キーワードniconico.comを含む動画:102件 ページ目を表示
2025年2月2日 07時07分に生成された05時00分のデータです
2011-08-24 04:23:36
「A Thousand Horizons」Message from LinkinPark9月9日に行われるイベント「A Thousand Horizons」。
Thousand Suns Tourでそれをファンに伝えてきました。そのTourのファイナルの地である日本で、
9月9日に東京ニコファーレで開催される“A Thousand Horizons”へご招待致します。
子供たちの生活保護を支援するMusic for Reliefへ寄付されます。
©LINKIN PARK + GOODSMILECOMPANY © 2011 Linkin Park Merchandising LLC0.0 かっけぇなおいww やべぇwww なんでLinkinの動画でシャナのタグが? マジで??? LP...
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2012-01-13 00:45:41
むしゃむしゃしてやった 今は反省してる海外でもミクさんが踊ってます sm13350648 ニコニコ台湾 niconico.com
おぃ・・・パンツ見えないぞとか言うなよまんま俺らじゃねーか 確かにお洒落だ Nya nya nya nya...
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2011-01-24 19:15:28
「ブラックジャックによろしく」をzipでうp! ~利用規約作成会議~ 1ニコニコ静画にて「ブラックジャックによろしく」をZIPで配布するにあたり、
利用規約を決定する会議 全3回(予定)を行います。
佐藤秀峰 (「ブラックジャックによろしく」原作者)
西村博之 (ニワンゴ取締役管理人)
深水英一郎 (ガジェット通信)
伴龍一郎 (ドワンゴ)
2 sm13686438皆声優しすぎだろw wwww wwwwww wwwwwwww まじかよwwwww wwww wwwwwwwwww wwwwww すごすぎ wwwwwwwwwww BANw それはGoogleに言えよ それなりにwwwww 。▲゜ テレビくん! 山賊 ...
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2011-10-09 22:53:39
2/3→sm15840231(飛びます)3/3→sm15841066,その他スコアボードの動画mylist/21681124←最左に誘導して寄せれば簡単だよ 赤の米粒が相当鬱陶しいよね なんて楽しそうに切り返すンだろココの巫女>< ミスかと思ったけどわざとか? 今のスキマなにw うますぎやろやっぱ・・・ めりこみwww 結界終わりの無敵使ったね この通常と咲夜めるぽがね・...
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2012-04-11 00:25:58
AGOの開封動画その64 戦国大戦AGOの開封動画64です。
お便りの宛先→ taisen1059@yahoo.co.jp
63回目sm17320367 65回目sm17925936 開封mylist/4551892
大戦マイリスト mylist/17474599 コミュニティもどうぞ!co264804
niconico.comってなんぞ???引きが上方修正ww うぽつ んんんんん ぎんちよかな ・・。 おおおおおおおおおおおおおおお...
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2010-07-08 05:48:58
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls (にやん~ 砂糖猫女の子) - Episode 1Created by SoapOpera46. Those tits nyan desu~ (2: sm11315317) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
音質悪くて草 ポップンにありそう This is the face of kush. GTFO JAPANESE FELLAS, THIS IS AN INFOHAZARD nice house oh rapetime SCHOOL HAMSAM f...
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2012-04-11 21:07:25
忙しくない人のための「ニコニコ動画流星群」本家様(sm2959233)Congratulation the 4th Anniversary Niconico douga Ryuuseigun!! ※Niconico.comとの同時投稿です。(なぜだよ)Δ組曲→(sm11233543)ΔAnniversaryでしたあああああホントごめんなさい
3週したらやみつきになり4週したら悟ります 忙しくない人のためのあんこ入りパスタライス さあはじまるよーーーー ウズウズするw チーターマン! やっぱりねw よし ここまで7分 おおお はよ次こぉい! 飛ばしたら負けだと思ってる ここなげぇw なんで...
