キーワードPinion を含む動画: 52件 ページ目を表示
2025年3月15日 07時05分に生成された05時00分のデータです
2016-05-01 20:16:16投稿
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はじめまして、同人サークル「rack pinion」のsariseと申します。
HP: http://rackpinion.web.fc2.com/special/reinama.html
グラフィック:sarise、 ふじしむもちろんタイトルであのコマンドはあるよな 思いっきり販売してるぞ 著作権的にOKのほうがガバガバだろw 東方というテーマを着せるとどんなゲームでもパクれるのね こんなん笑うわww どんだけよくできてても金取ったらまずいだろ いや勇なまの会社が黙認して...
2016-05-20 22:18:18投稿
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はじめまして、同人サークル「rack pinion」のsariseと申します。
前⇒sm28752338 マイリスト:mylist/48326267
グラフィック:sarise、 ふじしむヤバイ人がw 体験版が404で落とせないんだが ちょw チルノがリザードマン枠か ←コケ地獄の発見者だからな チルノ禁止縛りとかキツそう いくらなんでも強すぎだろ 魔力に限界あるわけだし連発できないんだから大丈夫でしょ これは面白そう 瀟洒度にだいぶ...
2007-08-10 23:39:16投稿
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You Tubeより nine inch nails - pinion
wwwwww まだ大丈夫・・・ わけがわからんPVでごわす・・・ !? あああああああああああああああ...
2010-03-27 04:49:08投稿
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1.Nine Inch Nails「Pinion」 ⇒ 2.Nine Inch Nails「Wish」 ⇒ 3.Radiohead「Paranoid Android」 ⇒ 4.Tim Deluxe「Heavy Weather(Feat. Sam Obernik)」 ⇒ 5.Nas「The World Is Yours」 ⇒ 6.THEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANT「ダニー・ゴー」 ⇒ 7.Travis「Driftwood」 ⇒ 8.Metallica「Battery」 ⇒ 9.Prefuse73「The End Of Biters-International」 ⇒ 10.Prefuse73「Plastic」 ⇒ 11.The Killers「Mr. Brightside」 ⇒ 12.Slipknot「People=Shit」 ⇒ 13.The Mad Capsule Markets「W.O.R.L.D.」 ⇒ 14.EMINEM「Stan」この鳥肌実うちの店によくくるがくっそ性格悪いぞ。最凶のクレーマー インダストリアルメタルだお キラーズきたー キターーーー CD擦り切れるほど聞いた これはいいね! ここからplasticの繋ぎはマジ神 曲名がわからんて辛い・・ !!!!! きたいし...
2009-04-26 17:11:08投稿
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Nine Inch Nails - Broken (Unoffical DVD) [Halo Five] Nine Inch Nails PV集・mylist/11929148 This release contains the Broken Movie, in its uncensored entirety, in DVD format with the highest video quality that will likely ever be available. Enjoy, and happy new year's.More about the Broken Movie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_%28film%29 Track listing : intro・pinion・wish・help me i am in hell・happiness in slavery・gave up WARNING: 過激な描写が含まれます ついに消去されるの覚悟で禁断の [ Broken Movie ] 高画質版を Up しました。 Part.2 sm6863772
Toolとはまた別のベクトルでやばいな 吐き気がしてきた いいなあ 曲はサイコー 人類にはまだ早い この時のトレント狂ってるからマジで食わせてるな やっぱいいな このPVを撮るために4人死んでます(嘘 歌詞を クッソ古いNINだぞ 音楽のPVだから ...
2009-04-26 19:22:08投稿
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Nine Inch Nails - Broken (Unoffical DVD) [Halo Five] Nine Inch Nails PV集・mylist/11929148 This release contains the Broken Movie, in its uncensored entirety, in DVD format with the highest video quality that will likely ever be available. Enjoy, and happy new year's.More about the Broken Movie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_%28film%29 Track listing : intro・pinion・wish・help me i am in hell・happiness in slavery・gave up WARNING: 過激な描写が含まれます ついに消去されるの覚悟で禁断の [ Broken Movie ] 高画質版を Up しました。 Part.1 sm6862186
ぐろ 草w ただのキチガイで草 w ち〇こ切り取った?w おもろw 何があったw わあ ワロタw 面白かった wwww まあここはアングラだし 久しぶりに見たけどヤバいなw 俺がgave upだわ こう繋がるのか えええええ ここはギャグでしょww ...
