がわからないのよ カラブリさんすき これ以上何を頑張れと うぽつです あ 何があったんや… !?!? 段々見切れてて草 リング君が喋ってくれるのって大事だった...
2021-12-12 13:38:03投稿
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MGS4のNG集ただいま製作中。ちょっと投稿が遅くなるかもガチ勢ヤバすぎるw すげー最後ノーミスであの差を追い抜いたか 張り付いた時の音でおおよその位置把握してるのか… おみごと 逆転だ いいね これは熱い おおっと わかる ベリーイージーならここはまあ 大きな差がついたな あちゃー ここどうすんねん ちゃ...
2010-09-21 00:26:36投稿
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◆Twitter→http://twitter.com/manastyle1115楽しそうか?前こいつアケコン蹴り飛ばしてたぞ 2年間やってここまで進歩無い人も初めて...
2021-03-01 23:09:02投稿
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今気づいたけどVC版だね(海外のVCはケツワープ出来る) 人間じゃない おめでとう! GG 目隠しでこれやるのか…www GG ここの調整すごい やば 草 目隠し兄貴、生きとったんか⁉︎ !???? ここほぼ運ゲーでは 緊張感が伝わってくるな これ本...
2023-11-20 18:08:02投稿
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Youtube Mirror HD: https://youtu.be/AafsBDpSZsg
これは、目隠しでのスーパーマリオ64の最速クリアであり、Bubziaによる新しい目隠しSM64 - 1枚世界記録、15分16秒で達成されたもので、2023年11月17日現在の記録です。この偉業により、Bubziaは公式にスーパーマリオ64の目隠しワールドレコードすべてを保持しています!
このランにはいくつかの注目すべきミスがあり、主にランの初期部分にありましたが、SBLJの後のすべてが完璧でした。このランは、世界初の目隠し0スターを達成する大きな挑戦の中で行われ、実際にSBLJはDDDスキップにほとんど成功するところでした。この挑戦についての詳細はこちらで確認できます: https://youtu.be/W9udpyYpZTk
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW後半緊張でやばいよなw すごすぎィ! ここすごすぎる 神がかってる 最難関 ここからリカバリできるのさすがすぎるw むしろガバらないほうがおかしいわこんなんw 感動した 若者の人間離れ すごすぎる 最初の方の場所分かんねぇよからよくここまで持ってこれ...
2020-11-29 05:51:02投稿
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うぽつ なんで当てられるんだ。 なんで見ないでできるんだ・・・ 発射間隔と音で判断してるのか うおおおおすげえええええ すげえ すげえええええ www 目隠ししてることを忘れるな… うっそだろ お見事 GG! うおおおおおお !? わお おしい うお...
2021-04-16 17:32:03投稿
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This is a blindfolded speedrun / 目隠しRTA of the Cheatcode Ending [A] category in Nier Automata / ニーア オートマタ for PS4. It can be achieved by inputting a recently found cheatcode to unlock all chapters during the prologue of the game, then selecting the credits cutscene in the file selection menu.
BLINDFOLDED [A] Ending ► https://bit.ly/2JxYVQB
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW英語初めて聞いた イージーではないやろ笑 GG うぽつ これはずるいww 何が始まるんです?(震え声)
2022-09-24 10:00:00投稿
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This is a blindfolded speedrun of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (also called BotW) by Bubzia (me). I finally got a decent time with my new Fierce Deity route and wanted to share a video with you, where I provide commentary about what is going on in this speedrun!
I have been working on this route for this speedrun on and off for around 2 months now, learning the entire speedrun from scratch on stream and we finally are at a level where I comfortably can get good times! This run lost around 20 minutes total all around the great plateau and the castle movement, which is definitely improvable with a few more attempts, but since a sub 2 hour run is kind of a milestone, I decided that this will be my first YouTube upload for this category! The route is currently still evolving with many ideas being played around with right now, so probably even the strats will still change a bit over time.
HD VERSION HERE YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWそれでも着地寸前で斧を外すので問題ありません(違う) 見ません ※目隠ししてるので進行方向を見なくても問題ありません !? 記憶力どうなっとんねん 嘘だろw 100分以上も意識ある状態で目隠ししてたら普通に気が狂うわ すげえ これは真の勇者 やったか...
