キーワードvocaloid英語曲を含む動画:101件 ページ目を表示
2025年1月22日 07時04分に生成された05時00分のデータです
2023-11-17 20:05:00
Unclear / Mwk feat.初音ミクどうも、Mwkです。
- 特設サイト : https://wkwkmwk.com/acceleration/
- XFD : sm42914780
■ Credit
▶All : Mwk
■ Mwk
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/Mwk_094
- YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/Mwk_094
- Nicovideo : https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/13813006/series/67709
- Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/5VOCdksdWE53nxsxTEynVB?si=RVOzZ6utQtKGDx1ACMaaGg&nd=1
- Apple Music : https://music.apple.com/jp/artist/mwk/1437839651かっこいい 気持ちいい〜〜〜〜〜 かっけえ 英語だ! GJ うぽつ オシャレ clearよ 音くっきりだ うぽつです GJ ここ大好き よき うぽつ のっけから良き 88888888888888 88888888 ↑失礼しました ♪ いい感じ! ...
- 3,999
- 451.1
- 1684.2
- 751.9
2023-08-05 00:00:00
Tears of Right / 小春六花この曲はアルバム「BURN」に収録されています。
「Tears of Right」
Vocal:小春六花(SynthesizerV AI)
Chorus:夏色花梨(SynthesizerV AI)
Lyric writing assistance:Google翻訳先生
生きる君を照らす太陽へここ本当に大好きすぎます...‼‼ 日本語になるのいいなあああ 歌詞良すぎるううう
- 1,942
- 25713.2
- 22511.6
- 653.3
2023-11-02 22:00:00
My Life / 知声【無色透名祭Ⅱ】参加作品です。
応募番号: M2_0912suGoi 叫ぶ知声、栄養がありすぎる めちゃいい!!! 素晴らしい! !?!? あーーーーすき 888888888 鬱Pっぽいけど陽だから躁P? かっけーーーーー おおおお ギャップにやられる 今のいい ライブで聞きたい うぽつ かっこいいいい イ...
- 1,911
- 382.0
- 1548.1
- 844.4
2023-03-19 00:00:00
Candy Kiss -10th Anniv. Remix- / 環ネコ feat. 巡音ルカ『Candy Kiss』を投稿して10年が経ちました。
KAITO ver: sm41942228
Vocals: 巡音ルカV4X
Music: 環ネコ mylist/31962718
Lyrics: さはら mylist/9713208
Illustration: 雪駄 https://piapro.jp/settyaro
Movie: 環ネコ
#ボカコレ2023春REMIXよかった! 888888888888888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888888888 いいね いいね 好きだ 耳が幸せ… 癒やされる 好き 素晴らしい 好き エレガント✨ 素敵… 素敵だなぁあ~ いい...
- 1,698
- 613.6
- 704.1
- 291.7
2020-01-05 22:50:02
【Vocaloid / Cyber Songman / original】Electric ProstituteElectric Prostitute
I call an electric prostitute
I'm waiting for you in the room
I'm sure we have a rendezvous
A hideaway in a daydream
I guess you are behind the wall
I think I hear you knock the door
I guess you are behind the wall
You blew a kiss on my neck
There was a touch on my back
though I'm alone
My hologramic prostitute
eating only vegetables
I'm sure we made a rendezvous
You've got away with a daydreamディレイ綺麗 よかった!
- 1,551
- 20.1
- 20.1
- 30.2
2014-08-25 14:28:07
【MEIKO_English】 the song for tonight 【オリジナル】作詞* hayanoxxxさん
歌詞→ http://piapro.jp/t/fnH6
イラスト* 志和さん
作曲* うあじゃ
JAZZ/BOSSA/BLUES系→ mylist/44829184
ROCK系→ mylist/44829276
フォーク/昭和臭w系→ mylist/44829274
みんなのうたっぽい系→ mylist/44829273
Twitter→ @uaja98いい 昭和のムード歌謡っぽ おつ ここ好き>
- 1,311
- 171.3
- 00.0
- 231.8
2023-03-24 21:00:00
【初音ミク】スノードロップと明日への歌(英語ver.)+アルバム「カラフル・シンジケート」XFDJust a little bit longer, please
7th Hopeです
(2023/03/26) この曲を含むアルバム「カラフル・シンジケート」各サブスクより配信リリース!