2007-09-23 08:48:58投稿
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nine inch nails kroq 2005
パーフェクトドラッグの頃はイケメンだけど坊主姿の方が好き トレントどうしたんw せんせ...
2009-03-14 19:14:56投稿
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Nine Inch Nails - Pinion (Broken) [Halo Five] Nine Inch Nails PV集・mylist/11929148 Marilyn Manson PV集 (High Quality)・mylist/11928121 厳選!!洋楽シリーズ (mylist/9589676)
こわい・・・ イヤな予感ww ざわ・・ ああああああああああああああああ ああああああああ...
2016-05-26 20:40:11投稿
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今回は同人サークル「rack pinion」さんの『霊夢のくせになまいきだ。』やらせていただきたいと思います。
現在rack pinionさんのサイトにてこのゲームのweb体験版を配信中のようです。興味を持った方はやってみよう!
製作者様の投稿された紹介動画→ sm28752338 sm28885149
前(体験版)→録画ミス 次→sm28977270
いままでのPart1とか(失踪率高)→ mylist/47382965ど・う・で・も・い・い 簡単に言うけどその調子じゃ、無理だと思います・・・ 霊夢ターン てーてれーてーてれーてーてれーてーてれー てか左のけだまどうにかしろよ いってないよー はやくしろや!! wwwwwwwww やり方わからないんかい! 霊夢たーん...
2008-03-07 05:22:46投稿
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異様なムードだな 初見 NINの暗黒伝説はこの変な曲から始まった気がする おおおお (*´д...
2016-05-02 17:31:12投稿
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場所は い54a「rack pinion」 です。
Tr1. Walk Around
原曲: ハルトマンの妖怪少女
Tr2. ファイアフライ
原曲: 蠢々秋月 ~ Mooned Insect
Tr3. lightning (inst)
原曲: 夢殿大祀廟
Tr4. 縁側で笑う少女
原曲: 信仰は儚き人間の為に
Tr5. 下へ、下へ
原曲: 暗闇の風穴
Original: Zun
Vocal: Aradon
Arrange & illustration: ふじしむ
HP→ http://kr-gyo-za.r622.net/works/walkaroundtoho.html
同ブースでゲームも頒布します。→ http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28752338200 うぽつ upotu うぽつです
2017-05-01 21:16:26投稿
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B25b「rack pinion」にてお待ちしております!
■Twitter:https://twitter.com/rack_pinion_委託予定はないのかなー、地方民には厳しい 買いました~このアートワークほしいです なんという俺得 待望のサントラきたああ うぽつ 実にそれっぽくていいw
2015-11-11 11:19:45投稿
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ふじしむ (rack pinion) mylist/42901281
mt (Ling Notes) mylist/39557026
NUSH (toyKasket) https://soundcloud.com/nush06
robo mylist/48052980
Osanzi (3 O'Clocker) mylist/42437482
☆いるかアイスさん(mylist/53710467)のCDも置く予定ですこちらもぜひ sm27560807
サークル「ミライトアルマチ構想」 CD「ミライトアルマチ衛星」全12曲
頒布価格 700円 通販委託価格 1,000円
※英語のスペルが一部間違っていました。 undiccoveed city → undiscovered cityゴツイダブステ来た・・・! かっけえ! 良い・・・!! うぽつです 楽しみだぜよ~ さすがosanziさん ぜったい買うわ 回る・・・寿司・・・・? 回転寿司…! 回る寿司だ
2015-08-16 17:30:44投稿
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フラップター:Flaptter19-8 Flight with Stabilizer: Excellent Speedy Flight 安定したスピーディな飛行です。操縦が難しい機体だが、スタビライザーを搭載することで、誰でも操縦できる非常におとなしい飛行ができるようになった。With Young DolaStabilizer: Guardian 2D/3D Stabilizer Flaptter 19-8Width 80cmLength 24cmWeight 223g (Young Dola 6g) battery Lipo 3cell 550mAh 55g Total flight weight 278gServo: Rear wing (DM 4.7g servo *2)Motor: AXI2203 race Gear:Main Gear 0.4M66T Acetal *2 (shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing)Spur Gear M0.4 55T, 64P8TPinionWire(4mm ball bearing)Pinion Gear M0.4 28T ESC:H-KING 12A Fixed Wing Brushless ESCBattery: Lipo 3cell 550mAh G3 Control: 3CH (a motor, rear wing 2 servo)Film of a wing: Orcon film For more details 詳細は http://homepage2.nifty.com/smark/Habataki.htm
おおお これやっぱり急旋回したらバランス崩すのかな 着地する時が厄介そう 商品化はまだですか むしのようだ 安定してるなぁ
2017-03-14 09:26:25投稿
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サークル名『rack pinion』
part1マイリス→mylist/57131622ブロント語=東方有頂天かな?・・・・ 2コメ うわーーーーー
2013-01-07 23:26:00投稿
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翼に関節があり、本物の鳥のように翼が曲がる羽ばたき機です。滑空装置NewGLDABによって滑空もします。翼の体側部分は2枚の膜で翼型が作られており、揚力を発生します。巾103cm 長さ51cm 重量135g battery Lipo 2cell 240mAh 18g Total 153gServo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (DM 4.7g servo *2)Motor:Turnigy 1811 Brushless Indoor Motor 3800kvESC:H-KING 10A Fixed Wing Brushless Speed ControllerGear:Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D*2 (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 56TM0.4 GWS EPS 2 (=GWS IPS-42), 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M0410TBattery:Lipo 2cell 240mAh G3Film of a wing New Orcofilm EN-158C and AN36Control: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo)Gliding system New GLDAB
鳥だわ! おおおおお きれいだ おおー ラピュタのプロペラっぽい音 軍事偵察機になれるな す...
