キーワードneutrinoP を含む動画: 147件 ページ目を表示
2025年3月4日 07時00分に生成された05時00分のデータです
2019-01-13 14:58:02投稿
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On VOCALOTRACKS since February 5th, 2020: https://vocalotracks.ssw.co.jp/product.asp?ano=2732
Music, Instruments, Recording, Mastering, Motion Data, Video: neutrinoP
Lyrics: みこ (miko) http : //www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/32009779
Please enjoy.GUMI SUB にゃ~~~~~ にゃにゃにゃにゃにゃにゃにゃにゃ 「知」偏重から「知」「情」「体」の総合力へ。人材育成+評価の抜本的革新。教科横断・脱偏差値. 「知」偏重から「知」「情」「体」の総合力へ。人材育成+評価の抜本的革新。教科横断・脱偏差...
2019-04-15 09:20:01投稿
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Music: neutrinoP
Lyrics: JWard-L
GUMI MMD model: まままさん
Classroom Stage model: Maddoktor2
( https://www.deviantart.com/maddoktor2/art/DL-MMD-School-Classroom-2-Stage-668564360 )
Please enjoy! (^^)m(__)m 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 (ノ≧∀≦)ノ(〜^∇^)〜\(^ω^\)(ノ゜▽゜)ノ(ノ≧∀≦)ノ(〜^∇^)〜...
2013-03-06 11:59:32投稿
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モデ 更新した - http://www.mediafire.com/?hudvji7lyijg2ea Song - Neutrino Artist - NeutrinoP feat. Hatsune Miku Motion - mahlazer Camera - [H]estiaSama Model - Pikadude31451 (Me) Stage - TOUKO-P
クラウンでかいwwww 盆踊りいいな なんで盆踊りなのwwwwwww kirakira ぢさイ cooooooooooooooooooooooooool ...
2021-01-24 17:39:02投稿
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On VOCALOTRACKS: https://vocalotracks.ssw.co.jp/product.asp?ano=3169
Lyrics: JWard-L
Music, instruments, recording, programming, mastering, MMD: neutrinoPこしふりかわよ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
2011-12-06 22:08:16投稿
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私の最初っとオリジナル日本語の歌ー! music/video: apol mylist/29220815 http://twitter.com/apolxcore ●●● lyrics: EmpathP http://www.youtube.com/user/AkiGlancy ●●● illust: alice http://bit.ly/aliceDA ●●● Special thanks to NeutrinoP (Vocalekt Visions) for exporting GUMI extend●●● オフボーカル: http://bit.ly/PoisonDivide
どちてどちて GJ Love it you guys:D 辞書片手に日本語歌詞つけてるとか想像したら萌えるじゃない...
2018-07-30 16:49:04投稿
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桜乃そら sings KOTOKO's "Shooting Star" song.
Re-arranged and played on MONTAGE8
Please enjoy (^^)/なついなー うぽつ (°ω°) (^ω^) ever17の"そら"さんにかけているのだろうか… これは当然やりたくなるよねえ('A`)y-~ please.. comment and share. is not original, is my tri...
2012-12-24 20:38:45投稿
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Megpoid English β版を使用したデモです。公式HP 近日公開予定
日本語っぽいな 이곳니코동에당당히한글코멘트를남기는나. ㄴㄴ 발음도약간구리고 이거별론...
2019-07-23 00:18:06投稿
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Lyrics: JWard-L
Music: ... me (neutrinoP)
Enjoy!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ m(__)m m(__)m m(__)m * ・* * .♪** * …."∴¨* ・** .♪…." ∴¨* ** ・* * .♪** * …."∴¨* 可愛い あーあーあー あーあーあー あーあーあー あーあーあー [the...
2019-12-15 11:20:02投稿
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Rmember Vocalekt Visions
NeutrinoP might also disappear, you will forget about me.
This might be my farewell to you.
Credits in the video.Neutrino <3 この歌詞本当なのかな サウンド凄い うぽつ THANK YOU 可愛い 良かった いいな 綺麗 うぽつ 上手い かっこいい 888888888888 うぽつ 8888888888888888 コーラスがイイ ナイス うぽつです...
2020-08-29 10:55:02投稿
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Lyrics: JWard-L
Music, and everything else: neutrinoP
Not your usual cute pop, but as I promised, some progressive-metal with GUMI!