→ https://nodee.net/a/uyj9zank
1.ニケとリリエンタール sm36584496
2.虹とバーガンディー sm40976430
4.クラウドナインの高度 〜silver lining〜 sm39067474
5.Almost Green sm35590671
6.帷子ノ辻で乗り換えて sm40358236
7.餞のロンド sm41584066
8.PGF 〜妄想彼女はフレンチトーストの夢を見た〜 sm33981877
9.環状線とレモネードの魔法 sm33168213
10.クロワッサンの想い出 sm33746430
Twitter: @7th_hope_1729
マイリスト: mylist/58568061
sm41584066 ←前作 次作→ sm42986402
リメイク版(2021/02/27投稿)→ sm38340188
原曲(2016/12/10投稿)→ sm30201631
ショコラさま、IMAGEさま、yanaki Junさま、p_philosophieさま、tuさま
カワイ タラ@ボーカル募集中さま、Tepes Draculeaさま、低音の魔術師さま、MisakiさまUPご苦労様 乙 888888888888888888888 おお! うぽつです うぽつ
- 1,284
- 312.4
- 251.9
- 40.3
2023-05-03 00:00:00
A Summer Song/初音ミクテーマはノスタルジーと愛です。
Twitter:https://twitter.com/bepe_frogいいねえ 888888888 爽快! 8888888 おおおお すごく好き 俺たちの青春! ギターいい かっこいいいいいい いいなぁ! ギターよき 映像もいい! 躍動感あるベースいいね! おお、気持ちいい!! おお、いいねぇ!! よき うぽつです 歌...
- 1,235
- 1129.1
- 967.8
- 241.9
2022-06-01 17:30:00
【夏色花梨】I Still Lie to Me (精神分裂症)【オリジナル】由乃です。
作詞、作曲、動画 : 由乃てゃん
■カラオケ : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2ssk3oqetpdvyot/AADpcTP9J3RcMpMSXAY5DiWta?dl=0
■YouTube : https://youtu.be/d7YCOvOOjDw
■歌ってみた : mylist/11344444
絵 : えりまき( https://twitter.com/erimak_i13 )Twitterから!めっちゃ歌いたい よかった! 素敵 イントロがエモい 888 かっこいい ここの音好き すごい すっげ!生きてる! うぽつです! うぽつ 88888888 88888888 88888888 88888888 88888888
- 1,159
- 242.1
- 363.1
- 151.3
2022-07-28 18:00:00
I'm Waiting for You / IA AI【無色透名祭】参加作品です。
https://site.nicovideo.jp/mushokutomeisai/88888888 このクラリネット?みたいな音色すき you~の残り方すき 8888888888888 メロディラインがいいですね 888888888888 Oh English いいっすね GJ いいわーもっかい聴こう よかったです! これでもかっ...
- 1,137
- 191.7
- 383.3
- 252.2
2020-01-23 01:26:02
[神威がくぽ] Cage [SawanoHiroyuki[nZk] Cover][ガンダムNT]
ChorusはメインはがくぽPower, コーラスlowがPower/Whisper, コーラスhiがVY1Soft/Natural
■作詞: Benjamin, mpi
■作曲: Hiroyuki Sawano
■カバー&アレンジ&動画: Charon@Lament Phonia (mylist/35802716)素晴らしい うぽつです~☆ うぽつです! 888888888888888888888 8888888888888 GJ!!