2013-01-03 13:30:25投稿
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翼に関節があり、本物の鳥のように翼が曲がる羽ばたき機です。滑空装置NewGLDABによって滑空もします。翼の体側部分は2枚の膜で翼型が作られており、揚力を発生します。巾94cm、全長49cm、重量128g、バッテリーLipo 2cell 240mAh17g、総重量145g受信機Castle Creations Berg Microstamp4L4ChMicroRx、サーボ:elevator & rudder (DM 4.7g servo2個)、モーター:Turnigy 1811 Brushless Indoor Motor 3800kv、ESC:Hobby-KING 10A Fixed Wing BrushlessESCGear:Main gear:66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear:56TM0.4 GWS EPS 2 (=GWS IPS-42), 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 9T(=64P 9T)Battery:Lipo2cell240mAhG3、Film of a wing:Orcon filmAN36Control:3CH(a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo)、Gliding system New GLDAB
マーヴェラス! これ、世界に1つしかありません。 どこで売っていますかね? ほしい suge- すごい自然だった、良かった うぽつでした すごい! 音も鳥の鳴き声っぽくてよい かなり余裕があるようにみえる。風とかどれくらいいけるんだろ 完成度が上がっている
2017-03-15 17:38:33投稿
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サークル名『rack pinion』
sm30820539←前回 次回→
part1マイリス→mylist/57131622生中出氏 ●グッジョブ うまい 霊夢と魔理沙 じゅんこ
2016-04-03 22:15:55投稿
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New フラップターFlaptter 50 : Flight with Old Dola 軽く丈夫なため、落ちても壊れない。width 68 cm length 21 cm weight 126 g Surface body 20 g Lipo 3cell 180mAh 18 g (Old Dola 7 g )Total flight weight 171 g Receiver: FrSky TFR6M 2.4Ghz 6CH Micro Receiver FASST Compatible Servo: Elevon Turnigy D56MG Coreless Digital Metal Gear Servo 1.2kg / 5.6g / .10sec *2 Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kv Gear: Main Gear 0.4M 66T& 3mm ball bearingSpur Gear (M0.4 x 60T), 64P8TPinionWire(4mm ball bearing),Pinion Gear M04 18T ESC: Thunderbird ESC 18ABattery: Lipo 3cell 180mAh Control: Control: 3CH (a motor, Elevobn *2)Film of a wing Orcon film AN36
ドーラだ 下手に落としたら飛ばなくなりそうで操縦が難しそうだな 音もいいな 本当に飛ぶの!
2019-01-30 19:53:01投稿
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Flaptter 50 with Dola: Flight at Seaside Please enjoy a flight.This ornithopter is Flaptter of Castle in the Sky LAPUTA (Hayao Miyazaki 's animation) This ornithopter has four wings and all wing are flapping.(New Flapping Wing System)New type ornithopter with new wing system was born.軽く丈夫なため、落ちても壊れない。width 68 cm length 21 cm Surface body 20 g Lipo 3cell 180mAh 18 g (Old Dola 7 g )Total flight weight 182g Receiver: FrSky TFR6M 2.4Ghz 6CH Micro Receiver FASST Compatible Servo: Elevon Turnigy D56MG Coreless Digital Metal Gear Servo 1.2kg / 5.6g / .10sec *2 Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kv Gear: Main Gear 0.4M 66T& 3mm ball bearingSpur Gear (M0.4 x 60T), 64P8TPinionWire(4mm ball bearing),Pinion Gear M04 20T ESC: Plush ESC 10ABattery: Lipo 3cell 180mAh Control: Control: 3CH (a motor, Elevobn *2)Film of a wing Orcon film AN36 HD:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxY7KvnlNJw
最高!欲しい! 素晴らしい!!
