キーワード虎音スピーディ を含む動画: 90件 ページ目を表示
2025年3月7日 07時00分に生成された05時00分のデータです
2011-04-25 07:34:48投稿
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UTAUより 鴉音クウ (からすね くう) がMMDにやってきました。
モデルデータ→ http://ux.getuploader.com/fra56w63/download/61/鴉音クウ.zip
Download Password→ kuu です。
ステージはUTAUスタジオです。モーションは→ sm12968853 よりNostalogic。 歌は獣音ロウの中の人に調声していただきました(感謝!)
音源配布先は→ http://beastvocalseries.jimdo.com/
モフモフエフェクト→ sm12327208よりFurShaderです mylist/18468393やだイケメン ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★...
2016-12-31 23:59:00投稿
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metropolis 噤音セロ
bigalopolis 須間音ヤマト
megalopolis 吟黒ジュニ
dynapolis 和音シバ
ecumenopolis 静寂音しの
cosmopolis 裁音シン
techunopolis 虎音スピーディ
necropolis 猗音フオ
DL → https://www.axfc.net/u/3757407megalo神聖さを感じさせるオケに対し歌詞内容が絶望的で好き…再構築前よりゆっくりになってる…? かっこいい 待ってた! あけおめ! 明けましておめでとうございます。
2012-08-10 08:13:09投稿
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UST: GrandMasterFlames159ダウンロード虎音スピーディ: https://hotfile.com/dl/163420174/e656934/Speedy_Kire.zip.html
すごい いい声だなぁ… suge こんな声だったのね このクオリティはすごい スピーディさんあ...
2011-01-19 05:56:09投稿
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Male Magnet choral of FURloids. Sorry at my abilities i can't find a song that fits Drayo. couples: | 竜音ドラヨ + 虎音 スピーディ | | 熱音ユーマ + 峠歌節太 虎音 | | 獣音ロウ + 吠音ヲン |
ずれてる 1
2012-03-16 08:31:32投稿
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New upload! Eeeeeee!This time it's Tori no Uta, an original song from the Visual Novel Air, from Key. The original singer is Lia, and to make Speedy sing this, I used the vsqx file used to make IA (the Vocaloid which was based on Lia's voice) sing it. It was a bit hard to convert to ust, because the Vocaloids have better envelope modes and better "reading" of the syllabes. But I think I managed to get it pretty well converted. All the pitch bends follow the original ones in the vsqx.The picture was made by a friend of mine. Enjoy!
スピーディさんじゃないすか ムキムキすぎる Good job! すげー!!!!!上手すぎ 外人らしら GJ! うますぎww 調教凄くね・・海外とは思えない しかしすごい筋肉だな えええwこの歌か マイリスっと かなりうまい!
2011-01-28 11:40:15投稿
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First of all, credits for this video go:-To Ryo, who composed this awesome song.-To the guy who made the original PV.-To the guy who created MMD, so we can now use our models in videos.-To Nukde, for creating Speedy's model and making this awesome video.Next, I would like to say that this version has the song with a new mix. I noticed that the original version (the one you can see in Nukde's channel) doesn't sound very good. So I rerendered the song and remixed it. Now it sounds much better, specially the "speaking" parts.I loved how Speedy sings this, and how he dances in the PV. Some movements are more feminine, but... that's what you get when the most famous Vocaloid (and the reason of so many cool videos) is a girl. Oh, well. Enjoy. This is posted with permission from Nukde.Speedy's VB: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OPC4TICZSpeedy's Model (credits go to Nukude): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JO364384
nice!! 今の表情反則すぎる。 bluewafflree wwwwwwww niud sorryabutthesexcomments ihavanthadsezinyearsjustwanttoca...
2012-12-07 03:09:28投稿
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■mylist/31403715hanasu? what? ww かわいい ここいいね GJ おおwww 声いいな GJ!おめでとう! 優しい声 HANASUすごい 声...
2014-03-04 16:00:00投稿
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トラネさまあああああああああああああああああ ううむすごいな おお うぽつー GJ&Thanks 早い...