- 843
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- 00.0
- 80.9
2021-12-14 14:21:02
【Synthesizer V AI ANRI】Portrait 【公式デモ曲】「Synthesizer V AI ANRI」(英語)の公式デモ曲です。
□ 予約注文
Synthesizer V AI ANRI英語は12月11日公式開売。
作曲:Momo's Keys & Wasureru
作詞/編曲: Momo's Keys & Wasureru
調声 :Wasureru
ミックス:Momo's Keys & Wasureru
- 772
- 30.4
- 81.0
- 111.4
2023-11-02 22:00:00
Kingdom of World's End / 初音ミク, GUMI【無色透名祭Ⅱ】参加作品です。
応募番号: M2_3861良かった かっこよ! 英語曲すきよ
- 683
- 101.5
- 355.1
- 121.8
2022-10-08 00:00:48
intuitively / satoshi feat.鏡音リンオリジナル曲作りました。4曲目。
Vocal: 鏡音リン
Music: satoshi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/satopika025
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2PkAr2uQ7qSc6VstJaoXbw
https://www.nicovideo.jp/my/mylist/72060740よかった! GJ 絶対バンアパ好きやろ、好きだわ アンチェインみがあって素敵 かっこいい!おしゃれ! うぽつです もうちょっと伸びてもいいのになぁ うぽつー adoさんのマイリスから もう好き いかすううううう リズム隊、素敵すぎる。。。 カッケー
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- 172.6
- 487.2
- 243.6
2023-11-02 22:00:00
lyric respect of reminisce / GUMI【無色透名祭Ⅱ】参加作品です。
応募番号: M2_1913!? ナイスガイ好き 英語だ!?
- 645
- 50.8
- 335.1
- 50.8
2023-11-02 22:00:00
歩け / 初音ミク【無色透名祭Ⅱ】参加作品です。
応募番号: M2_3386かっこいい おっしゃれ~ ミクさんの英語だ 8888888
- 616
- 91.5
- 355.7
- 101.6
2014-05-07 03:11:14
【ミクV3・ルカ】 だからもう泣かない。 【オリジナル曲】M坊。と申します。綺麗な風景画とかっこいいミクルカさんの絵をお借りいたしましたので、ピアノ伴奏だけの単調な曲ですが、ご試聴頂ければ幸いです。お借りもの:綺麗な風景画、かっこいいミクルカさん。Latミクさん、Kioルカさん。
いいね ご試聴有難うございます。 いいねえ ふむ うぽつ 888888888888888888 うぽつー GJ!素敵でした うぽつー うぽつー よかった 背景、素敵な動画にご使用いただいてありがとうございます! よろしくお願いいたします。
- 578
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- 10.2
- 81.4
2021-05-16 14:21:02
「Sunflower」(VOCAL:CYBER SONGMAN)「Sunflower」
作詞・作曲・動画・絵:creator相如素敵な曲! CYBER SONGMANやったー いいね
- 441
- 30.7
- 61.4
- 20.5
2021-07-15 20:00:00
【初音ミク】If【オリジナル曲】ボカロオリジナル68曲目の夜明リトです( *・ω・)*_ _))ペコリ
Vo. 初音ミク
Music. 夜明リト @yyy_tspy @yyy_tspz mylist/55824889
Lyric&Movie. ねむり @nemuinemuri mylist/59497815
GtSolo. 残響rere @rere_sense
off https://piapro.jp/t/pI82よろしくお願いします。 「Vocal:初音ミク」 「If」 「Lyric&Movie:ねむり」 「Music:夜明リト」 うぽつです! 日本語英語な感じやね 88888888 GJ おつおつ ほーいいね Ifとな うぽつ! うぽつー オケも声も良い意...
- 431
- 337.7
- 204.6
- 51.2
2015-12-14 23:46:07
【Cyber Diva】24/7【VOCALOID Original】It's cool ! I enjoyed this song! Thank you! GJ GJ
- 387
- 41.0
- 10.3
- 143.6
2020-06-06 12:10:02
【オリジナル】Great Magicyoutube:https://youtu.be/4ZAwdln3nnk
Hello EPに収録されています。(¥0〜)
https://patyth.bandcamp.com/album/hello-ep素敵 88888888888888888888888 Gj うぽつー よかった! 88888888 gj レトロな感じもするのう 英語分からんけどええな おっ英語か 888888888 おつおつ GJ うぽつ! 1
- 352
- 154.3
- 10.3
- 61.7
2023-04-28 10:33:02
重音テト|FINAL NIGHT~One More Night~いい感じ! Great!
- 337
- 20.6
- 82.4
- 10.3
2020-07-12 01:19:02
【オリジナル】I KnowNo Thank You EPに(叫んでいないのが)収録されています。
01 Fifty Thousand sm37728386
02 Shall We Dance? sm37896983
03 No Thank You
04 Zombie Song
05 Interlude sm38077337
06 I Know sm37175543ジャンルは何だろう?インダストリアルかHIPHOPかな? むしゃくしゃしてry 歌:初音ミク 作詞作曲:Patyth Patyth 【オリジナル】 I Know エフェクトかけまくったか 88888888888 おつおつ GJ うぽつ! 3 ホワイト...