2010-01-24 05:01:38投稿
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Nine Inch Nails 2008 "Lights In The Sky" tourpinion地味に好き
2015-07-28 20:11:24投稿
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Dragonfly21-12 with Wing flapping amplitude change system: Good Flight4枚羽の羽ばたき機。フラップターの操縦システムとはまったく異なる。width67cmlength56cmweight186gBattery Lipo 3cell 240mAh26gTotal flight weight212gDragonfly21-12 with Wing flapping amplitude change systemServo: Front wing (DM 4.7g servo *2)Motor: AXI 2203/46 GOLD LINE Brushless MotorGear:Main Gear 0.4M66T Acetal *4 (shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing)First Gear M0.4 60T, 64P8TPinionWire(4mm ball bearing)Pinion Gear M0.4 18T (=64P18T)ESC:H-KING 10A Fixed Wing BrushlessESCBattery:Lipo3cell 240mAh G3Control:4CH (a motor, front wing 3 servo)Film of wings Orcon film
すごすぎ これの四枚羽飛行機商品化できるんじゃね??? でかい鬼ヤンマだな パット見、生物...
2019-02-13 22:41:02投稿
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ゲーム「撃ち札」頒布元のサークル:「rack pinion」様
前→sm34241836おつ おつ うぽつ
2016-10-30 23:05:12投稿
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Flaptter 50 : Very Good FlightI changed ESC from 18A to 12A.This ornithopter is Flaptter of Castle in the Sky LAPUTA (Hayao Miyazaki 's animation) This ornithopter has four wings and all wing are flapping.(New Flapping Wing System)New type ornithopter with new wing system was born.軽く丈夫なため、落ちても壊れない。width 68 cm length 21 cm Surface body 20 g Lipo 3cell 180mAh 18 g (Old Dola 7 g )Total flight weight 182g Receiver: FrSky TFR6M 2.4Ghz 6CH Micro Receiver FASST Compatible Servo: Elevon Turnigy D56MG Coreless Digital Metal Gear Servo 1.2kg / 5.6g / .10sec *2 Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kv Gear: Main Gear 0.4M 66T& 3mm ball bearingSpur Gear (M0.4 x 60T), 64P8TPinionWire(4mm ball bearing),Pinion Gear M04 20T ESC: Thunderbird ESC 12ABattery: Lipo 3cell 180mAh Control: Control: 3CH (a motor, Elevobn *2)Film of a wing Orcon film AN36 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9SXHU9_p7U
すげえええええ 凄い。このデザインでは絶対に飛ばないと思ってた・・・
2015-10-15 19:03:11投稿
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場所:第二展示場1F お-10a / rack pinion
1.the earth (instrumental)
2.Flower Storm
4.クライマーズ トゥ ハイ
8.fire rainbow
bonus track
10.シーサイド・フットマーク feat.新井智也
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl7qmuc0K44&list=PL7jWeQr0HGq3arHCYE1OQtszHe3sFYPTK&index=1いいなあオイ wktk
2016-05-04 19:11:45投稿
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Seagull 24iV-5 with New Articulated Gull wings: Speedy Flight and GlidingGood speedy flight and gliding by New Gull Wingwidth113 cm length 54cm weight150g battery Lipo 2cell 260mAh 17g Total flight weight167g Wing membrane : New Orcofilm EN-158C and OrconFilm AN36.SeaGull24iV has wings with airfoil.Servo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (DM 4.7g servo *2)Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kvESC:H-KING 10A Fixed Wing Brushless Speed ControllerGear:Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D*2 (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 56TM0.4 GWS EPS 2 (=GWS IPS-42), 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M0416TBattery:Lipo 2cell 24\60mAh Film of a wing New Orcofilm EN-158C and AN36Control: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo)Gliding system New GLDAB
2016-11-14 22:23:03投稿
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Falcon36iV with Swept Articulated Wing : DogFight with CrowFlight with New Articulated wing :Good Flight and GlidingDogFight with Crowwidth113cmlength51cmweight157gbattery Lipo 2cell 260mAh 17gTotal flight weight174gFalcon36iV with Swept Articulated Wing Receiver: 4Ch Servo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (DM 4.7g servo *2)Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kvESC:H-KING 10A Fixed Wing BrushlessESCGear:Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 60TM0.4 GWS EPS A, 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 14TBattery:Lipo 2cell 260mAhFilm of a wingOrcon filmControl: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo)Gliding systemNew GLDAB