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2009-12-25 13:47:57
【VOCALOID】 Project Voice - Episode 1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvVfvKF9oVQ"The Master" just bought a new Vocaloid character, Miku Hatsune! How will the vocaloids he already has, Meiko and Kaito, react to her? The first episode of the Vocaloid fanime... and the last because the animator uploaded it too early (audio was being redone) and the creator threw a hissy fit and decided to quit the project and possibly LEAVE YOUTUBE FOREVER as a result of the "backstabbing", as you do. VOCALOID AND THIS VIDEO ARE TOTALLY COPYRIGHTED BY JESSII ELLEDU, NOT YAMAHA! IT EVEN SAYS SO IN THAT DEAD LINK! DON'T STEAL! ("Song Stories" short: sm12507684) (More fanimes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
wut Where can I buy this song u gaiz THIS IS WHEN THE HENTAI STARTS O_o 0_O what they say what wwww ・・・ ?! Why does Kai...
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2011-02-23 19:07:45
「ブラックジャックによろしく」をzipでうp! ~利用規約作成会議~ 2ブラックジャックによろしく英訳プロジェクト特設ページ(英語)
佐藤秀峰 (「ブラックジャックによろしく」原作者)
西村博之 (ニワンゴ取締役管理人)
深水英一郎 (ガジェット通信)
伴龍一郎 (ドワンゴ)
1 sm13396327wwwww wwwwww wwwwwwwww あったけえ wwwwwww wwww おおお wwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwww wwwwwwwww いつものことだわな wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwww 優秀なニートよ集まれ
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2011-05-07 06:28:51
1章:sm14258091 2章:sm14218115 3章:sm14218449 4章:sm14232042 5章:sm14234038
6章:sm14246889 7章:sm14281862 9章:sm14446409 10章:sm15451006 11章:sm15853383
リスト:mylist/24986664 niconico.com用に本体の言語を英語に替えて再録したもの:mylist/28279753レギオン道場にはお世話になったわ 早い・・・ 今更ですけど、1章から8章までの、9章へのリ...
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2011-09-14 03:34:53
【リンキン・パーク】 Linkin Park at nicofarre 【ニコファーレ】つべより
この動画の中の海外からのコメントは http://live.niconico.com/ で同時放送されたため。
世界中からの日本へのコメントは 泣ける
1曲目 Iridescent 2曲目 The Messenger
ちなみに niconico.com(海外)でも同じタイミングで
「For those watching online,please send your messages.」
というコメントが運営からでてる。震災から6年頑張ってたのに、チェスター悲しいよ・・・ サンキューチェッス linkin parkと出会えてよかった この人たち被災地訪問したんだよね… LPLPLP!!!! コメント邪魔ww コメント読むのに必死になってたw やべえあ なちは 生で見...
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2011-11-08 21:51:01
至らぬ出来ですが、手前作成YMO/HMO関連一覧 mylist/25545803よく見るとJASRACの許諾番号が載っているんだよなぁ・・・たまげたなぁ ワールドツアーの未...
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2009-04-15 04:27:33
Nonsense World - Episode 1 1-2 (ナンセンス世界 - エピソード 1 1-2)Created by guilleru718. The views expressed on the chalkboards in the background are his, not mine. I'm not a pedophilic weeaboo like him. (Part 2-2: sm6754126) (More fanimes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
pictured: Arthur LESBIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN boobjiggle.wav waaah how come no one likes my ‘Lolicon Rulez!' anime the voice direct...
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2010-07-08 06:15:43
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls (にやん~ 砂糖猫女の子) - Episode 4Created by SoapOpera46. Fun in the sun desu~ (3: sm11315336) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
﷽ ﷽ ﷽ ﷽ ﷽ ﷽ ﷽ My pet cat is TERRIFIED DEPLOY LMAO The fuck? 私-なんてこった? whats the name of the song This epic momento WAILUIG!!!...