- 319
- 154.7
- 00.0
- 61.9
2022-04-29 19:00:00
Twilight - Miku English + Ungiftedエレクトロニカフォークソング
Music : Ungifted
illust : 江口「絵空事の世界」
mp3 → https://piapro.jp/t/fM_H
Off Vocal → https://piapro.jp/t/Vmvl
Twitter , Instagram →@18ungifted
mylist/72422013落ち着く曲調に声で良い やばいもうすき GJ すきだ Wow the song is amazing! I like it
- 310
- 92.9
- 92.9
- 41.3
2023-04-10 22:06:02
【Hatsune Miku】Electric Chair【VOCALOID Parody】つべhttps://youtu.be/mUmoly7sulYより輸入
Electric Chair Bitchみたいです。(おそらくサブタイトル?と思われます)
Electric Chair初めて知る方はsm26176037で予習してね★- 308
- 20.6
- 61.9
- 00.0
2022-06-15 13:08:02
【巡音ルカ】I'm not a little girl anymore「もう少女じゃないの-English」◆マイリストはこちらから
もう 少女じゃないの
Lyrics & Music : k
Illustration : ノーコピーライトガール 様
◆作詞、作曲、動画を担当しています。お~なんか素敵な世界! 明るいような切ないような… いい声 おしゃれだなあ…すき… すき ルカあああ〜 英語だ〜 うぽつです! うぽつ うぽつです! 英語版もいいですね! e GJ
- 287
- 134.5
- 155.2
- 20.7
2023-01-31 16:30:02
Become the Heroine! / らり feat. 鏡音リン夢の中から飛び出して求めるものを取りに来たんだよ。
第14回プロセカNEXT応募楽曲GJ いいじゃん… 8888888 元気もらえる感じする 良い〜! リンちゃんの声が元気で良い アルバムの好き曲! うぽつ!
- 274
- 103.6
- 196.9
- 72.6
2020-03-09 22:01:03
【Vocaloid / Yohioloid / original】It Will Rain, Let It Rain。
nice. GJ よかった! Hio!? nice!
- 257
- 41.6
- 00.0
- 41.6
2020-01-19 15:01:02
【Vocaloid / BIG AL / original】Life Is Not So LongThis is also one of my old songs.
Life Is Not So Long
Under the rainbow (B
I'm left alone in a bog (Dadd9
Give me a paddle (B
and power to row a boat (Dadd9
Quite a few days have passed by (C Bb A
So many people have passed away (C Bb A
Life is not so long (Dm79
too short to get what you want
Life is hopeless (Am
Is it well worth trying
Life is not so nice (Dm79
boring to live till the end
Life is heartless (Am
Is it well worth crying
for you (FM7 G FM7 G A
After the shadow
I'm left alone on the road
Race with a turtle
I lost my way to the goal
Quite a few days have passed by
So many people have passed away
Love is not so wrong
too fast to throw away
Love is holiness
truly well worth thriving
Love is not so bad
It's always required
Love is tenderness
truly well worth crying
for youPOP! Thx lyrics
- 242
- 20.8
- 00.0
- 10.4
2020-01-20 23:11:03
【初音ミク original】Fall Into VanityFall Into Vanity
Hello, are you okay?
If so, I feel the same
Can you believe in me always?
Hello, are you worried?
If so, I feel the same
Is it melancholy again?
Fall into vanity
Some kind of poverty
To live in liberty alone
Are you gonna be mad?
If so, I'll be insane
Did I do anything for you?
Are you gonna be sad?