2022-07-15 17:15:03投稿
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This is a blindfolded speedrun of Super Mario 64 (SM64) with the 16 Star category by Bubzia (me) and the world record as of 14th July 2022. The final time is 23 minutes and 17 seconds.
Youtube.Mirror: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pgiz4WYEIs
This run was decent, lost some time here and there but the worst timeloss was BLJs. Still, many of the new strats that I have routed recently worked out, especially getting a great bubzia in the sky finally.
Really happy, can still be improved though!
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW更新の余地があるのが怖すぎる もう既に人じゃない oo うっそお スター位置調整もできてる... なぜつかめる ここから熾烈な更新合戦始まって欲しいわw クラッシュ・バンディクーかな 謎残響使わんのか・・・ 目隠しマリオのリカバリーほんとすき RTA...
2022-06-30 19:43:02投稿
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This is a blindfolded speedrun of the game: The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild (ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド) by Bubzia (me). The category of this speedrun is called: Great Plateau (台地), which is starting from a new file and ends on obtaining the glider.
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW微調整が完璧 バッタくんからカエルくんになったか 目隠ししてるのになんで走って行きたい方向に行けるんだ… ←走者には何も見えてないぞ GG ←それなw通常プレイでも落ちるのにw これ、見えてるところ全部行けるんだよね… 目隠し兄貴すごいなぁ なぜわか...
2021-03-02 17:07:03投稿
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それやるなら鍵いらねーだろw これ鍵いるか? Nice! ひでえw ファルコンもケツワープして草 草 ?!?! !?!? ?! !? 股間に鍵が消えて草 「あーこのゲーム嫌いやわ!怒」 みんながあることを明らかにしたことは、その結果から探すけどやっぱ...
2020-11-28 23:30:02投稿
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そっか、目隠しだから言語関係ないのか 目隠ししながらバグスキップするRTAなんて狂気の沙汰 草 I think it is better to remove “rta(リアル登山アタック)” tag. 他のゲームでも目隠しやってるんだなー マジですご...
2008-10-17 21:34:31投稿
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改造メトロイドSuperMetroid Pantheonのプレイ動画part2です。最近目隠しプレイ動画をよく目にしますが、スパメトはさすがに無理ですよね? 前⇒sm4960302 次⇒sm4969772 まとめてあります⇒mylist/8932411 その他プレイ動画 EX⇒mylist/8451637
あぶないw モーフがなかなか取れないとかフェイゾンハックを思い出すな OK 構造がすごい ...
2023-02-02 17:00:00投稿
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This is the blindfolded 120 Star world record of Super Mario 64 as well as the world's first and only completion of this category by Bubzia (me). The final time is 11 hours 22 minutes and 43 seconds on 8th May 2022. The full video can be found here: https://youtu.be/iC_ClvO-FZE
Part 1/6!
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia/join
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW
WEBSITE ► https://www.blindfoldedgaming.comあそこからここまでリカバリーできるのやばすぎる 目隠しプロテインw え、なにいまのは なるほど リカバリーが上手すぎる この辺1-1と全く同じ動作だからパターン組んであるのがよくわかる パターン化が完璧 この異様な姿を見てどう思ってるんだろうww ...
2020-12-06 23:51:02投稿
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Pokemon Yellow ポケモン ピカチュウ completed in a blindfolded speedrun / 目隠しRTA with an IGT of 0:00 and under 2 minutes in real time by Bubzia (me). This is achieved with various glitches and a credit warp. This took quite some time to grind with the new beatcounted 67 times up mash strats because counting numbers is too slow. This run is the current world record.
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/8B3jxVk6
INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/39r0Ilb
FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/2HPCyp4すげえ嬉しそうでこっちも嬉しい えぇ… ニキ若い時だ 目隠しでゲーム壊すとかスイカ割りかな? 目隠しでもゲーム壊せるのか… またゲーム壊してる
2021-04-12 17:49:02投稿
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This is a blindfolded speedrun (目隠しRTA) of the 70 Star category in Super Mario 64 done in a single segment in 2 hours, 4 minutes and 10 seconds by Bubzia (me).