2013-01-08 09:09:30投稿
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2/28発売のMegpoid English デモ曲(セリフあり)です。
http://www.ssw.co.jp/products/vocal3/megpoid/products/english/index.htmlこれはイイ !? wktk wktk ほぼ人じゃねぇか!( ゜Д゜) ( ゜д゜)!? いい天使だ素晴らしい やばいこれは天使 ふぉぉぉお!!! gj Megpoid Voiceroid? Lyrics off Please wait... "hav...
2012-02-11 06:04:09投稿
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Lyrics: Tempo-P
Song: Tempo-P & neutrinoP
Pictures: のほほさん http://piapro.jp/otokogto
PV: neutrino
Vocalekt Visions (2012)くせになる 埋もれてる名曲・・・ いいわこの曲^^ ルッカルカでつかwwww おお。これも竜巻か ...
2011-12-22 13:16:16投稿
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Credits : VIDEO and ART: Sappokei http://sappokei.deviantart.com/ ... Lyrics: Tempo-P ... Song: neutrino ... © Vocalekt Visions 2011 http://www.vocalektvisions.com/ ... Buy VOCALOID3 CUL Downloadable version at https://www3.ssw.co.jp/dl_products/#vcl3w Official site! .... MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!! FULL HD version here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKP1TVYvK1c
GJ かわいい CUL!!! そうだったのか。。。 音ふっとー何が違うんだろう kawaii ★☆★☆...
2012-02-05 21:19:30投稿
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Lyrics: Tempo-P ... Song: Tempo-P & neutrinoP ... PV: neutrino ... Pictures: momong http://piapro.jp/t/O85k - 桜花舞 http://piapro.jp/t/ckyp
英語の歌詞で作ったほうが良かった予感w 埋もれてる GJ! いいぞいい感じだ というかこれ元が...
2019-06-22 03:05:02投稿
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On #VOCALOTRACKS since Feb.5, 2020: https://vocalotracks.ssw.co.jp/product.asp?ano=2735
Special request from a special friend.
Happy GUMI 10th Anniversary! and thank you for 10 beautiful years of cuteness and hope!おめでとう!! 買ったよ! 喋る~~~~ うぽつです おめでとう 8888888888888888888 うぽっ うぽつです ありがとうございました! 大好き! SO TOUCHED ウポッ\(´ω`)/ m(__)m GUMI GUMI
2011-07-05 18:21:28投稿
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FOR THE LYRICS, PLEASE VISIT MIKUBOOK.COMLyrics: Tempo-P; Composition, arrangements, playing instruments, frying one amplifier, programming, mixing, publishing: neutrinoP; Picture by 宵月秦さん; Hope this time it would sound better.... but I doubt it.... the encoders will ruin the sound for sure. So, true HD version here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfYtaYfP4uY ENJOY ~~~ ≧ω≦ ~~~ ♥♥♥ ... AMAZON: http://www.amazon.co.jp/Parallel-World-Miku-Vocaloid-Original/dp/B005IGDHGA/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1318885291&sr=8-2
職人さん歌詞かいて かわいい ありがとう。みんなに聴いて欲しい Lyrics on this version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbQTdjzV-4o 歌詞plz なにげにリン胸ないw 好きだよこの曲 い...
2011-10-29 09:32:07投稿
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Vocalekt Visions' first VOCALOID3 song!!!! ≧ω≦ Lyrics: Tempo-P ... Song, instruments, recording, mastering, programming, publishing: neutrinoP ... Picture: sakia http://piapro.jp/t/mq2n ... ENJOY !!! ~ ≧ω≦ ~ All 5 voices in a single one!!!! Full HD version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDIobzvwhA4 ^^ ... KARAOKE mp3 version: http://www.mediafire.com/?10ic6b8nuanf2p1
GJ いいな gjgjgj ALLALALALLALA いいいい GUMI いいね AWESOME88888888888888 Iknowthisguy!hereallyworkshard! stillnoth...
2018-07-26 11:41:03投稿
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The same instrumental used for previous, made with MONTAGE8.