If so, I'll be the same
Did I do something wrong to you?Big Void 「Fall Into Vanity」 「Fall lnto Vanity」 「よろしくお願いします。」 「Vocal:初音ミク」 「Music&Lyrics:Big Void」 gj うぽつ よかった! Good
- 224
- 104.5
- 00.0
- 10.4
2020-03-01 18:31:02
【Vocaloid / Amy / original】Free Like A TreeFree Like A Tree
Tonight, I'm waiting for you to smile
Tonight, waiting for the sun to shine
Tonight, we will be the lonely ones
tonight, tonight
I'm waiting for you to calm down
Don't be afraid of being alone
You should be proud of becoming old
We are free
like a tree
in the wind
Hoo hoo
Tonight, I'm waiting for time to fly
Tonight, waiting for your eyes to shine
Tonight, we will see the holy stars
tonight, tonight
I'm waiting for you to calm down
Don't be afraid of standing alone
You should be proud of becoming brown
We are free
like a tree
in the field
Too too
If I could embrace you
It's so tight, oh my
And open your hands
to gather the air
tonight, tonight- 214
- 00.0
- 10.5
- 31.4
2020-01-13 17:34:02
【Vocaloid / Sweet Ann / original】Over AgainOver Again
Stay stay by my side
Tonight lonely to die
Play play lullabies
Tonight dream me away
Over again
Once and again
Do much the same
Kiss me again
Remember days
once in a way
Be much the same
as olden days
Stay stay by my side
Tonight lonely to die
Play play with myself
Tonight I have no shame
Over again
Once and again
Do much the same
Whisper my name
Remember days
once in a way
Be much the same
as olden days
Over again
Take me awayよかった!
- 212
- 10.5
- 00.0
- 31.4
2020-02-15 14:17:02
【Vocaloid / Yohioloid / original】Deserted PeopleDeserted People
Deserted people
Deserted people yeah
What's up tomorrow
What's up tomorrow yeah
We can't be satisfied
with any compromise
We're going to decide to fight
Hazard the people
Hazard the people yeah
What's up tomorrow
What's up tomorrow yeah
Let your eyes open wide
We all are glorified >>>>>>>>>>>>>You all are glorified
We're going to decide to fight
What's up tomorrow
What's up tomorrow yeah
I changed the lyrics and the video a little bit.
The revised edition on my YouTube channel.ギターの感じすきです よかった!
- 211
- 20.9
- 00.0
- 10.5
2023-10-28 23:55:02
Passage/Chis-A [MV]こんにちは、さるまるです。
Remnants of the words
Shouted to the others
It's necessary
It's meaningless
It's necessary...? Then...
So that it's meaningless
Eyes burned by the light of hope
I hide myself in the night
I surrendered to the flow of inertia
Time flies
No one knows one's answer is
Time flies
No one knows one's answer is
- 209
- 10.5
- 104.8
- 21.0
2020-09-15 23:14:03
【Vocaloid / 初音ミク / original】Baby BoyHave you ever heard about the mystery
that's been kept away from the history
特別な人だから 教えてあげても良い
Maybe it's the first time, baby boy
Have you ever seen the blessed Virgin Mary
I'll keep praying for your recovery
大切な宝物 誰にも見せたくない
Maybe it's the last time, baby boyGJ 「歌:初音ミク」 「作詞作曲:Big Void」 「作詞作曲:Baby Boy」 「Baby Boy」 「Vocaloid Hatsune Miku」 Gj うぽつ ゆったりしてますなぁ これは英語ライブラリの日本語 メカメカしてますなぁ 88...
- 206
- 199.2
- 62.9
- 21.0
2020-01-04 19:17:02
【Vocaloid5 / Chris / original】Love Out Of SeasonLove Out Of Season
There is the silence for my every pretty thing
during the winter sleep
They seem all breathless while they're living underneath
dead leaves or mossy stones
Making love out of season
when the sun is cooling down
Fall in love without reason
when the moon is hanging out
Making love out of season
when the snow is coming down
Fall in love without reason
when the world is sleeping sound
but two of us
I'm gonna kiss you living in a lonely dream
after the winter sleep
I settled myself in a little wilderness
existing everywhere
Making love out of season
when the sun is cooling down
Fall in love without reason
when the moon is hanging out
Making love out of season
when the ghost is coming down
Fall in love without reason
when the world is sleeping sound
but two of usgj よかった!
- 203
- 21.0
- 00.0
- 10.5
2020-10-06 09:18:02
【Vocaloid / Cyber Songman / original】 She's Alive In Your HeadShe's Alive In Your Head
Here's the place of her death
Sleep in peace with no ache or pain
She's alive in your head
See her eyes look ahead
Hear the sound of the rain
Blue and grey on the windowpane
She remains in your bed
with the smell of her hair
Cheese and vegetables on a piece of bread
Loneliness begets awareness
But it's always too late
She's alive in your head
See her eyes look ahead
She remains in your bed
with the smell of her hairよかった!