Finally a better run without forgetting a star. This run was surprisingly still pretty bad, I made many tiny mistakes everywhere. Considering my SoB is 20 minutes ahead of my PB, I am sure I can get sub 2h soon.
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWもどかしい 70 え 目隠し70枚はヤバい GG!! gdqもesaも見てました!凄かったです!
2020-11-30 20:13:02投稿
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This is a blindfolded speedrun of the Adventure Mode in Super Smash Bros. Melee for Gamecube in 12 minutes and 25 seconds by Bubzia (me). There is still a lot of timesave everywhere but it is such a tedious and RNG-heavy category that I dont really want to continue grinding this for now.
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/8B3jxVk6
INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/39r0Ilb
FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/2HPCyp4RiJ楽しみです 草 すごい awesome ドイツ兄貴だ 迷宮つらそう good 一般通過ルームメイト なんでわかんだよ 草 草 草 なるほどな ここになきゃリセなんだろうな 時間を基準にヨッシーの撃墜数補正したのか。すげぇ ゼルダステージ気になる...
2023-12-20 20:00:03投稿
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ついに実現しました。Super Mario 64の0枚での世界初の目隠しRTAです。この挑戦は、LBLJ、SBLJ、そして最も注目されるDDDスキップなど、ほとんどの視覚的なスピードランナーが苦しんでいる非常に正確なトリックの実行を、すべて目隠しで行います。
個人的な感想: 誰もが不可能と信じていたカテゴリー。自分がついに、0スターを含むすべての目隠しSuper Mario 64カテゴリーの世界記録保持者になれることがどれほど嬉しいかを言葉で表現できません。これは本当に厳しい旅でしたが、この旅中に1枚のWRもかなり改善しました。この達成には合計21日、1日あたり約3時間のSBLJとランの努力がかかりました。
Youtube Mirror HD: https://youtu.be/r8sgDs9uv9c
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia/join
TWITCH ► https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/bubzia
TIKTOK ► https://www.tiktok.com/@bubzia1
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubziaおめでとう! ん すご やあ thx おめでとう! 素晴らしい! どきどき omg ??? 美しい すげー!!! ?! 勉強になる がんばえー GREAT いやぁ見応えあった うそやん 人間卒業 ここは見えてても難易度がとても高いよ SBLJ失敗して...
2022-02-12 21:03:02投稿
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This is a blindfolded speedrun/目隠しRTA of the 1 Star category in Super Captain Falcon 64 (スーパーキャプテン・ファルコン64) done by Bubzia (me). I grinded this category a year ago and could improve some more strats, which finally got a sub 10 minute run.
This run was really good, I played within 20 seconds of my Sum of Bests. Only real timeloss was a few seconds in BitDW with the wallkick at the end, and I could potentially get 2 faster cycles in BITS which is like another 15 seconds total.
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW強い すごいな これはひどいw ここまで行くと気味が悪い GG うぽつ 最強wwww GG GGでした!おつ! 草 草 飛ぶ必要なくて草 この一枚だけってことかw おつ 64にも改造マリオあるんやね 爆発四散したw
2020-11-29 01:40:02投稿
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甘噛み GG! なんだ今の!? すげぇ! Great! すごい ドイツ兄貴オッスオッス! いやぁ凄かった どんだけ練習したんだろう
2022-07-25 18:40:03投稿
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This is a blindfolded speedrun of Super Smash Bros Melee with the Adventure Mode category and the world record as of 22th July 2022.
The final IGT is 04:41.560, which beats the old world record by 17 seconds.
Many new strategies have been implemented in this run, mostly new quickkill setups, like for example Samus, Peach&Mario, as well as Fox and Falcon!
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW草 すげえ 一気に更新した gg いらいらポイント草 えええ…… 草 ここは覚えてるんだろか 草 なんで眠るが決まるんだよwww 草 GG b 草 すごすぎて草 すげーわ なんか草 音ちっさくない? GG RIJ応援してますよー! 8888888 飛...