滑空美しいな・・・ はえ〜最近のUAVはこんな形してるんすねぇ 滅茶苦茶意識してるな
2016-01-31 12:22:15投稿
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新しいフラップターの完成が近づいた。素晴らしい飛行。残りの仕事は、乗る年老いたドーラを作ること(今回乗っている若き日のドーラはFlaptter19-9に載っていたドーラ人形)。width 68 cm length 21 cm weight 126 g Surface body 20 g Lipo 3cell 180mAh 18 g Young Dola(This Dola is same Dola used in Flaptter19-9 3DP) 7 g Total flight weight 171 g Receiver: FrSky TFR6M 2.4Ghz 6CH Micro Receiver FASST Compatible Servo: Elevon Turnigy D56MG*2Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kv Gear: Main Gear 0.4M 66T& 3mm ball bearingSpur Gear (M0.4 x 60T), 64P8TPinionWire(4mm ball bearing),Pinion Gear M04 18T ESC: Thunderbird ESC 18ABattery: Lipo 3cell 180mAh Control: Control: 3CH (a motor, Elevobn *2)Film of a wing Orcon film AN36
前より小さくなった? あとはホバリングができれば完璧 とべんのかよww すげえええええええええ
2015-08-15 13:44:48投稿
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Butterfly 46 New Wing System : Second Flight Test Good Flight4枚羽の羽ばたき機。新しい飛行の仕組み。Silberfleck-Perlmuttfalter (Boloria euphrosyne) Pearl-Bordered Fritillary,ヒョウモンチョウButterfly46Width 87cmLength 42cmWeight 166gbattery Lipo 2cell 260mAh17gTotal flight weight 183gServo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (D56MG servo *2)Motor: Cosmotic CT2211 2200Kv motorESC:H-KING 10A Fixed Wing Brushless ESCGear:Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 60TM0.4 GWS, 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 9T(=64P 9T)Battery:Lipo 2cell 260mAh G3Film of a wingOrcon film EN158CControl: 3CH (a motor, tail: 2 servo)Stabilizer: GuardianTM 2D 3D Inertial Stabilizer
きもい!! モスラか?
2016-11-13 20:59:40投稿
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BlackKite54iV : 6th Flight Test for Gliding and Flight with BlackKite本物のトビがやってきた。Real BalckKite gathered.Width 117cmLength 46cmWeight 181gServo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (D56MG servo *2) Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kv ESC: H-KING 10A Fixed Wing Brushless Speed Controller Gear: Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS 4D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 60TM0.4 GWS EPS D, 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 14T Battery: Lipo 180mAh3cellFilm of a wing Orcofilm EN158C Control: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo) Gliding system : New GLDAB
あぶなw かっこいい 鳩とか追い払うのに使えそう 空中戦w これ追い出そうとしてるつがいじゃね? 本物? なわばりを荒らさされたので威嚇? 1
2018-07-22 18:11:02投稿
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BuboBuboOwl35iVV2-7: Flight Test at seaside and Fly by WireGood Flightwidth95cmlength48cmweight190gbattery Lipo 3cell 180mAh in Flight , Lipo 3cell 240mAhG3 in Fly by WireTotal flight weight 208g and 216gServo:invertVtail: elevator & rudder (DM56 MicroServo*2)Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kvESC:H-KING 12A Fixed Wing Brushless Speed ControllerGear:Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 60TM0.4 GWS EPS D, 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 10TFilm of a wing: Orcofilm EN158CFull HD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovwe9PGQTf8
2016-06-12 21:11:31投稿
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Puffin 29iV : Flight with a lot of SeagullsPuffin29iV gathered a lot of seagulls.Puffin29iVWidth 84cmLength 44cmWeight 118gbattery Lipo 2cell240mAh17gTotal flight weight 135 gServo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (DM 4.7g servo *2)Motor: Turnigy 1811 Brushless Indoor Motor 3800kvESC:Castle Creations Thunderbird-9 Brushless ESCGear:Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 56TM0.4 GWS EPS 2 (=GWS IPS-42), 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 12T(=64P 12T)Battery:Lipo2cell 260mAh Film of a wing :Orcon filmAN36Control: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo)
カモメってかエトピリカ? 最近人工筋肉が入手できるようになったのでアクチュエータ変えてみて欲しいなぁ
2016-12-18 14:21:12投稿
