キーワードtouhouprojectを含む動画:96件 ページ目を表示
2025年2月6日 07時07分に生成された05時00分のデータです
2021-10-29 17:46:03
学校の怪談、皆知ってるかな?この幽々子は絶対海難法師だわw 多分レミリアだね スエゾー まだまだ評価されるべき 不思議な魅力がある 蛮奇めちゃくちゃ凶暴そうwww こいつら絶対原作より強いだろ 広告から来ました この幽々子は人も食いそう ガブリンチョ! ここの文チル見てみた...
- 4,037
- 1042.6
- 822.0
- 621.5
2016-01-02 15:07:13
リランのZUN絵ができたよ!.touhouprojectメッモー☆キャラソン→sm27227725 本家様☆→sm26648800 次回予告→sm26694569 メッモー☆新作→sm27926929メッモー☆キャラソン→sm27227725
きしょい なんなん は? ポーズは似てる(KONAMI) ZUN絵じゃねえ! はい? は? ZUN絵の意味わかってる? え…… ZUNをバカにしてない? 草 腕どーなってんのwww きっしょ 性格悪くね?w ZUNより糞絵なのに良くそんな口叩けるなぁ...
- 2,152
- 371.7
- 10.0
- 10.0
2019-12-31 01:45:02
【東方MAD】記憶の風穴BGM:柚木梨沙 - 透明な記憶の風穴
- 1,758
- 00.0
- 30.2
- 90.5
2020-06-07 15:31:02
[ジョジョ] Stand Proud ~ 鬼形獸風光で断つ 定め 鎖のように連なる 絡み合うカルマ 時の砂を越えるジャーニー 男達は向かう 100年目の目覚めに呼ばれて そして集いしスターダスト 810は汚いw セラミックスだなぁ スタンド:セラミックス・ヒューマン(工芸合金人) リクエストは受け付...
- 1,346
- 151.1
- 90.7
- 80.6
2021-06-26 18:47:02
東方虹龍洞 - Where is that Bustling Marketplace ~ Immemorial Marketeers [MIDI]うぽつです! うぽつ
- 1,062
- 30.3
- 80.8
- 50.5
2021-03-26 03:10:02
Touhou - U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?- Piano & Choir「Temulen」画質神 あ^~いいっすね~ 乙
- 962
- 40.4
- 20.2
- 50.5
2021-05-31 15:44:02
東方虹龍洞 - Stars Falling on Tenma's Mountain - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/89906505
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Model D Close)
-Retrologue (Elite Lead)
-Electri6ity (Rickenbacker Amped)
-Retrologue (Elite lead)
-SD-90 (Warm SyHorn)
-SD-90 (Romantic Tp)
-Trilian (Gettin' Fonky On The Dance Floor)
-Trilian (TR-Code 106)
-GA5 (Elementics)
-Triebwerk (Drum Kit 6)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
MIDI link I do:
(In a short time)
Original composer: ZUN
- 946
- 10.1
- 30.3
- 10.1
2021-04-28 16:17:02
東方虹龍洞 - Banditry Technology - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88736506
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Model D Close)
-TG3 (Yamaha C7 Player)
-Electri6ity (Rickenbacker Amped)
-Retrologue (Compact Comp)
-SD-90 (Early Ens)
-SD-90 (St.Strings)
-SD-90 (Romantic Tp)
-Trilian (Hardcore Finger)
-GA5 (Elementics)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Karl2002
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
MIDI link I do: https://mega.nz/file/YexCVChZ#RsQH7JRf6mjwtPiNc68pGuBTD59A9XBYQg9_FLuECdc
Please, if you are going to use it, give me the corresponding credits, since it takes me several hours to make the MIDI)
Original composer: ZUN
- 855
- 10.1
- 20.2
- 00.0
2020-08-27 04:51:04
[フォールガイズ] ジェリーストーンを生き延びる ~ Survive the Fall原曲: ジェリーストーン / Survive the Fall
原作曲: ZUN / Jukio Kallio & Daniel Hagström
TG3 Model D Player
Retrologue Spooky Lead
Retrologue Rock Monster Saws
SD-90 St.Choir Aahs
HyperCanvas Bag Pipe
Electri6ity Les Paul P90 Amped
Electri6ity Stratocasters Amped
Trilian Retro 60's
GA5 Elementic
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DefteraGamingいいねぇ すき 思わず笑ってしまったww 思ったより親和性高くて草
- 810