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2012-02-22 04:38:17
【天使 Tenshii】Departures~あなたに送る愛の歌~ 歌ってみた■ Anime: Guilty Crown ギルティクラウン■ Song: Departures~あなたに送る愛の歌~■ Composer: EGOIST■ Mixing|Mastering: Neionwa■ 詩、曲:EGOIST░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░Official Site: www.Tenshii.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tenshi/224731727559171ニコニコ動画COM: http://com.niconico.com/community/co1392109ラウンロドリンク: http://www.box.com/s/8iclnuolixkpr3g6dil7░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░バレンタインデースペシャル
優しい声だねー 一言一言が途切れ途切れになっててもったいない うまwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 1
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2012-08-31 10:21:12
【SeeU 】無音の声【VOCALOID3カバー】こんにちは、これは私のエントリのボーカロイド 3 記念コンテストです。私悪いの日本語は非常に残念、私は翻訳を使用しています。表紙のみVsq:Soffie101美術: kkuem元のビデオ: http://video.niconico.com/watch/sm4977896見ていただきありがとうございます
このイラストは公式なのか綺麗だね gj エフェクトをかけたらもっと良くなると思う GJ wktk
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2009-01-12 12:29:21
Elemental Goddess (女神-元素) - Episode 2The continuing adventures of sailor scouts in the Middle East. Also, Scatman. (1: sm3188600) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
Supermanthatdo. NoseofDipshit T_T EW. CHATTERBOXX! Wow,that'sit? It'stheRedShe-Hulk -_-; AMIRITE? Lotteriesarepro, SHUTUP! SO...
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2009-01-12 11:40:30
Elemental Goddess (女神-元素) 1 3/3You forgot the last part, Anon. (1/3: sm3188600, 2/3: sm3189264 2: sm5821816) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
crystal meth ;_________; ORIGINAL CONTENT DO NOT STEAL GAIZ :D
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2009-01-12 14:13:42
Care Bear Stars (ケアベアスターズ) - Episode 1The first episode of a more mature version of Care Bears featuring swearing, sexual humor, and magical boys and girls. Because that's what the original Care Bears was sorely missing, wasn't it? (Update: THIS WAS TOTALLY A PARODY AND NOT SERIOUS ALL ALONG! SERIOUSY, YOU GUYS!) (2: sm8746690) (Preview clips: sm6476781 sm6476946 sm6485311) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THANK GOD IT'S OVER KISS KISS KISS the hero we need but not what we deserve gay listen to...
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2009-01-12 11:01:35
Eternal Negima (エターナルネギま (永遠ネギま)) - Episode 1From the people who brought you Guilderland Mew Mew (sm3188660) comes... this. (QUALITY Version: sm11045548) (2: sm5831399) (QUALITY 2: sm12588259) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
Isn't the teacher like 10 years old? SHES MY BITCH NOW im not like other girls! im weird all these jojo references これは。。 wwww...
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2010-07-08 05:59:16
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls (にやん~ 砂糖猫女の子) - Episode 2Created by SoapOpera46. Hitoshi is kidnapped by a gay man. (1: sm11315279, 3: sm11315336) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
so many gaijins here I am convinced that this series is from an alternate universe OMEGALUL ABORTION ABORTION ABORTION ABORTI...
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2010-10-22 06:03:28
Yin Yang - Episode 1Created by animestrawberrykitty. As seen on Eternal Negima! In the highly anticipated first episode of Giraffe no Kokoro, Chiyoko acts like a god damn downer and meets 2 hot new twin transfer students to her class. (2 - sm15217185) (More fanimes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
本編あるとは思わなかったw なんだこれw hey that's pandora hearts's LACIE isn't it? =)) right. admittedly, thi...
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2010-05-12 05:53:40
Elemental Goddess (女神-元素) Special - Fundamentalism Power!Created by diamant88; Now all in one part! The goddesses fight 3 new enemies, each with the power of the 3 major religions. (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
allah akbar oh no what are you gonna do throw a bible at me she still hated the j00z though PRAISE THE LAWD BURN ALREADY Godd...
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2010-07-08 06:07:39
Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls (にやん~ 砂糖猫女の子) - Episode 3Created by SoapOpera46. There is freedom in this country. (2: sm11315317, 4: sm11315362) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
Foooooooooooo!!!! she's got 6 fingers omg full body spandex them boobs look like nut sacks F U N i cri this are sadder than u...