- 202
- 31.5
- 21.0
- 31.5
2020-08-22 15:21:02
[GUMI オリジナル] Crossroads [Emily P]こんにちは!I hope you really enjoy the song, it's been a while in the making!
Let me know more about what you think, I love all of your feedback! ビデオを見てくれてありがとうございました!
Music, Movie: Emily. P
Art: Avanianda (commission them here: https://sketchmob.com/user-profile/avanianda/)
Vocaloid: Gumi English
Want to contact me?
@spiffy_3789 on Instagram (インスタ)
Twitter (ツイッター): https://twitter.com/LeleUtau
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/lele-utauIt's so good! GUMIさんの声が爽やかでいいですね GJ よかった!
- 199
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- 52.5
- 10.5
2020-01-08 23:03:02
【Vocaloid / YOHIOloid / original】An Aging Children's Breakaway叫んでいる声はVocaloidではありません。
An Aging Children's Breakaway
All of the children hid away
Domesticated rebelliousness
Forget what fathers and mothers said
You're trying hard
Gods love all bad friends of all the world
No matter what their color or race
Don't care how neighbors or strangers gaze
at your manners
I don't need TV or radio
I don't need blue jeans or magazines
as long as I feel whispers blowing in the air
as you used to do
as you used to do
An aging children's breakaway
No matter how rich or poor you are
Hang on to yourself if you are sure
of who you are
We don't need iPhones or hair irons
We don't need blue cheese or margarine
as long as there is sparkle flying in the air
as you used to be
as you used to beよかった!
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2020-08-22 14:55:02
【Vocaloid / Amy / original】熱中症熱中症
Let you know
Don't you know
No no no fever no no no
No no no river no no no
Ah wah ah wah ah wah ah wah
Believe in the sun(うちの会社では、おやつのアイス代は領収書があれば会社負担です) 休憩にはパピコやクーリッシュなど、ちゅうちゅう吸えるアイスを! 彼にさせてあげたい! 日よけの帽子や空調服、1時間毎の休憩と水分補給を…「 こんな現場で、こんな動きをしていたら、確かに...
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2023-09-28 16:40:03
Anyway You Want Rock'N'Roll feat. 初音ミクMusic: ウンターデンリンデン
Illustration: しめじ 様
#プロセカnextVoice: 初音ミク Illustration:Shimeji Music:UnterDenLinden Anyway You Want Rock'N'Roll かっこいい 爆スタート 🍒ウンター節いいね🍒 うぽつ
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2020-10-18 17:08:02
【Vocaloid / Cyber Songman】 Gimme Your Pumpkin Pie (original song)Gimme Your Pumpkin Pie
If you're next to me
in this Halloween
You will be a queen
I will be a beast
Put on a makeup
Disguise a sad face
Your pumpkin pie
Gimme your pumpkin pie
I need your sweet sweet...
It's a piece of cake
to fall into hell
You will live in peace
I will die of grief
Put on a costume
Disguise a bad dayあ、怪しい... GJ よかった!
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2020-09-11 19:00:02
【VOCALOID / Cyber Songman / original】Down At The Break Of DayDown At The Break Of Day
I went to bed
early yesterday
to forget all
to be just alone
It's hard to breathe
I had a bad dream
Nothing will change
Everything has changed
Who can I believe in
Who are you waiting for
Down down down down
Don't let me down
Down down down down
at the break of day
I took a walk
around the west coast
to get a clue
to forget the blues
There was the moon
above the lagoon
before the dawn
Everything was coldGJ よかった!
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2020-12-07 00:02:02
【Vocaloid / 初音ミク】 There Is No Smoke Around The Stove (original)There Is No Smoke Around The Stove
The winter rays affect my brain
Everything falls asleep
Everything's gonna freeze
Who raise a ghost above the stone
Who lay it down under the ground
You raise me up above the stars
You raise me up above the moon
My friends are lost into the frost
There is no smoke around the stove
The silver snakes inside their nest初音ミクEnglish使っている曲を何曲か聞いて、英語が不自然だなぁ…仕様なのかな?とよく感じていたけど、この方のはそう感じない! ありがとうございます。 「Vocal:初音ミク」 「Music&Lyrics:Big Void」 「There Is ...