2010-10-09 23:42:41投稿
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カバー曲3つ目です。今回は獣人音源の中から虎獣人3匹にUTAわせてみました。ustは相変わらず友人からのいただきものです。Speedyさん結構ピッチ弄りしました・・・MIXが難しかったんで、じゃっかん気になるかも・・・; 本家様→sm7992704
yaoi? GJ おゆぽじゃちょい若いからな・・・ サラサ・ユーマ・節太でもイケルぞ!! タマさんん...
2010-09-13 06:45:48投稿
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Hatsune Miku and Speedy singing Memories, from 19's Sound Factory.The Miku drawing and the backgrounds are not mine.Speedy's drawing is mine.Speedy's Voice Bank for UTAU: http://www.mediafire.com/?v6set71y1y1km7v
おお~いいです! speeeedy ん?? ん?
2010-10-21 17:03:42投稿
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FURloids "Love is war" カバー合唱 Not good animated. ファンが作った! それぞれの所有者にすべての著作権。 トランスレーター グーグル ヘルプ MP3 link: http://www.mediafire.com/?dssabpnaxppm095 tags: 恋は戦争 Love is war choral Speedy Drayo Ryuune FURloids UTAUloids UTAU 竜音ドラヨ 虎音スピーディ 吠音ヲン 峠歌節太 毛音ルー cover 初音ミク music カバー 合唱
2011-08-23 02:14:45投稿
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All credits for the song and the ending video go to Valve, and the credit for the composition goes to Jonathan Coulton.My UTAU, singing in a reasonable english (at least in my opinion). It's good, if you think about the fact that Speedy doesn't have an english VB.Anyways, enjoy! His new VB will be released soon. :3
Portal2のエンディングか、かっこいいな GJ
2013-08-06 10:40:08投稿
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複雑な曲だ nwnwさんだー!!
2012-05-12 15:05:34投稿
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Another test with Cadencii! This time I used a vsq that had a lot of DYN and PIT changes. And thanks for Utakoloid (on Youtube) for showing me where to get it!
すきだわぁ(∩∀`*) いいね! イラスト綺麗だ! 連うp乙です~!
2010-09-25 03:57:37投稿
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A fan cover with Me & Speedy. Sorry for the bad picture, but I'm not used to draw digitally.UST's thanx to UTAUxyzIf like here the MP3 link http://www.mediafire.com/?h9jrmnv6cnxx4p6Speedy belongs to his creator the same as the song.
カワユ かっこいいな Abitofftiming,thevoicesareallright...but...THEY'REFURRIES.ene'' DRY兄貴オッスオッス! ...
2013-01-03 10:51:20投稿
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Finally finished my first UST/VSQ! YAAAAAY! I hope you guys like itttt owoMain video from: Corpse Party: Blood CoveredWatermark image of Teto/Speedy's tail by me
おい よけいこわいわ! あれでしょ?コープス ??? 虎音はスピーディボイスバンクのアクセント...
2010-09-27 05:06:24投稿
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Furry Furry ☆ Fire Endless NightSorry Speedy don't have an own MMD model.Drayo Ryuune & Speedy duetFanmade! copyrights to their owners.sorry i don't speak japanese, but can use a translator.
u gay nigga 何故にパラパラ風味w いいデザイン ドラゴンってあんまいないんだよねえ ww 海外のオリジナルモデル? UTAU? なんぞw
2011-07-04 06:00:48投稿
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I wanted to make him sing since I saw this video on Nico:http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14889979It's another tiger UTAU! Yay!So I got the vsq and made Speedy sing it. I had to work with pitches, and I'm happy I got them right! x3And yeah, I know the song says something about "pantsu", and I don't know what it is. But the song is so catchy, I had to make it! xDAlso, if you want Speedy VCV VB, you can get it here:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1XA3RRM7Enjoy! I don't own the vsq for the song. The tiger at the beggining is from the Visual Novel Fate/Stay Night by Type Moon. And the drawing of Speedy was made by alchemy205 on FurAffinity.
すごいお嫁さんだw どうしてこれを歌わせたんだwwwwwwかっこいいwwwwww どう...
2013-03-28 05:46:04投稿
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2010-11-06 12:09:26投稿
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Yay! I made an animation! x3Speedy Torane singing Fukkireta. I love the "OMG" part. x3Speedy's VB: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OPC4TICZ
かわいい かわいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい かわえええええええええええええ! なん...