2022-08-12 06:16:02投稿
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This is a blindfolded speedrun of the Classic Mode in Super Smash Bros Brawl! This is the world record as of 11th August 2022. The character used is Ike and the final time is 7 minutes and 52 seconds.
Brawl's Classic Mode is extremely fun to blindfold, it has a lot of RNG but also parts where you absolutely need to know what you do in order to go fast.
Uncommented video can be found here on my second channel:
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWむしろ味方のせいでスマッシュ攻撃が当たらなくてタイムロスしてたように見えたけど お、帳消しか 嬉しそう www 目隠しで出来るもんなんだなあ タイミング完璧か メテオ食らわない位置で味方任せか 目隠し兄貴おっすおっす gg gg yeaaaaaaaa...
2024-10-09 01:33:03投稿
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Youtube Mirror HD: https://youtu.be/iqVvJLD95xo
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia/join
TWITCH ► https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/bubzia
TIKTOK ► https://www.tiktok.com/@bubzia1
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia人気なくて草 すごい怖いな 頭ン中どうなってるんやw 888888 目隠しニキは日々精進していてすげぇなぁ すごい GG! これって事前に目視であらゆる方法模索してからだから音だけでも出来るんだよね? この人そろそろ1日の半分ぐらい暗闇で生きてそう ...
2022-10-25 18:55:02投稿
- 706
- 507.1%
- 385.4%
- 50.7%
This is a blindfolded speedrun of Super Mario 64 - 16 Stars with the "Nonstop" modification by Bubzia! This modification allows the player to not exit the course after collecting a star, making it possible to create combos of stars within a stage and thus making the route faster! The drawback is that you cannot save after a star, so a game over means reset! Final time is 28 minutes and 43 seconds!
Youtube Mirror: https://youtu.be/tjv_QGDWsME
This is the world first completion of the run with many mistakes and honestly a pretty mediocore time. Even so, this is the first completion of this category, that is why I wanted to share it with everyone!
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWすげえ か つ あ げ スッゴ!? ? うひょー おー むう みえない 焦りが見える 何故行けるのか… 目隠し流行ってると思わせてだいたい彼ってなるやつ 目隠しプレイだということを忘れてた GG! 何だ今の操作!? いつものカツアゲ ノリノリ兄貴すき...
2022-08-20 03:34:02投稿
- 657
- 294.4%
- 253.8%
- 10.2%
This is a blindfolded speedrun of Super Smash Bros Melee with the Adventure Mode category and the world record as of 10th August 2022.
The final IGT is 04:32.870, which beats the previous world record by 9 seconds.
Finally, I am happy with the time I got in this category and am able to move on. I wanted one more PB without major mistakes because I knew that many splits could still save time with perfect RNG. This run is still improvable, but I am more than done grinding this for hours and hours.
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWIncredible!! おお、コレは強い 今の迷宮運ゲー? まあ相手が動かない攻撃してこない近寄って止まるだけじゃなきゃ無理無理 VHで同じこと可能なのかな I'm so confused RiJ凄かった なぜ生きている RiJお疲れ様ー! 先日の...
2023-05-16 20:42:02投稿
- 651
- 274.1%
- 274.1%
- 00.0%
This is a blindfolded speedrun of the first section of Dark Souls 3 by Bubzia! The final time is 4 minutes and 20 seconds. The goal is to start a new game, defeat the first boss and reach the Firelink Shrine!
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWこれが火防女ちゃんですか easy!? うぽつ easy? Congratulations どこどこ〜 すご ついにダクソまでww イージーじゃねぇ… 相変わらず凄いなぁ・・・ また変な事してる・・・ でたわね GG
2023-11-27 20:53:02投稿
- 631
- 193.0%
- 447.0%
- 40.6%
Youtube Mirror HD: https://youtu.be/W2Rko4DcCd0
これは、スーパーマリオ64を目隠しで最速クリアし、2023年11月22日現在のBubziaによる新しい目隠しSM64 - 1スターワールドレコード、14分49秒です!わずか数日で世界記録を取り戻した後、私はこのランでさらに向上させました、笑!