- 50.6
- 40.5
- 20.2
2021-05-14 17:40:02
東方虹龍洞 - The Long Awaited Omagatoki - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/89702430
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Model D Close)
-World Instruments (Pan Flute Air)
-World Instruments (Ney Flute Air)
-SD-90 (Flute Vib)
-SD-90 (Enh.TenorSax)
-SD-90 (Sop.Sax Vib)
-SD-90 (Romantic Tp)
-Electri6ity (Rickenbacker Amped)
-Olympus Elements (Marcato Women)
-Trilian (Studio Brite - Full Range)
-GA5 (Elementics)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Karl2002
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
Original composer: ZUN
-------------------------------------------------------------------------すげぇ うぽつ
- 763
- 20.3
- 50.7
- 30.4
2020-08-06 08:11:02
Touhou 17 - Entrusting the World to Idols ~ Idolatrize World (Recreation) - [MIDI]cake
- 706
- 20.3
- 50.7
- 20.3
2021-05-14 16:44:02
東方虹龍洞 - Ore from the Age of the Gods - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/89626085
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Model D Close)
-Electri6ity (Rickenbacker Amped)
-SD-90 (Romantic Tp)
-Trilian (Retro 60's Mute - Full Range)
-GA5 (Elementics)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Karl2002
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
Original composer: ZUN
-------------------------------------------------------------------------すげ うぽつです!
- 667
- 50.7
- 20.3
- 10.1
2021-08-02 17:07:02
東方虹龍洞 - The Princess Who Slays Dragon Kings - [MIDI]●L●ノ ■`■ワ GJ ドラムいいね! うぽつ
- 632
- 60.9
- 101.6
- 30.5
2021-05-05 03:32:02
東方虹龍洞 - Obsolescent Industrial Remains - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/54796276
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Model D Close)
-RealGuitar Steel String (Steel String [7-STR])
-SD-90 (Flute vib)
-SD-90 (St.ChoirAahs)
-SD-90 (Sop. Sax vib)
-SD-90 (Romantic Tp)
-HALion Sonic (Ethnic Grain Flute)
-Trilian (Clean Fender - Full Range)
-Trilian (Electric Train Trip 1)
-GA5 (Elementics)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Karl2002
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
Original composer: ZUN
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 625
- 10.2
- 50.8
- 10.2
2021-10-14 14:09:02
凋叶棕「Insert Coin(s)」ピアノアレンジ(奉)↑訂正;Born Love Youでした。すみません Bom to Love Youやって欲しいです!
- 591
- 20.3
- 71.2
- 30.5
2021-03-03 11:08:02
Touhou 16 - Secret God Matara ~ Hidden Star in All Seasons (Arrangement) - [MIDI]すごい
- 590
- 50.8
- 50.8
- 10.2
2020-12-08 02:58:02
Touhou 16 - The Concealed Four Seasons (Arrangement) - [MIDI]- 590
- 30.5
- 20.3
- 20.3
2019-12-13 16:14:02
Touhou 16 - Crazy Backup Dancers V0.0 [MIDI]- 578
- 40.7
- 10.2
- 20.3
2024-01-08 04:34:02
【東方合同動画企画】魔理沙とアリスのクッキーKiss 【アラビア語吹き替え 】 Marisa and Alice's Cookie Kiss (arabic dub)コッコアーバンホーテン(迫真) 14年の時を経てついに中東にも輸出されたのか… なでにゃんなでなで キャラクターの声がイメージと違う ん? 字幕助かる 本家より上手い ん? 何で動いてるんですかね… ハスキー…エロいっ! アラビア語大外刈りすき えぇ...