2011-06-29 06:39:30投稿
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This is an original song sung by Utada Hikaru and used on the videogame Kingdom Hearts. So I obviously don't own the song.UST was made by koorima1, and I spent a LOT of time making this. The UST didn't fit with the instrumental, and it wasn't just a matter of empty spaces between notes. I actually had to stretch and squeeze some notes all in Audacity to make it right. A lot of work. But I like the final result.The character in the picture was drawn by me. Her name is Arieliz, and she is holding Speedy's pendant, which is from his keyblade (named Stripeclaw). I never played KH before, but he has a keyblade xD
2011-04-04 02:30:39投稿
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I was inspired to make Speedy's VCV because of this song. And since there is a duet with two female UTAU (I know, I know, they may be male, but they look like female, so oh well), I made one with two male UTAU (REALLY male UTAU). And I like Lacan's voice in this one. Enjoy!UST by UtauReni.Song by Lia.
ラカンさんかっこいいです!! GJ!
2011-11-05 12:06:28投稿
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Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ftww8ZgjRrkOne beautiful day, I asked in a website if someone would help me with the drawings for a video with Speedy, and a really good friend of mine offered to help!The awesome guy is W0LF13-C4N3M. Visit his DA to check on his art:w0lf13-c4n3m.deviantart.com
スピーディにしては聞きやすいな。 また滑舌よくなった? 悪い声だ…好きかない 好きだな...
2014-01-02 06:21:31投稿
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かっこいい・・・ すげぇ 888888888
2011-08-27 05:47:39投稿
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Aaaand... here we are!! Speedy Torane Voyage [Actrade2] release!! Finally! It's fully configured, and ready to use. Technical information can be found in the 'readme' file inside his folder. Character information (and what has changed in him) can be found in his Wikia page, here: http://utau.wikia.com/wiki/SpeedyDownload his new VB here: http://www.mediafire.com/?73xyzfieedca505And enjoy his new Voice Bank!-Speedy Torane is my property.
GJ Goodjob! \(・∀・)/イイネ!! 調教いい感じ!! 響やヲンと組んでヴィジュアル系の...
2012-03-25 12:44:13投稿
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This is Speedy's version of My Heart Will Go On, originally sung by Celine Dion for the movie Titanic.DON'T listen to it comparing with Celine's version! Yes, she has the voice of an angel, and Speedy would never achieve her emotions in his voice. I know that, so just enjoy his own version of the song, which I like very much.Also, making a japanese UTAU sing in English is hard as hell. Speedy DOESN'T have english syllabes. His VB was based on a japanese reclist only. Therefore, I know he doesn't sound perfect, but I think it's pretty acceptable under the circumstances. So if you have nothing nice to say, just click Back now. Thanks.
違法アップロードはやめましょうね あー、CD音源かー…… おお いいね~
2020-09-30 21:26:02投稿
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2011-02-05 23:20:48投稿
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I loved this song the moment I first heard it. I HAD to make Speedy sing it, and I think he sings it pretty well. I like when he sings some parts in high pitch, like the chorus in this one.UST from Vocalochu. Other credits in the video.Speedy's VB: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OPC4TICZSpeedy's Model (credits go to Nukude): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JO364384
2011-03-27 11:45:21投稿
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Speedy Torane VCV Voicebank: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1XA3RRM7Enjoy Speedy Torane VCV!
かわいい 虎音スピーディ最高!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! L かっこよかったGJ! 来た! かっこいい!
2012-11-15 01:12:13投稿
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wwww おお
2011-06-20 01:28:19投稿
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Speedy Torane singing Nebula, an original by Tripshots. Credits go to Tripshots for the song and the VSQ, which I used for this.Speedy Torane is mine.Download Speedy's VCV VB: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1XA3RRM7And please stop using his CV VB. His VCV VB has a much better voice. Thanks.
GJ!! すべての創造 さあ始まるわ ただの仮説よ どうだっていいの 理想なんて このエン...