First time using 桜乃そら NATURAL ! Is an excellent voice as expected! (only this neutrino needs to work more on his "skills"... hehe)
Please enjoy! This cover is finally completed!GJ きれいねー 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 うぽつ 御本人は余り歌唱力よろしくないのでw いい感じ よい GJ けっこう好き うぽつ 888888888888 綺麗な声 ダ...
2020-06-25 07:54:02投稿
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Everybody GUMIGUMI !!!
Lyrics: JWard-L
Music: neutrinoP
MMD Stage: Cosmindart https://www.deviantart.com/cosmindart/art/Gumball-Candy-Stage-345736445
Model: まままさん
Video: neutrinoP
Everybody GUMIGUMI !!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!ふくだしゃい 8888888888888888 うぽつ ❤️❤️GUMI GUMI ❤️❤️ ❤️❤️GUMI GUMI ❤️❤️ m(__)m
2013-09-07 22:28:18投稿
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The series of covers continues. This song is among my favorites! Please enjoy the cover!
Lyrics: Arimori Satomi
Composition: Satou Hidetoshi
Instruments, recording, programming, rearrangement: neutrinoP
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NZnxa3VGGIなにき… GJ!! このイントロ好きだわ〜 gj 調教いいな 888888888 GJ 1
2011-05-14 17:43:20投稿
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愛を誓います! こんにちはTempo-Pです。アメリカのサンフランシスコ州からボーカロイドやってるアメリカ人です!NeutrinoP とバンド組みませした!VOCALEKT VISIONSです! http://www.amazon.co.jp/Tuned-in-the-West/dp/B005IGDH9W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1318820681&sr=8-1 ////http://soundcloud.com/tempo-rarely////Facebook Fanpage もあります。www.facebook.com/TEMPRecordz/////コメント、フィードバック、メッセージ等宜しくお願いします。///Twitter = @Tempo_P
キラキラ・サウンド⭐️ テンポ良いな 三十路過ぎて結婚できない女が妄想爆裂、そして死><;...
2020-11-04 17:57:02投稿
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Music: neutrinoP
Lyrics: JWard-Lm(_ _)m GJ 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
2011-12-22 13:08:14投稿
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Lyrics: Tempo-P ... Song, intruments, recording, programming, mastering, video: neutrinoP ... ART by SHIVA http://shivatenshitan.deviantart.com ... Buy VOCALOID3 downloadable version at https://www3.ssw.co.jp/dl_products/#vcl3w Official site! FULL HD version here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Et1E-WbuXIw
88888888888888888 The uploader is Romanian. MP3買わせていただきました! w このカルかわいい これの絵はCUL?wなのか?www GJ GJ!! すごい ぜんいん いい音 おもしろい歌詞だなw wktk...
2012-06-04 10:07:35投稿
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Lyrics: Tempo-P ... Song and everything else: neutrinoP ... GUMI Model by ままま ... © Vocalekt Visions 2012 ... used GUMI Adult + Power combination
MMD・・・? 生硬だけど、切々たる思いが伝わってくる素晴らしい詩だと思います エルソにぴ...
2013-10-16 05:19:11投稿
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Please enjoy this revived song!
Thanks, 米倉 千尋さん !
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QvR5veCn8oなつかしい・・ 調教すごいな ボカロ4人混声ですか?GUMIとCULの感じしかしませんが? GJ! 懐かし...
2018-07-16 02:00:03投稿
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Recorded everything with MONTAGE8.
Used GUMIv3 Complete with VOCALOID5.
Please enjoy (^^)/可愛いな~ 3拍子で--- ダンスするが欲しい GJ なめらか 聞きやすい 素晴らしい 88888888888888888 88888888888888888888888888888888888888 GUMI! m(__)m 88888888888...
2013-10-23 23:35:14投稿
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Lyrics: Kentai-P ( www.kentai-p.de )
Music, instruments, recording, programming, mastering: neutrinoP
Voice: KaitoV3 COMPLETE
Youtube HD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJT2WbQOU34何故伸びぬ… 噂のドイツ人ボカロP? GJ! かっこ良かったですGJ GJ ストレートで心に響く かっ...
2013-06-24 06:48:46投稿
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On VOCALOTRACKS since October 2, 2013 http://vocalotracks.ssw.co.jp/us/
Music: neutrinoP
Lyrics: JWard-L and neutrinoP
Happy 4th anniversary, GUMI !!!