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GosHawk25iV : AutoPilot Flight with FC Pixfalcon and Ublox M8N GPS : Success!! of autopilot flightGoshawk25iVは自動飛行に成功した。おそらく世界初の羽ばたき機の自動飛行。 Take-Off 高度3メーターまで上昇。Way Point 2と3を高度10メーターで回る。WayPoint4を中心に旋回する。 Width 94cmLength 49cmWeight 180gbattery Lipo 2cell 260mAh17gTotal flight weight 197gServo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (DM 4.7g servo *2)Motor: Cosmotic CT2211 2200Kv motorESC: H-KING 10A Fixed Wing BrushlessESCGear: Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 56TM0.4 GWS EPS 2 (=GWS IPS-42), 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 9T(=64P 9T)Battery: Lipo 2cell 260mAh Film of a wingOrcon filmAN36Control: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo)Gliding system no New GLDABAutoPilot :PixFalcon & Ublox M8N GPS
すげえ・・・ これはすごい おお
2016-06-12 21:06:45投稿
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GosHawk25iV with articulated wing : Acrobatic Flight and Gliding GosHawk25iV with articulated wing : Acrobatic Flight and Gliding Flight by Battery 180mAh 3 cellGosHawk25iV with articulated wing is suitable for the flight like a real bird.GosHawk25iV with articulated wingA side to the body of this wings has Airfoil.Width 94cmLength 49cmWeight 146gbattery Lipo 3cell 180mAh17gTotal flight weight 163gServo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (DM 4.7g servo *2)Motor: Cosmotic CT2211 2200Kv motorESC: H-KING 10A Fixed Wing BrushlessESCGear: Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 56TM0.4 GWS EPS 2 (=GWS IPS-42), 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 9T(=64P 9T)Battery: Lipo 3cell 180mAh Film of a wingOrcon filmAN36Control: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo)Gliding system New GLDAB
本物に追われてる? 迷惑カラスの撃退に使えそう
2016-11-21 07:33:07投稿
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Bat 18-5 Swing legs: First Flight Test: Good Flight Control system is modified swing steering system for membrane flapping wing by Takahasi. Maneuvering is good. It flies lightly.高橋式スイングシステムを使ったコウモリ型羽ばたき機 翼の素材はOrcon film。Bat 18-5 swing legswidth96cmlength38cmWeight 127gbattery Lipo 2cell 260mAh 16gTotal flight weight 143gServo: servo *2Motor:Turnigy 1811 Brushless Indoor Motor 3800kvGear:"Main Gear 0.4M 66T*2& 3mm ballbearingSpur Gear (M0.4 x 60T), 64P8TPinionWire(4mm ball bearing),Pinion Gear M04 10TESC:H-KING 10A Fixed Wing Brushless Speed ControllerBattery:Lipo2cell260mAh Control: 3CH (a motor, Rudder and Elevator servo)Film of a wing:Orcon film EN158CBat,ornithopter,こうもり,羽ばたき機,RC,Bat18-5https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTTwi2q0lGU
2017-05-12 21:48:11投稿
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NightFury 23iV : Good flight and Gliding at seaside 映画「ヒックとドラゴン」のトゥース。飛行と滑空Motor: Turnigy2211 2300Kv.Splendid Flight and Acrobatic Flight and Gliding. But Looping is over load for Gear.width101cmlength57cmweight153gBattery Lipo2cell 260mAh Turnigy nano-tech 35-70C 17gTotal flight weight170g Servo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (DM 4.7g servo *2) Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kv ESC: H-KING 10A Fixed Wing BrushlessESC Gear: Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 56TM0.4 GWS EPS 2 (=GWS IPS-42), 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 14T Battery: Lipo 2cell 260mAh Film of a wing Orcon film Control: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo) Gliding system New GLDAB
2019-01-29 22:15:01投稿
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フラップター:Flaptter19-8 Flight with Stabilizer: Good Speedy Flight4枚翼の心地よい音です。It is a comfortable sound of four pieces of wings.Flaptter 19-8 of Castle in the Sky LAPUTA (Hayao Miyazaki 's animation) Stabilizer: Guardian 2D/3D StabilizerGood stable Flight : 安定した飛行です。With Young DolaFlaptter 19-8Width 80cmLength 24cmWeight 223g (Young Dola 6g) battery Lipo 3cell 450mAh 45g Total flight weight 268gServo: Rear wing (DM 4.7g servo *2)Motor: AXI2203 race Gear:Main Gear 0.4M66T Acetal *2 (shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing)Spur Gear M0.4 55T, 64P8TPinionWire(4mm ball bearing)Pinion Gear M0.4 28T ESC:H-KING 12A Fixed Wing Brushless ESCBattery: Lipo 3cell 450mAh G3 Control: 3CH (a motor, rear wing 2 servo)Film of a wing: Orcon filmHD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_rA6fZZsn0
