キーワードgangstalking を含む動画: 287件 ページ目を表示
2025年3月7日 07時00分に生成された05時00分のデータです
2015-12-26 03:06:15投稿
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Guards appear as usual, wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody cares THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel anxiety.THEY draw first blood every day.階段を登ると、そこに警備員が現れます。どうして私のタイミングにあわせることができるのか仕組みはわかりません。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
えなにこれは いい画質してんねぇ! こいつがストーカーやんけ! いつも見てますよ!(糖質ファ...
2021-07-11 19:23:02投稿
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伝説の集団ストーカー被害者 super007tarzan (群馬県伊勢崎市在住、aiueo700とは関係ありません) と、千住警察職務質問の動画の人(埼玉県草加市在住)に憧れた、横野真史さん2012年動画です。糖質淫夢以前の糖質疑惑の人たち。監禁王子、キチガイヒッキーさんにも憧れてポスタル2 Postal 2 (体験版)をプレイしている様子です。唐澤貴洋wikiというサイトでの「甘芋」「統合失調症」というのは、彼が再現しているネット民にすぎないので本気にしても無意味でしょう。BNKRG姉貴のように猫を食べるようとするので、gato要素もあります。最後に「ではみなさん さらば」と言うので、クッキー☆要素もあります。
説明文 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE7i5omtdUQ を載せます。
職務質問 強要 職質 Anchoring Gangstalking HAARP spy stalker cat stalking cat 盗撮 殺し屋 キチガイ マジキチ 顛狂院 発狂 白痴 公務執行妨害 電磁波被害 在日 反日 警察官 警察 police cult 創価 創価学会 学会員 防犯パトロールおう、ワンワン鳴いてみろよ! こわい 凶暴 (核爆)すき 窓から住居に侵入! !? 草 ストーキングされる様な事してるからなんだよなぁ…
2015-05-12 21:09:08投稿
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Aircraft comes over me wherever I go.どこに行っても飛行機が飛んできます。
2015-05-19 14:46:07投稿
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Aircraft comes over me wherever I go.どこに行っても飛行機が飛んできます。
飛行機ぐらい自由に飛ばせてやれよ ?
2015-02-17 23:14:04投稿
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Policemen appear in front of me,when I come to Berlin station.
2015-12-26 02:15:02投稿
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Guards appear again, when I get off bullet train.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody cares THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel anxiety.THEY draw first blood every day.新幹線を降りると、再び警備員が現れます。どうして私のタイミングにあわせることができるのか仕組みはわかりません。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
2015-04-02 04:08:20投稿
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Ambulance appears in front of me wherever I go.どこに行っても救急車が現れます。
2015-02-17 21:03:26投稿
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I offered to exchange the ticket at Opéra station.
2015-12-26 03:00:43投稿
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Guards appear as usual, wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody cares THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel anxiety.THEY draw first blood every day.階段を登ると、そこに警備員が現れます。どうして私のタイミングにあわせることができるのか仕組みはわかりません。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
ごりほーも すにがぷ
2015-12-10 16:03:07投稿
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Delivery vehicles and police cars and policemen appear wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody care THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel abnomality.THEY draw first blood every day.どもに行っても配送者、警官、パトカーが現れます。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。警察システム・航空管制・社会インフラ・公共交通などです。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
2015-04-05 08:15:04投稿
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Aircrafts come over me wherever i go.どこに行っても飛行機が飛んできます。
2015-03-30 08:44:05投稿
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Ambulance appers in front of me wherever I go.どこに行っても救急車が現れます。
2015-12-10 15:57:06投稿
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Garbage men or trucks appear wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody care THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel abnomality.THEY draw first blood every day.どもに行っても清掃人や清掃車が現れます。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。警察システム・航空管制・社会インフラ・公共交通などです。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
2015-12-10 14:36:01投稿
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Fire trucks appear wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY set up timing.THEY draw first blood every day.どこに行っても消防車が現れます。My situation is like this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLauqDChQGshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7deHXgDYAgI want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, but only we can save the world.
2015-12-22 16:49:38投稿
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Police men appear as usual, wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody care THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel anxiety.THEY draw first blood every day.どこに行っても警官が現れます。どうして私のタイミングにあわせることができるのか仕組みはわかりません。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
警官と入れ替わるように増える通行人と客。ピケは万全です。 ふたを閉めたのを合図に発射...