- 569
- 193.3
- 162.8
- 00.0
2021-05-31 16:38:03
東方虹龍洞 - Lunar Rainbow - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/89803509
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Model D Close)
-TG3 (Model D Player)
-Retrologue (Poly Saws)
-Retrologue (Incense cone)
-Retrologue (Vintage PWM Strings)
-SD-90 (Flute.Vib)
-HALion Sonic ([GM 045] Tremolo Strings)
-Trilian (Hardcore Finger - Full Range)
-GA5 (Elementics)
-Triebwerk (Drum Kit 6)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
MIDI link I do: (Comming soon)
Original composer: ZUN
-------------------------------------------------------------------------おぉ 乙
- 549
- 30.5
- 30.5
- 10.2
2024-01-23 20:30:02
【東方】reimu reimu oo ee ooおぉ、原曲、、、! リボン揺れてたり細かいとこちゃんとしてるなぁ、、 凄い凝ってるなぁ。。。可愛い うぽつ! かわいいよー reimu!reimu! うぽつー ふも・・・
- 542
- 81.5
- 91.7
- 50.9
2020-02-29 11:29:02
Touhou 17 - Silent Beast Spirits (Arrangement) (Zunpets) [MIDI] - [Remaster]すごい 乙 うぽつ
- 534
- 30.6
- 30.6
- 00.0
2020-08-04 07:44:02
Touhou 15 - Pandemonic Planet (Arrangement - WBaWC Style) - [MIDI]- 500
- 30.6
- 10.2
- 20.4
2020-09-28 12:45:02
Touhou 17 - Unlocated Hell (Recreation) - [MIDI]うぽつ 乙 うぽつ
- 490
- 30.6
- 10.2
- 20.4
2022-05-21 04:52:02
他 Imovie
効果音ラボ 様使用
次の動画 sm40618625
前の動画 sm40240477
マイリス mylist/70779221
【pixiv】https://www.pixiv.net/users/29643592おつー うぽつー マジで? おつ かわいい うぽつです
- 478
- 61.3
- 10.2
- 20.4
2020-08-07 15:10:02
Touhou 16.5 - Nightmare Diary (Arrangement) (Zunpets) - [MIDI]- 474
- 20.4
- 10.2
- 30.6
2021-04-24 19:27:02
Touhou 15.5 - The Ground's Color is Yellow ~ Primrose - [MIDI]乙
- 467
- 10.2
- 30.6
- 00.0
2021-08-14 18:00:00
【Celtic Fantasy Arrange】上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea / Shanghai Scarlet Teahouse 【東方自作アレンジ】曲の中にオーエンをちょっと混ぜることで曲に動きを付けられる&オーエンアレンジを量産できることに気づいてしまった
From:東方紅魔郷 〜 the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
#上海紅茶館 #ケルト #民族風 #民族音楽 #東方Project #TouhouProject #TouhouArrange #Remix上海なのにケルト風味も合いますね よかった! いいねえ うぽつ いいですね
- 464
- 61.3
- 132.8
- 112.4
2021-08-02 15:54:02
東方虹龍洞 - A Fantastic Giant Underground Railway Network - [MIDI]原曲垂れ流しで草 すげえな うぽつ
- 430
- 51.2
- 102.3
- 30.7
2022-08-14 16:20:02
- 421
- 30.7
- 61.4
- 20.5
2021-11-29 23:43:02
【UTAU】Bad Apple!!【Boyfriend & "Girlfriend"】埋まってる… BFGF 完璧 おおお すげえええええ!? 可愛い! おぉ… 黒になれ! 全て変えるのなら 重い瞼を開けたのならば 全ての事もまだ知らないの 貴方の事も 私の事も 私の心、白く変われる? 悲しむならば 悲しむならば すべて壊すわ すべて...