FullHD on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JqjoF_P8EI&feature=youtu.beGJ definitely a good one, not best, but good! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ かっこいい Burried again? oh no!... need more ...
2017-06-20 08:59:11投稿
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On VOCALOTRACKS since October 18, 2017
Music: neutrinoP
Lyrics: Kirara Seika http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/46542469
Art: はつねネガメ https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=39220188
Instruments played all on Montage8
Happy 8th Anniversary!(^^)/ この辺もいいな かわいい 888888888888888888888888 確かにいいね GJ! いいね 爽やかー レトロチックで好物 ここらへんいいな 8888888888888888888 good! 88888888 8888888...
2013-05-10 00:21:57投稿
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On VOCALOTRACKS since October 2, 2013 http://vocalotracks.ssw.co.jp/us/
Improved version: sm20930376
Music, lyrics, instruments, recording, programming, producing, publishing: neutrinoP
Art by: 黎 http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1243867
Instrument used: YAMAHA DGX505 - only, no guitars!
Enjoy, and thanks for listening!Updated! お疲れ様です Living at full, to not be sorry you didn't! Amazing message! GGJ !!!!!!! not commenting just to n...
2017-11-10 15:34:09投稿
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Music: 槇原敬之
Lyrics: 松本人志
Instruments played on YAMAHA MONTAGE8 by: neutrinoP
Re-arranged in F#: neutrinoP
Voice: GUMI (Megpoid) V3 © Internet.co.,Ltd
MMD Motion data: neutrinoP
Model: ままま
Model edit: neutrinoP
Snow FX: ChestNutScoop and BeamManP
Recording, mixing, voice editing, mastering: neutrinoP
Video: neutrinoP
Wishing you all Merry Christmas !!!
JASRAC 119-6504-5
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYzsvWZIQTs綺麗 8888888888888888 かわいい Snow effect and empression is good warm song いい雰囲気 メリクリ ありがとうございました!!! nice!!!!!!!!
2020-05-19 11:17:02投稿
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RE:UPLOAD - apologies m(__)m
Voices from the V2 era.
Instruments replayed on MONTAGE8
Lyrics: Tempo-P
I had to do this one too, to remember how easy I was composing 9 years ago...
Memories... memories... GOOD MEMORIES!
Previously encountered treble loss after encoding, reason for re-uploading.
-Original v2011 https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14933902GUMI ちゃんすきなひといる? きゃー!ぐみちゃん!!! イラストいい いいハーモニー 88888888888888888 うぽつ CDアルバムみたいな画像です。 RE:UPLOAD よろしくお願いします。 「Lyrics:Tempo-P」 Voc...
2016-05-12 23:46:36投稿
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Originally performed by: Sphere
Lyrics: Hata Aki
Music composition: Nijine
Music arrangement: Nijine
JASRAC 700-9477-2
Rearranged after original, played the instruments on YAMAHA DGX505, recorded, mixed and mastered: neutrinoP
Video: neutrinoP
Picture: 「あそびにいくヨ!」
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMU7aW_f8owit still wrecks havoc in my ears.. I like how it sounds! Was searching for chibi art to insert in the picture... no luck... あ...
2016-11-03 06:08:04投稿
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Played everything on YAMAHA DGX505
Written by Natsumi Tadano
Composed, Arranged by Takahiro Furuike
Originally performed by Yui Horie
Art by 瑞樹くりむ http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57592904
JASRAC 142-9372-2
Enjoy my tribute!想像以上に自然な歌声でいいですね 上手い m(__)m
2011-07-11 15:03:23投稿
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レモンアイスバー!こんにちはTempo-Pです。アメリカのサンフランシスコ州からボーカロイドやってるアメリカ人です!(2月までテンポラリー "Tempo-Rarely"でした w) 宜しくお願いします。ニコニコ動画以外にも音楽をアップしています。是非ご覧ください。http://web.me.com/tempo_p/Vocalekt_Visions/ ////http://soundcloud.com/tempo-rarely////Facebook Fanpage もあります。www.facebook.com/TEMPRecordz/////コメント、フィードバック、メッセージ等宜しくお願いします。///Twitter = @Tempo_P PV: Lukeru93曲:neutrinoP歌詞:Tempo-Pこの曲でRemix Contest やってます!参加してみて下さい!http://web.me.com/tempo_p/Vocalekt_Visions/Remix_Contest/Entries/2011/6/19_%E3%83%AA%E3%83%9F%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9%E3%80%80%E3%82%B3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%86%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88%E3%80%80%EF%BC%83%EF%BC%91.html
猫みみスイッチに似てる おうよ 外国人が作っても結構日本語だな もっと再生数増やそうじ...