コれはお孫さんカメラかな? ビデオマウントww 上昇できてる、いいね
2016-10-31 22:34:27投稿
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BlackKite54iV : 5th Flight Test for Gliding and Flight with CrowWidth 117cmLength 46cmWeight 181gServo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (D56MG servo *2) Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kv ESC: H-KING 10A Fixed Wing Brushless Speed Controller Gear: Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS 4D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 60TM0.4 GWS EPS D, 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 14T Battery: Lipo 180mAh3cellFilm of a wing Orcofilm EN158C Control: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo) Gliding system : New GLDABhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk80vFup-J0
2015-08-18 00:11:23投稿
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Dragonfly21-12 with Wing flapping amplitude change system: Elegant good Flight4枚羽の羽ばたき機。フラップターの操縦システムとはまったく異なる。width67cmlength56cmweight186gBattery Lipo 3cell 240mAh26gTotal flight weight212gDragonfly21-12 with Wing flapping amplitude change systemServo: Front wing (DM 4.7g servo *2)Motor: AXI 2203/46 GOLD LINE Brushless MotorGear:Main Gear 0.4M66T Acetal *4 (shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing)First Gear M0.4 60T, 64P8TPinionWire(4mm ball bearing)Pinion Gear M0.4 18T (=64P18T)ESC:H-KING 10A Fixed Wing BrushlessESCBattery:Lipo3cell 240mAh G3Control:4CH (a motor, front wing 3 servo)Film of wings Orcon film
2016-10-25 07:54:10投稿
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Sinopterus37iV Single Finger Wing : Great Flight and Gliding Hand catch!! Very good flight and gliding. Perfect flight!!This wing is near to wings of real Pterosaur.This Single Finger Wing is very effective in slow flight.This wing can flap large wing by small power.The Pterosaur may be to have flown in the sky of the ancient times in the same way.width161cm length81cm weight173g battery Lipo 2cell 260mAh17g Total flight weight190g Receiver: 4Ch Servo: inverted Vtail: elevator & rudder (Turnigy D56MG servo *2) Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kv ESC: H-KING 10A Fixed Wing BrushlessESC Gear: Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 60TM0.4 GWS EPS A, 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 14T Battery: Lipo 2cell 260mAh Film of a wing Orcon film EN158C and AN36 Control: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo) Gliding system New GLDAB
2016-10-26 18:46:26投稿
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Falcon 30iV Swept wing with Stabilizer : Flight in Strong wind Good Flightwidth 107cmlength 49cmweight151gBattery Lipo2cell 260mAh 17gGLDAB 5gGurdians 2D/3D Stabilizer 11gTotal flight weight183gServo:invertVtail: elevator & rudder (DM 4.7g servo *2)Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kvESC: H-KING 10A Fixed Wing Brushless Speed ControllerGear:Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 60TM0.4 GWS EPS D, 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 14TBattery Lipo2cell 260mAhFilm of a wing:Orcofilm AN36New GLDAB Stabilizer : Eagletree Guardians 2D/3Dhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stP_iKzBh_0
滑空かっけえ 思ってた以上に鳥 おお、すごい。結構駆動音がするのかな。 水とは違うよなあ、よく出来たもんだ すごい。。遠目で見たら気づかないだろうなぁ・・
2016-11-16 19:39:14投稿
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GosHawk25iV with articulated wing : Good Flight and GlidingFlight by Battery 260mAh 2 cellGosHawk25iV with articulated wingA side to the body of this wings has Airfoil.Width 94cmLength 49cmWeight 146gbattery Lipo 2cell 260mAh17gTotal flight weight 163gServo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (DM 4.7g servo *2)Motor: Cosmotic CT2211 2200Kv motorESC: H-KING 10A Fixed Wing BrushlessESCGear: Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 56TM0.4 GWS EPS 2 (=GWS IPS-42), 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 9T(=64P 9T)Battery: Lipo 2cell 260mAh Film of a wingOrcon filmAN36Control: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo)Gliding system New GLDABhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQq2VNn3WdY