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
□ YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia/join
□ TWITCH ► https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
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□ INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/bubzia
□ TIKTOK ► https://www.tiktok.com/@bubzia1
□ DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW
□ PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubziaいやーすごかった! ドキドキするなあw すごw リカバリーのスムーズさ ほんと努力家だなあ・・・ うぽつ! いいねコメントもちゃんと設定してるとは、バブジアさんニコニコへの理解度が高いな・・・ 大丈夫、僕最強だから 最近配信でずっと挑戦してるもんね ...
2021-04-19 17:58:02投稿
- 627
- 81.3%
- 50.8%
- 00.0%
This is a blindfolded speedrun of the Secret Ending of The Witness / ザ・ウィットネス (PS4) performed in under 6 minutes by Bubzia (me). This run involves getting into a trick position in the beginning and finding the secret puzzle and entrance that leads to the secret ending.
SUBSCRIBE HERE for more content ► https://bit.ly/2VjoLdK
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWスイカ割りかな? 再走しろ Good Game! 後はゴールまで歩くだけか。それでも大変そうだが なるほど、そうやるのか シークレットエンドだからランダムパズルなかった ランダムパズルどうすんだよ…
2022-11-08 16:57:02投稿
- 625
- 447.0%
- 345.4%
- 20.3%
This is a blindfolded speedrun of Mario Kart 64's Mushroom Cup in Time Trial mode by Bubzia. This is the world first completion of this challenge and the final time is 18 minutes and 1 second!
Definitely not done with this game, I plan on routing an "All Cups" Blindfolded category soon and I already improved my gold splits for this cup by quite a lot. Still, as this was the first completion, I wanted to share it with you!
Youtube Mirror: https://youtu.be/Ar7cp9sFiy8
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWこれはきつい またRiJに来てくれたら嬉しいなぁ ジジイ! 汽車の音でわかるのかすげえ おお うれしそうでこっちもうれしくなっちゃう
2023-01-27 03:25:02投稿
- 582
- 427.2%
- 254.3%
- 00.0%
This is a blindfolded speedrun of the any% category in Rhythm Tengoku for Gameboy Advance (GBA) by Bubzia (me). Second run of this category and extremely fun. I can highly recommed new blindfolded gamers to try this one out, its fairly easy and can be done without much preparation.
Getting perfects in stages is usually a tiny bit slower, so you want to mess up each stage a tiny bit on purpose to save a few seconds. Otherwise this run was pretty okay, I had to reset 2 times: Once in Remix 6 and once in Bon Odori 2. Rest was first try.
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW
TIKTOK ► https://www.tiktok.com/@bubzia1きた リズ天ならリスナーも目閉じて楽しめるな いまさら一番現実味ありそうなやつで笑う 目隠しの人だ〜 ここだけは視覚情報必要なのか オヤツが無い理由が後で判明するの本当にすき これは覚えゲーか 見えててもこれ苦手 見えなくてもできている! ミスりに行...
2020-11-29 01:52:02投稿
- 581
- 91.5%
- 61.0%
- 20.3%
自己ベストを出して行くぅ 見えてても苦戦するのに... ? えっぐwww 本人投稿かこれ 目隠し兄貴やん すごい
2020-12-03 23:28:02投稿
- 575
- 101.7%
- 61.0%
- 00.0%
This is a blindfolded speedrun / 目隠しRTA of the any% Glitchless category in Wario Land 2 / ワリオランド2 for Nintendo Gameboy Color in 16 minutes and 01 seconds by Bubzia (me). This is the current world record and was a really decent run, even though so close to sub 16.
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/8B3jxVk6
INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/39r0Ilb
FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/2HPCyp4草しか生えない 草しか生えない 草しか生えない 草しか生えない RTA前から事前にステージの事もいろいろ記憶してんだろうな 天才だこの人wwwww おつかれっした やべえ何言ってるか少ししかわからねえぜ… nice
2022-12-08 18:27:03投稿
- 553
- 336.0%
- 213.8%
- 10.2%
This is a blindfolded speedrun of the cult classic "Cookie Clicker"! The goal of this speedrun is to obtain a total of 1 million cookies with only the left mouse button! I perform this without any outside help and completely without vision! The final time is 28 minutes and 54 seconds. This is also the world's first completion of this category to the community's knowledge.