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2020-05-08 19:57:02
【Vocaloid / original】Rescue MeVocaloid (Amy / Gackpoid / Yohioloid)
written (2010)
Vocaloid tuning (2020)
Rescue Me
Getting getting down down
Take me walking
Guessing guessing down down
You are my friend
Getting getting down down
Shine a light on me
all night
Rescue me
Rescue me
Rescue me
Rescue me
Getting getting down down
Shine a light on me
all night
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2023-10-16 12:54:02
Remnants of the words
Shouted to the others
Repeat it...
It's necessary
It's meaningless
It's necessary
then so that
It's meaningless
Eyes burned by the lights of hope
I hide myself in the nights
I surrenderd to the flow of inertia
Time flies
No one knows one's answer is
無色透名祭に応募するつもりで作っていた曲ですが、間に合いませんでした。うぽつです 一瞬テンポ落とすのかっこいい かっこよかった これぞオルタナ! よかった!
- 178
- 63.4
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- 42.2
2020-06-23 18:46:02
【Vocaloid / Sweet Ann / original】My Older LoveMy Older Love
Is this the end?
Kiss me again
Was that a game?
I'm in a maze
My older love
makes me weak
See my eyes
till I die
You were the reason to live my life
You were the reason why I smile
I want to see you now
and kiss me one more time
Unless you're by my side
I can't see the sun rise
Is this the end?
Is it too late?
Is this my fate?
Should I obey?
My older love
makes me weak
See my eyes
till I die
You are the reason to end my life
You are the reason why I cry
I want to tell you now
and call me one more time
Unless you're by my side
I can't see the sun riseうぽつ よかった!
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- 10.6
2020-02-11 20:34:02
【Vocaloid / AMY / original】There's No Future But Has The PastThere's No Future But Has The Past
Earth in dead silence
hears the sound of the stars pass away
It's a paradise
Everything looks so empty
I will be an astronomer who lives alone
Tens of thousands of years ago
Millions of stones
There's no future but has the past
Because I love you
I believe you will be happy
Ashes in darkness
see the light of the soul fly away
It's a suicide
Useless things out of envy
I will be a necromancer who uses bones
Tens of thousands of years ago
Millions of stones
There's no future but has the past
Because I love you
I will leave you to be happyベースの感じがすき いい雰囲気…。
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- 21.2
2021-02-01 17:37:02
【Vocaloid / Tonio, Sweet Ann / original】 Wish I Could Be Your SupermanWish I Could Be Your Superman
When you were sitting on a corner of your sick bed
having a bad headache
Then I looked at the sky
It was something special
I thought I saw an angel
I'm ready to go
and changing my clothes
I'm ready to go
I'll dress in a cloak
Wish I could be your Superman
I'd fly to your asylum
Wish I could be your Superman
Everyday and everywhere
You won't be scared
When you were standing by a window to take a breath
waiting for my e-mail
Then I looked at the stars to keep something secret
I thought I saw an objectちょうど頭部の口の周りにツバがベトベトに付いてしまってですね・・・・・・・ 頭の部分が滅茶苦茶欲しい動画 おお。調声うまい。 うぽつです よかった!
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2023-08-05 00:00:00
Palette feat. Chis-A(知声English) / PN POWER POP曲名『パレット』/ピーエヌパワーポップ
PN POWER POP (ピーエヌパワーポップ)です。
Chis-A (知声English)で洋楽っぽさ全開の曲にチャレンジしてみました。
Vocal :Chis-A (知声English)
Illustration :みづうり
Pretty clothes, make up face
I'm ready for the special day
Something good will happen thinking in my mind
Promise me you'll never fake
I wanna be your more than friend
I don't sell myself short even with you
I'm falling in love with you day by day
I find a new story, your story
more dramatic than starry night
Feels like walking on the sea
So many colors we can see
the palette our palette
can draw the sun in pouring rain
Tu tu lu lu lu lu...
A sea breeze makes you smile
You don't need to look around for our time
I just wanna have small talk and look at you
The habit of combing back hair
sometimes puff your little red cheeks
Happiness lies everywhere in front of meうぽつ 知声さんの英語もいいねえ
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