- 383
- 8121.1
- 20.5
- 00.0
2021-04-27 18:01:02
Touhou 16 - Crazy Backup Dancers (Recreation) - [MIDI][In the video there are strong light changes that may cause discomfort to sensitive people]
Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/78039215
-TG3 (Model D Close)
-Retrologue (Plopper)
-SD-90 (Reed Romance)
-SD-90 (St.ChoirAahs)
-SD-90 (Romantic Tp)
-Trilian (Hardcore Finger - Full Range)
-Trilian (Retro 60's Mute - Full Range)
-GA5 (Elementics)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Karl2002
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
MIDI link I do: https://mega.nz/file/ITx2QC6R#KhbsKHMy_iMbw3xlWT5eqw7Tap0l_XNaa3pJeQKgVP8
Please, if you are going to use it, give me the corresponding credits, since it takes me several hours to make the MIDI)
Original composer: ZUN
- 380
- 10.3
- 30.8
- 20.5
2021-04-24 18:19:02
Touhou 16 - Illusionary White Traveler - [MIDI]- 368
- 00.0
- 30.8
- 10.3
2023-02-12 18:00:00
【Celtic Fantasy Arrange】千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon / Gensokyo Millennium【東方自作アレンジ】こういうアレンジ作るの結構久しぶりだったので若干手探りだったり、動画ソフトも変えてしまったので動画作るのも若干手探りだったりしました。
#千年幻想郷 #ケルト #民族風 #民族音楽 #東方Project #TouhouProject #TouhouArrange #Remixいいね いいねえ いいですね 出だしからもう好きと確信できる
- 364
- 61.6
- 143.8
- 30.8
2021-04-25 19:00:02
Touhou 16 - A Midsummer Fairy's Dream (Recreation) - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/77558365
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Yamaha C7 Close)
-Retrologue (Crystal Lake)
-SD-90 (Celtic Ens)
-SD-90 (St.Slow Str)
-SD-90 (Romantic Tp)
-Trilian (Atlas Sphere)
-GA5 (Elementics)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
MIDI link I do: https://mega.nz/file/FaIV2Cia#aeFcNwMlSwVXPggRi_Z5753mcPlt_nthFuL5LNyC1AU
(Please, if you are going to use it, give me the corresponding credits, since it takes me several hours to make the MIDI)
Original composer: ZUN
-------------------------------------------------------------------------雰囲気がちょっと変わるのかな?どっちにしてもすごいカッコいい! うぽつ
- 346
- 20.6
- 20.6
- 10.3
2021-04-27 19:34:02
東方虹龍洞 - Fortunate Kitten - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88736196
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Model D Close)
-TG3 (Yamaha C7 Player)
-Electri6ity (Rickenbacker Amped)
-Retrologue (Mantra Melody)
-Retrologue (Sid 64 Pulse)
-SD-90 (Reed Romance)
-SD-90 (Romantic Tp)
-Trilian (Electric Train Trip 1)
-Trilian (Retro 60's Mute - Full Range)
-GA5 (Elementics)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Karl2002
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
MIDI link I do: https://mega.nz/file/sW4QiJAY#3kqXL38SdVAhTmSh-z3gUhkraE18RBjb_ILrVoOfSWE
Please, if you are going to use it, give me the corresponding credits, since it takes me several hours to make the MIDI)
Original composer: ZUN
- 345
- 10.3
- 10.3
- 10.3
2020-01-01 15:44:02
Remilia Scarlet Speedpaint乙です うぽつ
- 340
- 133.8
- 20.6
- 30.9
2021-04-29 15:44:02
東方虹龍洞 - Smoking Dragon - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/89375846
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Model D Close)
-Retrologue (Hyper Saw)
-Retrologue (Follow Me)
-SD-90 (Romantic Tp)
-Electri6ity (Rickenbacker Amped)
-Trilian (Hardcore Finger - Full Range)
-GA5 (Elementics)
-GA5 (Dam Hard)
-GA5 (Drum&bass Kit)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Karl2002
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
MIDI link I do: https://mega.nz/file/BeoCkBZY#dzT34P8d21JQ22sh9j8hzsgzA6gF9U8vawrqF9Flxkw