2015-02-17 20:51:39投稿
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I offered to exchange the ticket.clerk exchage the ticket. But gate still doesn't open.I said clerk once again. French clerk get angry.He said 'I don't speak English'.Somebody kindly take me to inside with his ticket.Then policemens with arms appear in front of me.They direct incident around me.They make incident like this,finaly people injure others or kill themselves.mass shooting or teror is arranged by them.
2015-04-14 01:09:07投稿
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Aircraft comes over me when I go out from Mosque.モスクから出てくると飛行機が飛んできます。
2015-02-17 18:29:08投稿
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aircrafts come over me wherever I go
2015-12-10 16:28:09投稿
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Police cars and Guards appear wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody care THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel anxiety.THEY draw first blood every day.たった5分歩いただけで、パトカーや警備員が現れます。どうして私のタイミングにあわせることができるのか仕組みはわかりません。しかし、これが出来るということは、世界中で起こっている不幸な偶然のような事故は集団ストーカーの加害者により仕組まれたものであると考えられます。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
2015-12-10 16:35:05投稿
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When I go out from station, police car appear in front of me.Another police man accuses me from behind. It's a trap.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody care THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel anxiety.THEY draw first blood every day.駅を出るとパトカーがいたので、ビデオに撮っていると、後ろから警官が職務質問してきました。罠です。加害者により仕組まれたものであると考えられます。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.
2015-12-10 14:05:07投稿
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Police cars, policemen, Ambulances, delivery cars appear in front of me, wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY set up timing.どこに行ってもパトカー・警察官が現れます。My situation is like this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLauqDChQGshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7deHXgDYAgI want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.
2015-12-25 23:48:37投稿
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Helicopters, police cars, delivery vehicles and police's helicopters appear as usual, wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody cares THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel anxiety.THEY draw first blood every day.どこに行ってもヘリコプターやパトカーや配達車両やその上警察のヘリコプターが現れます。どうして私のタイミングにあわせることができるのか仕組みはわかりません。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
2015-02-17 17:02:41投稿
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at eiffel tower Air crafts come over me wherever I go.
2015-04-02 05:47:28投稿
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Ambulance appears in front of me wherever I go.どこに行っても救急車が現れます。
2015-02-18 00:15:16投稿
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Helicopter come over ime,wherever I go.
2015-03-24 22:55:17投稿
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Aircraft comes over me wherever I go.どこに行っても飛行機が飛んできます。
2015-12-26 01:09:41投稿
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Police cars appear as usual, wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody cares THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel anxiety.THEY draw first blood every day.どこに行ってもパトカーが現れます。どうして私のタイミングにあわせることができるのか仕組みはわかりません。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
2015-12-10 13:53:07投稿
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Police cars, policemen Ambulance appear in front of me, wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY set up timing.どこに行ってもパトカー・警察官が現れます。My situation is like this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLauqDChQGshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7deHXgDYAgI want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.
2015-12-22 01:33:06投稿
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When I am at a crossing, guards appear as usual.THEY set up timing. Nobody cares but me.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.交差点に来ると、いつものように警備員が現れます。どうして私のタイミングにあわせることができるのか仕組みはわかりません。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
今の電柱の落書きも仲間への合図でしょう!! 通行人の中にタイミングを指示しているのがい...
2015-12-22 16:14:28投稿
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Police men appear when I go out from building as usual.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody care THEM.建物から出ると警官が現れます。どうして私のタイミングにあわせることができるのか仕組みはわかりません。しかし、これが出来るということは、世界中で起こっている不幸な偶然のような事故は集団ストーカーの加害者により仕組まれたものであると考えられます。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
2015-12-10 01:43:03投稿
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Police car appears when I go out from shop.Delivery vehicles appear unnaturally, wherever I go.They grasp my scedule, so they can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.They set up timing.どこに行ってもパトカー・配達車両が現れます。My situation is like this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLauqDChQGshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7deHXgDYAgI want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.
2015-02-18 01:26:56投稿
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Police car appear in front of me,wherever I go.
2015-12-10 11:27:04投稿
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Guards appear in front of me, wherever I go.’They’ grasp my scedule, so they can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.They set up timing.どこに行っても警備員が現れます。My situation is like this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLauqDChQGshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7deHXgDYAgI want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.
2015-12-10 15:38:11投稿
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Pollicemen, Police cars, Guards appear wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody care THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel abnomality.THEY draw first blood every day.どもに行っても警官、パトカー、警備員が現れます。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。警察システム・航空管制・社会インフラ・公共交通などです。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
2015-02-17 18:08:53投稿
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at Versailles Rive Gauche station(near Versailles palace)fire trucks apper in front of me wherever I go.