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2009-06-25 11:47:43
The Twinkle Girls - Episode 1This is the best fanime ever. Better than Tokyo Crystal Mew, better than Care Bear Stars, better than everything else on the MyList that I post a link to on every single video that I upload. Featuring voice acting by 4chan's creator, moot. (More fanimes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
SEX CHANGE NO JUTSU so kawaii :3 "TREAT HER NICELY" just not this song '-' oh god no DAYFUCKOO AAAAAAAAAAA WHAT IS THAT U can...
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2009-04-15 09:34:59
Nonsense World - Episode 1 2-2 (ナンセンス世界 - エピソード 1 2-2)Created by guilleru718. Continuing from Part 1. Again, I do not share the creator's views on the chalkboards. (Part 1-2: sm6753220) (2: sm8469976) (More fanimes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
non sequiturs are comedy gaiz HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA REFERENCE Jokes stolen by Arthur Gines SEXUAL HARASSMENT she suddenly got tr...
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2012-09-07 02:18:57
(追記)Q.スプライト回転でやれば? A.済
(追記)速度改善版を作ってたら「大量の文字列の演算で誤動作」バグに引っかかった・・・ 修正アップデートが来る頃には制作意欲は無くなっているだろうorz
投稿したプチコン系動画mylist/39783076オーエンww この曲は「U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか」 おつかれー 手がイカレそうだな この譜面...
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2010-11-11 16:17:59
The Animoe-Klub: 09/15/10Created by guilleru718/xNonsenseWorldx; opinions opinions opinions political opinions amerikkka sux japan rulez inception is an inferior hollywood ripoff of paprika the entire field of meteorology is useless because my house didn't get hit by a hurricane people who can actually get laid are WHORES omg lolis are hawt and i fapped while i animated this (More fanimes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
これくらいは訳せるようになりたいなぁ it not his fault :( best quality in the world ew +_+ KILLA yay! \(...
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2011-01-24 07:50:38
Large Bagel - Episode 1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPBbLCIyBco I intentionally picked that thumbnail and didn't put a Japanese title in to trick all of the elevens into watching this. I think the long wait was worth it, don't you? (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
the manga was better yes you are please die what you're a friggin donut what they're even imitating that chwan this isn't fun...
- 628
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2009-11-08 12:31:05
Care Bear Stars (ケアベアスターズ) - Episode 2Created by JCStars5; Yes, he finally got around to making it. Terry learns a bit more about his powers, gains some trilling star and heart thing, and there's something about fog. (Show was canceled. Also, IT WAS REALLY A PARODY ALL ALONG AND NOT TOTALLY SERIOUS! SERIOUSLY, YOU GUYS! (1: sm5822617) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
his hair has an F in it good night god it's finally here ;__; the END pushed against the glass lmao kids looking at each othe...
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2009-01-16 04:48:03
Gothic Fuzzles - Episode 1Created by InvaderChibi, as seen on Tokyo Crystal Mew! (2: sm5855361) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
2kawaii4u best animation maplestory nope.avi what the hell nice house this shit is still going SHUT UP is this fuck autistic?...
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2009-05-13 03:30:39
Eternal Negima (エターナルネギま (永遠ネギま)) - Episode 3In this episode, we meet the mean girls that make fun of Ashley in school. (2: sm5831399) (QUALITY 2: sm12588259) (4: sm11186277) (More fanimes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
何この動画怖い SHUTUPEMOCAT!NOBODYLIKESYOU! nowayBriana,I'mshittingonmyfriends! youcouldjoinwithourthreesome OHDESIIIIRE
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2009-05-31 03:56:44
Alter Ego (アルター・エゴ) - Episode 1Alternate Universe Team Rocket fights one-eyed poop monsters. (2: sm12104685) (More fanimes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
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2010-06-13 11:46:33
Bloody Mary MDD (ブラッディーマリー MDD) - Episode 1Swedish as fuck. Also, watermarks. (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
qualityprogram Thesexmustbemindblowing SOREAL GURRRLGOTSTOODUPBYHERPROMDATE *bishiesparkle* ANDIREGRETIT Iseveryonedeadyet? M...
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2009-01-13 05:29:59
Diamond Mew Mew (ダイアモンドミュウミュウ) - Episode 1Another MS Paint show based on Tokyo Mew Mew. Comparable to Tokyo Crystal Mew and Guilderland Mew Mew. (2: sm5831050) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
daynger ew,soheundressedher? hullosleephihaed noyoulookcrap LOL,hetookherclothesofftogetherchanged. Look,Ifoundthiswallet. Ci...