2016-10-24 22:42:25投稿
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Fregata53iV : 9th Flight Test Elegant Flight and Glidingwidth 161cm length 74cm battery Lipo 3cell 260mAhTotal flight weight 198g Servo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (D56MG servo *2) Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kv ESC: H-KING 10A Fixed Wing Brushless Speed Controller Gear: Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS 4D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 60TM0.4 GWS EPS D, 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 12T Battery: Lipo 3cell 260mAh Film of a wing Orcofilm EN158C and AN36Control: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydnggRZtjgc
2017-05-12 21:31:50投稿
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Duck61iV for Training of Raptors : 4th Test Flight with 30g-Weight and Double Battery: Good Flight餌の搭載場所である首に30gの重り(餌の代わりの重り)を乗せて飛行。Flight with Weight 30g (food) on Neck.さらに、もう一つの180mAh3cellLipo17gを載せて飛行時間を延長。Width 95cmLength 64.5cmTotal flight weight 192g+30g+17gServo: Inverted V (DM56 MicroServo*2)Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kvESC:H-KING 12A Fixed Wing Brushless Speed ControllerBattery:LiPo 180mAh 3cell *1 or 2Control: 3CH (a motor, V tail 2ch)Gear : 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS 4D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 60TM0.4 GWS EPS D, 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 18T
2017-03-08 22:15:08投稿
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Merlin59iVST : 5th Test Flight –Good Powerful and Stable Flight in strong wind強風下での安定した力強い飛行。コチョウゲンボウ59iVは完成です。小型の鳥たちのBird Control用の羽ばたき機です。Width 78cmLength 40cmLipo 3cell 180mAhTotal flight weight173 gServo: Inverted V (DM56 MicroServo*2)Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kvESC:H-KING 10A Fixed Wing Brushless Speed ControllerBattery:LiPo 260mAh2cellControl: 3CH (a motor, V tail 2ch)Gear : 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS 4D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 60TM0.4 GWS EPS D, 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 18TStabilizer: Eagle Tree Guardian 2D/3Dhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSEA8agXCIo
2017-04-20 22:36:10投稿
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Fregata53iV : Elegant Flight and Glidingwidth 161cm length 74cm weight 181 g battery Lipo 3cell 260mAhTotal flight weight 198g Servo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (D56MG servo *2) Motor: Turnigy 2211 Brushless Indoor Motor 2300kv ESC: H-KING 10A Fixed Wing Brushless Speed Controller Gear: Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS 4D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 60TM0.4 GWS EPS D, 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 12T Battery: Lipo 3cell 260mAh Film of a wing Orcofilm EN158C and AN36Control: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo)
2019-04-09 20:00:00投稿
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from "The Cult of Pandora"(EP)
The Cult of Pandora → sm3451286449位
2017-04-20 22:29:17投稿
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Puffin 29iV : Puffin29iV Flight at seasidePuffin29iVWidth 84cmLength 44cmWeight 118gbattery Lipo 2cell240mAh17gTotal flight weight 135 gServo: Vtail: elevator & rudder (DM 4.7g servo *2)Motor: Turnigy 1811 Brushless Indoor Motor 3800kvESC:Castle Creations Thunderbird-9 Brushless ESCGear:Main gear: 66TM0.4 Acetal GWS EPS D (Stainless shaft3mm, 3mm ball bearing), First gear: 56TM0.4 GWS EPS 2 (=GWS IPS-42), 64P8TPinionWire(with 4mm ball bearing), Pinion Gear M04 12T(=64P 12T)Battery:Lipo2cell 260mAh Film of a wing :Orcon filmAN36Control: 3CH (a motor, inverted Vtail: 2 servo)
2020-03-10 20:00:00投稿
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from "The Kosmokrator"
The Cult of Pandora → sm34512864
Pinion Ether → sm34930780
Symphony of Oblivion → sm3647461751位
2020-03-08 20:00:00投稿
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from "The Kosmokrator"
The Cult of Pandora → sm34512864
Pinion Ether → sm34930780