For this speedrun, I used quite the crazy setup as can be seen in the beginning. I use a drawing tablet in full area in combination with some scotch tape to normalize positions in the 2D mouse space on screen. This allows me to consistently buy upgrades and buildings as well as clicking the cookie.
Youtube-Mirror: https://youtu.be/HWId9n1feYY
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWこんなこと言ったらアレだけど、視覚障害者からヒントを得てる感凄いな 生地が6種類のルービックキューブ思い出した 地味すぎる おつかれさまでしたw みんな見続けてるのいいね どこまでも苦しいw いやーそりゃ疲れるわw 操作する工夫があるとはいえほんます...
2020-12-09 20:29:02投稿
- 550
- 20.4%
- 61.1%
- 00.0%
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (SNES) completed in a blindfolded speedrun in 8 minutes and 32 seconds by Bubzia (me). This is a world record/personal best by around 8 seconds. This speedrun uses Venus as a character and the Easy Difficulty Setting.
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/8B3jxVk637位
2021-07-31 05:28:02投稿
- 542
- 305.5%
- 142.6%
- 20.4%
美しい ランダムで当たりの部屋に行かなくてはならないから そうやろうね なんで普通に戦ってんだよw もしかしてここでリセゲーしてるんか? 草 達成感やばそう うっま お見事 はえー 歌うを時計代わりにしてるw なんとかリカバリ あら マジかよwwww...
2021-04-28 15:04:02投稿
- 541
- 40.7%
- 61.1%
- 20.4%
This is a blindfolded speedrun of the Easy% category in Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R for SNES performed in 10 minutes and 30 seconds by Bubzia (me). Spin to win, Sailor Jupiter.
SUBSCRIBE HERE for more content ► https://bit.ly/2VjoLdK
BLINDFOLDED Pokemon any% in 16min ► https://bit.ly/2JptdoH
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW
#blindfolded #speedrun #sailormoonカナダ人兄貴!? これは…カナダ兄貴? バケツじゃなくていいのか…。 10分!?
2023-08-24 18:52:03投稿
- 515
- 152.9%
- 295.6%
- 10.2%
This is a blindfolded speedrun of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Any% with the Armor Route that was also used at RTAinJapan and GDQ!
I wanted to get one more PB before I move on to my other projects, and well I definitely crushed it!
HD VERSION HERE YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/DSypDSMxYkc
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWほう うぽつん 死闘やん まじかよ すごい 三次元のゲームですることじゃない(畏怖) アーマー有りで走ったのか うぽつ マジかー また更新したとかすごい うぽつ でたわね
2021-04-15 03:57:02投稿
- 502
- 61.2%
- 51.0%
- 00.0%
This is a blindfolded speedrun of the Cheatcode any% category in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. It is performed using a recently found cheatcode that one can input during the game boot up to create a 100% file in slot 3. From there, we can jump right into the last level of the game and beat the final boss to reach the credits.
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWもしかしてリングを壊した音はあるけど絆創膏に攻撃を当てた時の音はないのか? すげえ 惜しい うぽつ アップロードおつかれさまです
2020-12-09 22:55:04投稿
- 498
- 142.8%
- 61.2%
- 10.2%
My first completed blindfolded speedrun / 目隠しRTA of the any% (Save+Quit) category of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) / ゼルダの伝説 神々のトライフォース in 3 minutes and 40 seconds. This category is pretty RNG heavy with the guards, so it can result in a big grind if you want a good time.