2012-11-07 11:55:18投稿
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うおおおスピさんんんn! おお、動いた
2012-05-23 01:17:19投稿
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Not a reupload. Listen to it until the end and enjoy! :3I had to use UTAU this time because Cadencii crashes with some special sounds I use for Speedy in English.Special thanks for Celine Dion (even though she doesn't know it) for "borrowing" me her voice so this could be done.
2012-09-20 23:56:56投稿
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UST by OkitaLean.
2010-10-17 02:13:46投稿
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I simply love how Speedy sings this...Speedy's VB: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OPC4TICZ
スピーディさんも良いですね~ Speedyいい声だなぁ・・・
2010-12-11 10:59:35投稿
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Speedy Torane singing Left-Behind City, an original by Hatsune Miku. I liked the way he sings this one. ^^UST from Vocalochu.Speedy's VB: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OPC4TICZ
2013-03-28 23:03:08投稿
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すごい聞きやすい スピーディ本当に聞きやすくなったな
2011-04-25 11:23:28投稿
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Mix was done by tady159, and I love it! Speedy sounds so human like in this one (or tiger like? Oh, well)!The song is the opening theme for the anime Air, so I don't take credits for the song or the drawing.
Isitbetterifalowtoneelementisalittlecut? 声がちょっとくぐもってるのが残念かな おお、なかなか
2012-11-18 13:06:10投稿
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woow sounds really good!!
2016-10-02 04:35:33投稿
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2012-06-28 18:58:05投稿
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Music & Lyrics: DECO*27Vocals : 猫村いろは & 虎音スピーディUST: rokurin 私はあなたが好むことを望みます ^^私は曲のフルバージョンに取り組んでいる、患者である :)
2011-04-19 01:35:27投稿
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I love this song, so I made Speedy sing it. I used the original VSQ for this, but I tweaked it a bit on UTAU.Original song by supercell, and VSQ was taken from Vocalochu.
Excellent 白いなあ 1
2012-06-12 21:07:02投稿
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This is Speedy Torane's CALM Mood.UST was made by UtauReizo.
2010-10-08 02:18:52投稿
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Yay, a colored drawing!Speedy singing Hajimete no Oto. I love the lyrics, and thought it would be cute with him. He is singing at one octave down, because the high notes were too high for him.Speedy's VB: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OPC4TICZ
2010-09-28 06:49:42投稿
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Speedy singing モノクロ∞ブルースカイ.Speedy's Voice Bank: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OPC4TICZ
「映る毎日」って歌詞で「うつるけしき」ですね。 サムネに釣られて あらかわいい! かわ...
2012-07-17 11:29:05投稿
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I HAD to do it xDBoth are singing with their Kire banks. :3UST by Haru2894.
なかなかうまいというかその服w 2 かっこいい!
2011-09-07 06:21:45投稿
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I HAD to do it! xDVSQ was made by MangaGuy18, here on YouTube. Although I tweaked some notes on the UST to make it sound better.
wwwwww ひでえw 良い声させてるじゃんか イタリアごか?下手よ! くそだ! ここはYouTubeじゃないよ...
2010-11-25 11:04:02投稿
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Speedy Torane singing Innocence!Speedy's VB: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OPC4TICZ
人虎 獣人? なぜ外国勢にはこの曲が人気なのだろう・・ ♪ いい感じだね! なかなかよかっ...
2010-10-16 12:21:04投稿
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A new version of ARiA. It was a long way from my first video of ARiA to this one. Speedy is sounding better now. ^^Speedy's VB: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OPC4TICZ
GJ! す、凄い……!
2012-12-05 15:53:13投稿
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dk what to say anymore. well the strong version of ryan moriyama VOICE Blast -ADULT- is already finished, need to work on the soft version today~ XDDi'm planning to release this voicebank along with Codename: Ryena this coming March 13 (UTADroid 2nd Anniversary!) YAY!!! ok, i think i', done here! CreditsSong: 脳漿炸裂ガールOriginal: Miku & GumiMusic・れるりり/ReruririVideo・ ぴちょこMastering・ かごめP Effects・井の頭PJazz Piano・ 紅い流星UST:SM19176176YT Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPfl0FFfwb0Vocals: Ryan Moriyama & Speedy ToraneCover Mixing: Ryan-kun
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww いいね! うぽつー☆ マカロン