2015-04-04 08:12:05投稿
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Aircraft comes over me wherever I go.どこに行っても飛行機が飛んできます。
2015-12-25 23:01:32投稿
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Helicopters appear as usual, when I go out from station.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody cares THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel anxiety.THEY draw first blood every day.駅から出るとヘリコプターが現れます。どうして私のタイミングにあわせることができるのか仕組みはわかりません。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
2015-12-10 13:49:06投稿
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Police cars, policemen Ambulance appear in front of me, wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY set up timing.どこに行ってもパトカー・警察官が現れます。My situation is like this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLauqDChQGshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7deHXgDYAgI want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.
2015-12-22 17:20:07投稿
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Guards appear as usual, when I go out from station.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody care THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel anxiety.THEY draw first blood every day.駅から出ると警備員が現れます。どうして私のタイミングにあわせることができるのか仕組みはわかりません。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
2015-03-22 23:11:15投稿
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Aircraft comes over me wherever I go.どこに行っても飛行機が飛んできます。
2015-12-10 14:20:30投稿
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When I enter stations or trains or museum or even on the road, announce say 'attention' all time.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY set up timing.THEY draw first blood every day.どこに行っても、注意しろ、とアナウンスが流れます。My situation is like this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLauqDChQGshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7deHXgDYAgI want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.
2015-12-10 00:55:08投稿
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Delivery vehicles appear unnaturally, wherever I go.They grasp my scedule, so they can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.They set up timing.どこに行っても配達車両が現れます。My situation is like this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLauqDChQGshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7deHXgDYAgI think WW1 is also outcome of gang stalking.Franz Ferdinand was assassinated at Sarajevo 28 June 1914.He escaped frome attack once, but he came back again.why? To visit victims? Even though he was accompanied with pregant wife?No, Never.Histry as we know is not true.They set up it.https://www.awesomestories.com/asset/view/Assassination-of-Archduke-Franz-Ferdinand0I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.
2015-12-10 00:50:21投稿
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Delivery vehicles appear unnaturally, wherever I go.They grasp my scedule, so they can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.They set up timing.どこに行っても配達車両が現れます。My situation is like this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLauqDChQGshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7deHXgDYAgI think WW1 is also outcome of gang stalking.Franz Ferdinand was assassinated at Sarajevo 28 June 1914.He escaped frome attack once, but he came back again.why? To visit victims? Even though he was accompanied with pregant wife?No, Never.Histry as we know is not true.They set up it.https://www.awesomestories.com/asset/view/Assassination-of-Archduke-Franz-Ferdinand0I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.
2015-02-17 23:32:20投稿
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When I came back to hotel,people suddenly gathered in front of hotel. Policemen also gathered in front hotel.
2015-02-17 21:44:07投稿
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garbage truck appers in front of me,wherever I go.
2015-12-10 15:03:07投稿
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Traffic accidents often occur when I get on trainsTHEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody care THEM.THEY set up timing.THEY draw first blood every day.列車に乗ると、周辺で列車のトラブルがよく起こります。集団ストーカーの加害者はすべての社会システムを操作できます。警察システム・航空管制・社会インフラ・公共交通などです。列車がたびたび止まるのは彼らによるものです。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
2015-12-10 16:41:07投稿
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Guards appear wherever I go.THEY grasp my scedule, so THEY can provide them wherever I go.The people in front of me have no malice definitely.THEY can control all of social systems.THEY are everywhere, so nobody care THEM.THEY set up timing. So only victims feel anxiety.THEY draw first blood every day.どこに行っても警備員が現れます。どうして私のタイミングにあわせることができるのか仕組みはわかりません。I want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.I'll end this crime.We are victims, therfore only we can save the world.集団ストーカーの被害者のみなさん、一緒に協力して立ち向かいましょう。連絡ください。
2015-12-09 22:23:07投稿
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Announce said 'be careful.'Guard appears at the elevator.They set up timing.Police men appear wherever I go.どこに行っても警備員・警察官が現れます。My situation is like thishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLauqDChQGshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7deHXgDYAgI want to help each other.Email me if you are a victim.
2015-03-21 03:00:05投稿
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Aircraft comes over me wherever I go.どこに行っても上空に飛行機が飛んできます。
2015-03-16 04:04:06投稿
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Police car appears in front of me on bridge.It is because there is no way out.どこへ行ってもパトカーが現れます。橋の上で現れます。逃げ道がないからです。必ず遭遇するからです。