Please, if you are going to use it, give me the corresponding credits, since it takes me several hours to make the MIDI)
Original composer: ZUN
--------------------------------------( 。'ω')y─┛ うぽつ
- 334
- 20.6
- 10.3
- 00.0
2020-02-01 16:50:02
Ultimate Truth 【東方 arange】うぽつ いちこめ
- 324
- 20.6
- 00.0
- 20.6
2021-04-26 04:20:02
Touhou 16 - The Colorless Wind on Youkai Mountain - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/73374985
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Yamaha C7 Player)
-Retrologue (Poly Pops)
-SD-90 (Fiddle)
-SD-90 (Fiddle&Oboe)
-SD-90 (The Leader)
-SD-90 (St.Strings)
-SD-90 (Romantic Tp)
-Trilian (TR-Minimoog Classic Resobass)
-GA5 (Elementics)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Karl2002
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
MIDI link I do: https://mega.nz/file/cOgCAb7b#t2m6HLvxTsiY2VMatac2nyo-QZPrL1XTInHc7J5ZiUY
Please, if you are going to use it, give me the corresponding credits, since it takes me several hours to make the MIDI)
Original composer: ZUN
------------------------------------- 292
- 00.0
- 10.3
- 00.0
2019-04-13 21:01:02
【東方自作アレンジ】FRACTCL 5th Anniversary Library (新譜告知)FRACTCLはサークル発足してから今年で5周年を迎えます。
2019年5月11日(土) 10:00〜開催
Web即売会「BOOTH Festival 東方Project オンリー回」
Touhou Project Game BGM Arrange
New Album PV
Album / FRACTCL 5th Anniversary Library (FRC-R005)
- Track List -
1. 夜のデンデラ野を逝く (FRACTCL Edit)
2. 夢消失 (FRACTCL Edit)
3. ボーダーオブライフ (FRACTCL Edit)
4. 永遠の春夢 (FRACTCL Edit)
5. レトロスペクティブ京都 (FRACTCL Edit)
6. ネクロファンタジア (FRACTCL Edit)
7. 風神少女 (FRACTCL Edit)
8. ハルトマンの妖怪少女 (FRACTCL Edit)
9. 天空のグリニッジ (FRACTCL Edit)
10. 霊知の太陽信仰 (FRACTCL Edit)- 282
- 00.0
- 00.0
- 20.7
2021-04-24 20:07:02
Touhou 16 - A Pair of Divine Beasts (Recreation) - [MIDI]GJ
- 268
- 10.4
- 31.1
- 00.0
2021-04-28 17:11:02
東方虹龍洞 - The Perpetual Snow of Komakusa Blossoms - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/89240355
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Model D Close)
-TG3 (Yamaha C7 Player)
-Realguitar Classic (12-String)
-SD-90 (Blow Tenor)
-SD-90 (ViennaWoods2)
-SD-90 (Romantic Tp)
-Trilian (Rock P-Bass Pick - Full Range)
-GA5 (Elementics)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Karl2002
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
MIDI link I do: https://mega.nz/file/FLpSmRQa#PntTpgirw92Gu21m9v_ScOncLv2i-6kfZVCGXR5TLHM
Please, if you are going to use it, give me the corresponding credits, since it takes me several hours to make the MIDI)
Original composer: ZUN
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2023-10-05 18:03:02
マスパ砲だ 面白かった うぽつー
- 252
- 31.2
- 93.6
- 10.4
2021-08-17 15:32:02
東方虹龍洞 - A Rainbow-Colored World - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91607078
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Model D Close)
-TG3 (Bösendorfer 290 Close)
-Electri6ity (Rickenbacker Amped)
-Olympus Choir Elements (Marcato Ah)
-Trilian (Hardcore Finger - Full Range)
-HALion Sonic [Triebwerk] (Beauty Pop Bell)
-HALion Sonic [Triebwerk] (Drum Kit 6)
-GA5 (Elementics)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
MIDI link I do: https://mega.nz/file/lHIygJoI#Q-8iGWRkHALCW78yx9UbwqJh8bFPz4B1yMSi3G_unUk
(Please, if you are going to use it, give me the corresponding credits, since it takes me several hours to make the MIDI)
Original composer: ZUN
-------------------------------------------------------------------------乙 うぽつ
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- 31.2
- 10.4
- 00.0
2022-03-18 08:32:02
魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました (初音ミクリミックス) (オリジナルのオーディオとビデオ)ニコニコ初期感半端ない ふわふわミク うぽつ 8888888 GJ おつおつ ちょw 昔作られた物ね おーリミックスとな うぽつ! なつい
- 247
- 5421.9
- 52.0
- 31.2
2024-11-17 10:06:04
20240903_FirstYukkuri自作イラスト https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/121959817 と初めての ゆっくり解説制作 霊夢と魔理沙のゆっくりボイスはデフォで入っています。 みょんちゃん(妖夢)の声を探してきて最後に「みょーん!」で締められ嬉しいです。 My illustration https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/121959817 together with my first Yukkuri Kaisetsu movie creation The Yukkuri voice of Reimu and Marisa is already equipped as a default. I have searched for the voice setting of Myonchan (Youmu): I am glad to end with "Myo~n". #touhou #touhouproject #ゆっくり解説 #東方project #東方
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- 00.0
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2022-03-16 20:56:02
【東方project】 ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処 "MinWor Remix" 【東方紺珠伝: 6面ボス】久々にBGMをRemixしました!!(一年ぶり以上)
今回は初めての東方project作品のBGM 東方紺珠伝: 6面ボス 純孤のテーマ ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処をRemixしました。
今後 東方project作品のBGMをRemixしていくと思います。
ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処. MinWor Remix【 東方紺珠伝: 6面ボス】
YouTube動画. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j12AAHtwt9M
音楽ソフト. Studio one 5 PRIME版
MIDIのCh編集. Domino
ピアノロール表記.MIDI Trail
Twitter. https://twitter.com/MINWORYT2022
Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/minwor_yt/?hl=ja
soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/minwor-anf
nikoniko. https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/85149115- 246
- 00.0
- 10.4
- 20.8
2021-04-26 02:55:04
Touhou 09 - Eastern Judgement in the Sixtieth Year ~ Fate of Sixty Years - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84742407
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Model D Close)
-Retrologue (Follow Me)
-Retrologue (Electric Eel)
-SD-90 (Drawbar Organ)
-SD-90 (St.Strings)
-SD-90 (Romantic Tp)
-HALion Sonic (Filter Flex Piano)
-HALion Sonic (Classic Piano FM)
-Trilian (SH-101 Blip)
-GA5 (Elementics)
-LM4-MarkII (Loop Kit)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Karl2002
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
MIDI link I do: https://mega.nz/file/4OQSVL7Y#2GTetETWadkmsDrQEFzc_rQsLyf863VvnRBuxU5cGEg
Please, if you are going to use it, give me the corresponding credits, since it takes me several hours to make the MIDI)
Original composer: ZUNうぽつ
- 234
- 10.4
- 00.0
- 10.4
2021-04-27 19:06:04
東方虹龍洞 - A Shower of Strange Occurrences - [MIDI]Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88653057
Midi display link (Midifall): https://gawehold.weebly.com/midifall.html
-TG3 (Model D Close)
-Retrologue (Mantra Melody)
-Retrologue (FM E-Piano)
-Retrologue (Glassy Bell)
-SD-90 (Bari.Sax Vib)
-SD-90 (Romantic Tp)
-Trilian (Rock P-Bass Pick - Full Range)
-Trilian (Hardcore Finger - Full Range)
-GA5 (Dam Hard)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Karl2002
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karl02022002
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVTRDb1tX-lDf2pvlj75Gw
NicoNico: https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/92886955
My server Discord: https://discord.gg/bytd8A2
MIDI link I do: https://mega.nz/file/VOp30YJA#Lvlxp1IHSeEPYF_E3cb9ifptbq8Vfu0OcM52HffVPQ4
Please, if you are going to use it, give me the corresponding credits, since it takes me several hours to make the MIDI)
Original composer: ZUN
- 231
- 10.4
- 10.4
- 00.0