2010-11-25 18:15:01投稿
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This is the second version, after removed the glitches and "chocking" (poor Kaito), added few voice interventions from Miki, and adopted a different approach for the general sound and scenario. I hope you will like this version as much as I do. I used Miku append soft and solid, Kaito has two stages too... And yes... In the background are singing Nekomura and Miki. Enjoy ≧ω≦ P.S.: Thanks my 2 dear friends from FB that helped and encouraged me to make this song. P.S.2: THANK YOU for all the wishes and for enjoying this song! MP3 FREE DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/?30puxp54lo83c96
いい曲だったなぁ いいと思う 優しい声です…好きになっちゃいました GJ GJ マスターとの別れ? あら 新感覚… すでに泣きそう A really good arrangement! やっぱ名曲だなあ、アレンジもいい感じ GJ! GJ おお、きれい...
2011-01-25 21:02:23投稿
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Unpolished version, but too beautiful to not share! This is the first time for me to make something like this, instrumental and voices in this genre. It was the hardest song to make in vocaloid until now, but I like this how it came out. ≧ω≦ The main voice is Nekomura Iroha, seconded in chorus by Luka, Gumi and Gakupo. I implemented few new features to Neko, and ... she started to feel a bit alive XDDD ... Enjoy my version, I hope the sound will preserve most of the quality ≧ω≦ For those who want the mp3: Mediafire link http://www.mediafire.com/?ahjextn7pdu3tpg
g thank you <3 ≧ω≦ Good Job! ?? don't get it... translators won't help either.... いろはmain 安室の曲か〜いい...
2011-07-05 15:03:22投稿
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パラレルワールド! こんにちはTempo-Pです。アメリカのサンフランシスコ州からボーカロイドやってるアメリカ人です!(2月までテンポラリー "Tempo-Rarely"でした w) ニコニコ動画では第43作目です。宜しくお願いします。ニコニコ動画以外にも音楽をアップしています。是非ご覧ください。http://web.me.com/tempo_p/Vocalekt_Visions/ ////http://soundcloud.com/tempo-rarely////Facebook Fanpage もあります。www.facebook.com/TEMPRecordz/////コメント、フィードバック、メッセージ等宜しくお願いします。///Twitter = @Tempo_P
オンンンw Good 普通にいい よかった!日本語うまいし、これからも頑張ってください! ええのう...
2013-10-18 15:51:31投稿
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All instruments played on my YAMAHA DGX505.
This indeed was really hard to play! But I'm happy! I brought back to life a song that I love.
Please ENJOY!
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vryPqMGjuVEなかなか良い for better sound please check the youtube link in the description. thanks 8888888888888888888 カバーと...
2011-07-26 15:12:33投稿
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Music/Remix: Aki(EmpathP), Vocaloid Conversion+Master: neutrinoP, English Vocal: Kenji-B(Nostraightanswer), オリジナル: nm7869327, Picture: BlackberryCake, Inst: http://www.mediafire.com/?zs8zw0090py3411 PLEASE ENJOY!
これはいいアレンジ 生声? ここ一番かっこいい GJ!!(^O^) いいなああ wktk gj GJ gj GJ ボーカルう...
2020-05-08 12:47:02投稿
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Originally released in 29 Oct 2011 https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16015912
Now I remembered it and played the new arrangement on MONTAGE8 ...
not perfect but this is how I can play these days...
I... HAD TO DO IT! Please enjoy.
Art: sakia http://piapro.jp/t/mq2n
P.S. Yes, I'm still IN LOVE with GUMI's voiceP.S. Yes, I'm still IN LOVE with GUMI's voice よろしくお願いします Vocal:GUMI Music Lyrics:neutrino I'm so in love with you v2020 季節が変...