We have a SRC-Leaderboard for this category: https://www.speedrun.com/alttpce#Any_Blindfolded
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/8B3jxVk6すご まだまだつづく 此の動画であなたのファンに成りました!!次の動画も楽しみにしておきます!!頑張って!! 駿なう(2021/07/21 02:53:43) よく見たら音ゲーしてはるww
2024-08-11 23:00:00投稿
- 488
- 408.2%
- 326.6%
- 00.0%
個人的なコメント: このランがもう世界記録ペースではないと強く確信していたので、いくつかのミスがさらに悔しいですが、少なくとも自分が進歩していることは示されています!もちろん、SBLJはこのランのハイライトでしたが、このカテゴリーでの最終目標は12分台を目指すことです!目隠しSM64で1週間に2つの世界記録が見られるのは本当に素晴らしいことです!
Youtube Mirror HD: https://youtu.be/KBHe7VOK2Y0
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia/join
TWITCH ► https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/bubzia
TIKTOK ► https://www.tiktok.com/@bubzia1
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia6.5…6.5… なんだその軌道 GG 何回見ても、解説聞いてもこの投げを目隠しで決めれるの理解できない、すごい 飛ばないクッパは良いクッパ SBJゴールドなのはさすがのWR 親の顔より見た気がするセットアップ 一発じゃないんですね、RiJ本番一発す...
2023-02-06 00:26:07投稿
- 476
- 132.7%
- 194.0%
- 10.2%
This is the blindfolded 120 Star world record of Super Mario 64 as well as the world's first and only completion of this category by Bubzia (me). The final time is 11 hours 22 minutes and 43 seconds on 8th May 2022. The full video can be found here: https://youtu.be/iC_ClvO-FZE
Part 2/6!
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia/join
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW
WEBSITE ► https://www.blindfoldedgaming.comうおお おしい おーすげー つらいなあ ボムへいのせんじょうやバッタン砦がいかに優しいマップだったかがわかるな・・・ すごいなぁ 時間制限ありの立体位置調整きっついなぁ・・・ 食事まで目隠しか やり直しすら早すぎる はえー… うぽい うぽつです!
2020-12-06 22:31:02投稿
- 463
- 40.9%
- 61.3%
- 00.0%
This is a blindfolded speedrun / 目隠しRTA of the any% glitchless category in Pokemon Red (ポケモン 赤) for Nintendo Gameboy in 3 hours, 14 minutes and 39 seconds by Bubzia (me). All Gyms and the Elite 4 are beaten in this category. This run requires a lot of number memorization and is generally more RNG heavy. Still a very fun challenge that I enjoyed quite a lot looking back at it.
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/8B3jxVk6
INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/39r0Ilb
FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/2HPCyp4目隠しで3時間とか頭おかしくなる RTAタグ要る? いや、反応に困るのよ すげえ人が世の中にはいるんだな
2020-11-30 19:36:02投稿
- 457
- 183.9%
- 30.7%
- 00.0%
This is a blindfolded speedrun / 目隠しRTA of Metroid: Zero Mission in 1 hour, 22 minutes and 46 seconds by Bubzia (me). This is a world record / personal best by 26 seconds and beats a one year long standing record!
This run was deathless too, correct IGT is 10512 and 39% item collection.
If you are interested in Blindfolded Speedrunning/Gaming, please leave a comment or contact me! I am very happy to answer any questions!
Watch live at: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
Join my Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/8B3jxVk6
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
Take a look at my other blindfolded speedruns: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgIDB87U34Ncsgo_sis3akkqk2Ab4wUTe
My BlindfoldedGaming-Profile: https://blindfoldedgaming.com/#/runners/Bubzia
Check out my SRC-Profile: https://www.speedrun.com/user/Bubzia目あけてプレイしても簡単なゲームじゃないよね 相も変わらずw 相変わらずの音ゲーw 此の音で解るのか…!! 声もカッコイイね ゼロスーツサムス工口過ぎ可愛ぃ結婚したぃ 駿なう(2021/07/21 02:57:18) よくみたらゼロスーツ区間一分近く...
2023-06-26 17:52:03投稿
- 429
- 307.0%
- 266.1%
- 00.0%
This is a blindfolded speedrun of Super Mario 64 (SM64) with the 70 Star category by Bubzia!
Youtube Mirror HD: https://youtu.be/-x1WrNayum4
Really happy, can still be improved though!