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2011-09-08 17:40:12
外国人の踊り子をニコ生に呼ぶ作戦「オペレーション・オドリコ」Niconico.com は今年にできたけど、会員は爆発的に増えている気がしない。海外のイベントにニコニコブースを出して、宣伝に力を入れているようではあるけれど。現在の外国人踊り手も、充実してきたところにあの騒動。まだ望みを捨てたわけではないが、あの子にはニコニコ大使になってもらいたかった(運営よろ)。「ケーキがなければ和菓子を食べればいいじゃない」わけにはいかない。日本人からの積極的な呼び掛けが必要だ。ニコ厨がくれた目眩く動画の数々の恩義に報いるため、外国人踊り手をニコ生に誘うための作戦が静かに開始された。
踊りが本気すぎw co1327741←みなさん、コミュに参加しましょう(^o^) お~激しい(^ω^) JPOPサミ...
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2012-10-30 19:45:41
【MMO+ニコ生】MikuMikuOnline Live - MMOTalk Test【国際放送編】lv110910600キャプチャ MikuMikuOnline Live Test (MMOTalk) Last program
10月08日ニコニコドットコム生放送 MMOTalk(旧バージョン)英語テスト
投稿MMD mylist/29943514台本なしリハなしでやったからgdgdでしたねw(投稿者 に、ニホンゴでおk? 1
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2009-10-10 10:34:11
Nonsense World - Episode 2 1-2 (ナンセンス世界 - エピソード 2 1-2)Created by guilleru718; I feel a little dirty for uploading this. I don't really want to give this guy another venue for his unfunny soapboxing. But you guys responded to the 1st episode, and it's good MST fodder. So have at it. (1: sm6753220)(2 2-2: sm8470307) (More fanimes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
find me one child who talks like this. any at all. NO MORE FINGERPOINTING you say a virgin made this? i'm shocked HAHA INCEST...
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2009-01-13 09:12:03
Guilderland Mew Mew (ギールダーランドミュウミュウ) - Episode 1 [REDUX!]Like Tokyo Crystal Mew, Guilderland raises from the ashes in a blaze of quality. Sort of. (Original: sm3188660, 2: sm5940925) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)See also: Eternal Negima, for the same thing but with a different anime. (sm5821197)
WHAT what plot orz 14 WTF JUST HAPPENED? IT'S US AGAINST THE WORLD ON HIA bimbo rod what is pacing?? i miss microsoft sam eed...
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2011-07-01 06:13:18
Fanime Openings - Volume 1 - B to LNearly 45 minutes of OPs for (mostly canceled) MS Paint animes spread across 2 videos that I grabbed at random from Youtube. (Volume 2 - sm15420362) (Volume 3 - sm16495844) (Volume 4 - sm16506948) (Volume 5 - sm16945897) (Volume 6 - sm17004754) (Volume 7 - sm17491026) (Volume 8 - sm17612079) (Volume 9 - sm17943393) (Volume 10 - sm19106092) (Volume 11 - sm19159214) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
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2009-12-15 10:32:01
Tokyo Internet Mew (東京インターネットミュウ) - Episode 1Uploaded by request from an Anon who posted on one of the Tokyo Crystal Mew videos (probably the creator herself, since this has very little views on YouTube). This looks like it's trying to be a parody of the 20,000 Tokyo Mew Mew fanimes out there. But it takes itself too seriously. Tokyo Moay Mew is better. (More fanimes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
reddit ↑Such mad what's this [...] O_0 really? mooky chins drawn by kyoani chanchanchanchanchan oh god she's looking right at...
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2009-01-12 13:08:13
Illusions Dreams - Episode 1Another MS Paint show (similar to Tokyo Crystal Mew) based on Sailor Moon. Featuring Sailor 4chan. (2: sm6736681) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
lol lol IT'S MOON REVENGE WOOOOOOOOOO- comic sans my blue haired friend eks dee not hahahahhaha XD MY MI COOZ MAY XD man voic...