2012-09-18 20:52:43投稿
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The very first complete Romanian Vocaloid song of mine! \(^o^)/ ... Song, lyrics, video: ©neutrino (me)... Lyrics theme idea by Wolf Neve (Citizen16) THANK YOU! for giving the idea on how to describe something from my own life! ... Picture : © くさりんごさん http://piapro.jp/t/6DKZ ... ©Vocalekt Visions ... If you haven't picked up the copy for our album, please buy it! : http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/neutrinopandtempop album link ... FullHD youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lz4TUqcfyQ
România 88888888888888888888 ニュートリノさんはすごい well... here I am! And I'm using Vocaloid since long time ago ^^ Ru...ma.ni.. an......
2016-08-30 09:52:09投稿
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On VOCALOTRACKS starting Oct. 26, 2016! http://vocalotracks.ssw.co.jp/product.asp?ano=1689
Music: neutrinoP
Lyrics: neutrinoP & Blank
Art by: NixieBlue ( a.k.a BlueFly )
Piapro: http://piapro.jp/t/JZrlhttps://soundcloud.com/vocalotracks/not-the-same-featgumineutrinop m(__)m
2018-07-21 17:18:02投稿
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First time tried Kaori.
I re-recorded the instruments with Montage8.
Please enjoy (^^)/88888888888888888 いい雰囲気 GJ 好き 8888888888888 いい流れ うぽっ 88888888888 ハーモニーがいい いい感じ きれい うぽつです ありがとうございますm(__)m
2011-09-08 16:09:35投稿
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Lyrics: Tempo-P Original composition: neutrinoP; Instruments play, recording, programming vsq, mixing, mastering, publishing: neutrinoP; Voices: Miku, Gumi, MikiBee; Pictures by こちさん (http://piapro.jp/silverlucifer); Vocalekt Visions (2011)... Hope that it will not lose all the quality after it's encoded... Enjoy! and THANK YOU !!! For better quality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVqHDNx_xVc
がんばって、伸びてほしいな 良いね 充分 ライブから~ これは良い曲! wow Good!! もっと評価さ...
2014-04-15 17:22:07投稿
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First song created with the new system!
Kokone is a Japanese voice bank. Is the second voice I'm making it to sing in Romanian (first one was GUMI)
KOKONE © Internet.co., Ltd.
Music and Lyrics: neutrinoP
Story help: Hikari Marina
English proofreading: JWard-L
Picture credit on the art itself
YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyKqxG49id4It's like 80's Hi-NRG 形式に乗ってるユーロビートだった…。 頑張ってるねw 何言ってるのかさっぱりわからないけど、いい気がするw good sound! ほう
2017-05-11 18:44:08投稿
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Music: neutrinoP
(First time composing, playing and recording on Montage 8 !!! )
Lyrics: JWard-L
Art: Gyicarus https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1848719
Enjoy!So cute pop song, nice work! かわいい upotu gj m(__)m お久しぶり
2011-05-26 14:43:01投稿
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Tatsumaki! こんにちはTempo-Pです。アメリカのサンフランシスコ州からボーカロイドやってるアメリカ人です!(2月までテンポラリー "Tempo-Rarely"でした w) ニコニコ動画では第34作目です。宜しくお願いします。ニコニコ動画以外にも音楽をアップしています。是非ご覧ください。http://web.me.com/tempo_p/Vocalekt_Visions/ ////http://soundcloud.com/tempo-rarely////Facebook Fanpage もあります。www.facebook.com/TEMPRecordz/////コメント、フィードバック、メッセージ等宜しくお願いします。///Twitter = @Tempo_P
♦_♦ 麻薬飲ませるなよw sm14579920 Luka version in English! don't worry, it's just a song, not a propaganda wwwww (...
2012-01-08 05:46:03投稿
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Music + Lyrics: Aki(EmpathP) | Mastering: neutrinoP | Picture: mx | 私の日本語はあまりよくないので、すみません
8888888888888888888 8888888888888888888888888 おおお wktk 88888888888888888888888888888888 個人的に名曲。もっと...
2013-09-08 03:25:01投稿
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Music: neutrinoP
Lyrics: Yann Stepienik
Art: curry pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=38249716
Please enjoy!
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLlvQYz6cvI
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/74014041Good :) いいね! GJ 明るくて元気でかわいい! 調教うまいな いいですねー \(^o^)/