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWつよい 笑うしかない(涙目) 見えないよう… はぁ?なんなんだよwww もう通常プレイの俺より速い… ここ視聴者バブジアさん目線 もうすごすぎる なぜわかる すごすぎ すっご 何者だよ すごw 一回ずれると厳しい・・・ やべえ おつ これは悔しい… ...
2023-07-23 21:26:02投稿
- 415
- 5112.3%
- 317.5%
- 00.0%
This is a blindfolded speedrun of Super Mario 64 with the 16 star category finished by Bubzia in 22 minutes and 22 seconds! This is the world first completion of the game with 16 stars in under 23 minutes and beats the previous world record by around a whole minute!
I am currently grinding SM64 really hard and trying to improve all my standing PBs and WRs in the blindfolded speedrun categories! Especially 16 Star and 70 Star are my targets, and I still want to improve both of them even more!
Youtube Mirror HD: https://youtu.be/9XnQTP5_lK8
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts and consider supporting me on Patreon for more awesome content!
YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWペース読みまで完璧w gg Fantastic 何が見えているのか ここどこ Beautiful… ????? ??? なんで目隠ししたままで避けれんだよ… なんでリカバれんだよww おたまおかしいwwwww おつおつー これマジ? 凄い 目隠しして...
2020-12-11 23:43:02投稿
- 409
- 00.0%
- 20.5%
- 00.0%
This is a blindfolded speedrun of the any% Beginner category in Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix for Playstation 4 in 7 hours, 56 minutes and 39 seconds by Bubzia (me). This is the current world record, but it has still many deaths and mistakes all around the run, especially in Final Rest. This is done in one sitting without breaks.
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTW49位
2020-12-15 19:28:03投稿
- 408
- 41.0%
- 20.5%
- 00.0%
This is a blindfolded Speedrun of Super Tetris 2: Bombliss with the 0-20 Puzzle category in 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
It is not perfect yet, little resest in Stage 19 did cost some time.
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWパズルモードは覚えゲーだからね 目隠しでこれをやるのか うぽつ おつ
2023-05-03 16:44:00投稿
- 407
- 358.6%
- 266.4%
- 10.2%
This is a speedrun of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Nintendo Switch by Bubzia! With this run, I beat both my Great Plateau and my Any% PB!
This run was really clean up until the final few splits and the final Ganon fights. There , I lost around a total of 10 minutes total to an extremely scuffed Ganon fight and many more silly mistakes^^ I guess that just means there is still room for improvement!
HD VERSION HERE YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/Bubzia
TWITCH ►https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Bubzia
DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWいる模様 今のとこ見えてても無理や タイトル2度見シリーズ マグネキャッチ使われてないの草 すごい また変な事してる・・・ マジかwww yabee ニコでの活動応援してるやで いいねコメントまで仕込んでるバブジアさん好きだw すげえ 俺なら今の所で...
2020-12-12 04:06:02投稿
- 391
- 82.0%
- 30.8%
- 00.0%
This is a blindfolded speedrun / 目隠しRTA of the Ending [E] (All Major Endings) category in Nier Automata / ニーア オートマタ for PS4 in 10 hours, 8 minutes and 6 seconds. This was done without any breaks in a single segment. This was my biggest and longest blindfolded run so far. There is a lot of timeloss everywhere but it was a very fun project and I am glad I finished it. This is the current world record and the world first completion of this category.
BLINDFOLDED [A] Ending ► https://bit.ly/2JxYVQB
POKEMON ► https://bit.ly/33tq9i6
METROID ► https://bit.ly/3qdrfbF
N64 Games ► https://bit.ly/36mPtIs
SNES Games ► https://bit.ly/2JtAseY
RPGs ► https://bit.ly/33uF37R
Fighting Games ► https://bit.ly/2JcgIgs
Short runs ► https://bit.ly/39qakN1
If you enjoy my content, please subscribe to my social media accounts!
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bubzia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Bubzia1
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/D7yTBaXxTWなにぃ〜? 戦闘用ゴーグルまで用意してるなんて没入感あるなぁ ? やべえ 10...時間??? もっと注目されるべき動画 どれだけやりこんだんだ・・・