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2012-09-01 22:07:39
早苗姉貴の樹上生活114 滝の地下迷宮9-9 MineCraft滝の地下迷宮9-9。
mylist/33313216 前 sm18731528 次 sm18775146
ああ~マインクラフトいいですねぇniconico.com への登録って、消えました?登録タグが5個に増えました。乙~ 持ちあげ落下式TTできるねw 許しません祭りw スケさんスポーン? 今日もいい天気で...
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2009-09-28 13:39:58
Alfea Chronicles (アルフェア·クロニクルズ) - Episode 1 - Part 1Created by AngelAiriz; It's a fanfic for an Italian series (Winx Club), created by Russians, set partially in Japan, and dubbed into English (from Russian). Personally, I want to see where this one goes. (More fanimes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
Yes. suchamany letsfuck shittracingsgalore woot Whatalongtitle.. TEAMROCKETISBLASTINGOFFAGAIN! lolfail nerd ARRGHHH.... facet...
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2009-10-10 11:27:56
Nonsense World - Episode 2 2-2 (ナンセンス世界 - エピソード 2 2-2)Created by guilleru718; I also hope this guy has no hand in the writing for that Vocaloid fanime he's doing the animation for. (2 1-2: sm8469976) (X-Mas special: sm9024517) (More fanimes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
god i hate this so much i feel sorry for the actors who had to say these terrible jokes suspect arthur got a boner over this ...
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2009-06-12 04:28:27
Moth and the Man - Episode 1, Part 1Created by TackyAnimationsX3 Apparently, a lot of people don't like the person who made this because she trolled some people, said that Guilderland Mew Mew sucks, and throws a fit whenever you criticize her. I don't know. There was an ED page about it. (More fanimes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
bitch stop monologuing over ur friend's voice y'all desc of his voice is golden ty the fact that this fanime has some sort of...
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2009-01-14 06:51:59
Superu Ground - Episode 1Something about a girl who can see spirits and 2 girls who want to kill her because she's possessed by black magic. I think... (2: sm5839661) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
Boooorrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnngggggggggg Is this a comedic scene? What's with the face? Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :D Sentient mo...
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2009-03-19 05:57:16
Care Bear Stars (ケアベアスターズ) - The Bear and the LionCreated by JCStars5. "Stringing recent machine thefts together lead the CBStars to believe that Coldheart is building something, and whatever it is, it can't be good. To top it all off, a mysterious group known as the Care Bear Cousin Stars have entered the scene, with powers similar to those of the Care Bear Stars themselves. But it seems they are not here to help them. And after catching Coldheart in the act of stealing from a toy factory, the two groups bump heads, and the professor escapes. Just who are these soldiers? Friends or foes? In the meantime, the Care Bear Stars continue to investigate Coldheart's thieving spree. Eventually, True Heart manages to track Coldheart to a highly advanced, military armed facility high in the mountains. In the endeavor to find out what's really going on and to get the jump on Coldheart, the Care Bear Stars form a plan and head out to the lab..." (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
youneedtoshutchoass OVER9000!!!! protagonistisadumbasstake19381 sniff ?! ohhhhhhhhh whyisthissogay ohno OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh ...
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2010-06-13 04:46:48
Eternal Negima (エターナルネギま (永遠ネギま)) - Episode 1 [REDUX!]This version has no karaoke, some new lines, lots of flips, a different commercial, and QUALITY! (Old 1: sm5821197) (2: sm5831399) (QUALITY 2: sm12588259) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
wut just what4 what it's already weird enough better than most They are right next to each other! They don't need to kamehame...
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2009-01-13 08:05:51
Eternal Negima (エターナルネギま (永遠ネギま)) - Episode 2This episode features karaoke and a catgirl named Cloud. (1: sm5821197 QUALITY 2: sm12588259 3: sm7030637) (More MS Paint animes: http://video.niconico.com/mylist/45)
RAPE!!! yea,shehasacameltoe! B'AAAWWWWW HELPING Eeeeh. Puppetz Bigdeal. Ialwayshelprandomstrangerswhomayormaynotbefurries. Ts...
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